Dear Dr. Sabin: Greetings from Philadelphia. May I ask your careful consideration of the enclosed communication concerning our Committee on the Woman's Medical College of Pennsylvania? The continuance of this stronghold of medical women is threatened by the increasing economic pressure of today. As an outstanding medical teacher, I believe you are interested in this School of Medicine controlled by women physicians. Would you be willing to help the College by permitting me to add your name to the Committee as a representative of the State of New York? This would imply nothing arduous. Your willingness to act in an advisory capacity from time to time and your name on the Committee would be a tremendous contribution to this cause. I hope you will give the communication your sympathetic consideration and will decide figuratively speaking "to come over to Philadelphia to help us". With kindest regards, believe me, Sincerely yours, Catherine Macfarlane September 18, 1936 Special Committee on Woman's Medical College of Pennsylvania At the head of the list of "Opportunities for Medical Women" in America, stands the Woman's Medical College of Pennsylvania. This institution, founded in 1850, now occupies a beautiful new building on high ground overlooking the city at Henry Avenue and Abbotsford Road, Philadelphia. It is the only Medical College in America whose policy is made and controlled by women. Ten per cent of all the women studying medicine in this country are studying in this College. Ten per cent of the women physicians of America are graduates of this College. Sixty per cent of its teaching faculty are women. Nine of these women hold full professorial rank. The Professor of Physiology, Esther M. Creisheimer, came to the College from Minnesota. The Professor of Chemistry, Marian Fay, came from Texas. The Professor of Pediatrics, Emily Bacon, came from Johns Hopkins. The Professor of Pathology, Helen Ingleby, came from London. In the Year of Depression, 1935, the Council on Medical Education of the American Medical Association set out to raise the standard of Medical Education in this country. In order to meet their requirements for "An Acceptable Medical School", the Woman's Medical College was obliged to increase its annual expenses by $40,000.00. This obviously entails an increased endowment of $1,000,000. In order to raise this money, philanthropic individuals interested in medical women must be approached. Recognizing the vital importance of the Woman's Medical College to the women physicians of this country, the Medical Women's National Association in June 1935 voted for a Special Committee to cooperate with the College authorities in their approaching money-raising campaign. The Chairman of this Committee is Dr. Mary Riggs Noble. Two prominent women physicians from each state are being invited to serve on the Committee. They will be asked to suggest the names of people in their communities who are able and willing to give. They will also be asked to introduce representatives of the College to these prospective donors whenever possible. Catherine Macfarlane M.D. Pres.