June 24, 1927 My dear Doctor Flexner: I asked Miss Campbell to get the estimates from the printer on our colored plates before I left town. She included two papers of Doan and myself and the one of Kubie's, each with one colored plate. I am sorry to say the amount is rather large. Miss Campbell is going to get another estimate cutting down one color from Kubie's plate in order to make it as low as possible. I do not see how we could cut out a color from our two colored plates, one for each paper, without injuring the paper quite a little. On the 31st of May we had $490 left in our budget, and I think there will be certainly $450 left the last of June. Would it be possible to have our unexpected budget applied to the bill for the colored plates and the rest taken from our budge of next year? The colored plates mean so much to our work that I should be very happy to have it come out of our budget and economize on other things in order to make up. I hope very much that you will think that Kubie's paper has been improved and that you will like the one on the silver technique. I am leaving for Denver this morning. I hope very much you are having a pleasant vacation. Very sincerely yours,