1893-1923 Questionnaire Please do not throw the following list into the waste-basket, nor simply forget it. We want our Class report to be interesting and accurate, which will be impossible unless you help by answering the questions. We know it is as bad as making out your Income Tax blank, but most of the information is of use to the College and all of it is interesting to '93! Mail This to Isabel Baker, 67a, Chestnut Street, Boston, Mass., by May 15 if possible. Name (maiden): Florence Rena Sabin Place of birth: Central City, Colorado. Entered from what town: Denver, Colorado. Prepared at what schools: Vermont Academy, Saxton's River, Vt. If married: No Husband's name and history including His College: occupation, title, Children, name of each, date of birth; have they gone to college or are they going, if so when and where? If they are married give name of husband or wife, place of residence, children's names and dates of birth. Give same information for any adopted ones. Your address for 1923: Johns Hopkins Medical School, Baltimore, Md. Permanent address: Johns Hopkins Medical School, Baltimore, Md. Your present occupation: Teaching -- Research What other jobs have you had? Degrees when and where obtained? B.S. Smith -- '93 -- Sc.D. Smith -- 1910 M.D. Johns Hopkins Medical School 1900 Graduate study other than that for a degree, when and where, what subjects? Studied about 3 months at the University of Freiburg -- about 1902 and 3 months at the University of Leipzig in 1913. Have you pursued individual research or professional work in any line? Yes -- Research in [ . . . ] Publications; give complete list of articles, books, or any publications or accomplishments in art, music, science, literature, etc. during the last 30 years. See separate sheet [END PAGE ONE] [BEGIN PAGE TWO] What services have you rendered to Smith College, as teacher, member of the Council, officer or on committee of Alumnae Association, Branch Association, Students Aid, Four Million Dollar Fund, (omit any contribution to same), Smith Unit committee, Class office or committee? Have you ever taught; subjects; types of schools; how long in each; your position? How many months of teaching in your life? Wolfe Hall -- De[ . . . ] -- Mathematics -- 2 yrs Smith College -- Zoology 1 yr John Hopkins Med. School -- Histology and Neurology 21 yrs Have you been engaged in administrative education such as principal or vice-principal of a school, superintendent, member of the School Board; how long on each? No Have you had connection with educational research such as the American Council on Education? No Have you ever served on the board or acted as trustee for public or private institutions? If so, when and where? Board of Managers, Bryn Mawr School Baltimore Have you ever been appointed to any committee by your town or city? If so, what? No Have you served on any political committee? On the League of Women Voters? No Are you a registered voter? Yes Have you voted? Yes For how many years? 2 years What volunteer work have you done; religious, philanthropic and social, such as Women's Clubs, Girl Scouts, etc., offices, committees, length of service, etc. Worked for suffrage and in the Social Hygiene Movement Your War work and that of husband, son, or daughter Taught in School for Nurses at Vassar College Travels; in what foreign countries have you been, including Canada; have you traveled in the U.S. to any extent? Europe four times Canada twice -- Sagany[?] Canadian Rockies California -- twice -- Yellowstone twice -- Grand Ca[ . . . ] Maine twice -- China and Japan -- [END PAGE TWO] [BEGIN PAGE THREE] What organizations do you belong to? Amer. Asso. Anatomists. Amer. Asso Advancement of Science. Amer. Asso [ . . . ] What special experiences have you had, on account of your husband's interests, such as travels, meeting famous people, etc.? Have you ever been in business? If so, what? No How much have you gained in weight since college days? What other disabilities of age have overtaken you? What compensations? About 45 lbs. Are you in Who's Who? Yes If none of these questions draws out the facts of your life, make up and answer your own! We want to know what you can do and what you have done, and we want your life history. Don't just say "I keep busy but I do nothing worth mentioning"; "keeping the home fires burning" is often the truest social service. For non-graduates. What year or years were you in Smith and what work did you take? (the college records are sometimes inaccurate.) One of my most interesting experiences was a trip to Peking, China as a guest to the opening of the Peking Union Medical School. Representatives of various branches of medicine from this country, England -- France, the Dutch East Indies, the Philippine Islands, Japan and the various medical schools [sic] and districts of China were united by the China Medical Board --