Sept. 13, 1928. Dear Robert, I had a nice talk with Eileen last Friday evening. She took dinner with me at the Club and then we went to see Porgy. Shall be interested to hear how she enjoyed it. She seemed to me to be looking very well. I was much distressed to hear that you have not been so well this summer. You will have to go back to the old regime of really looking after yourself. Do you remember how careful you were last year after the war? Do let me know how you get along. I have at last traced the reference you asked for during the summer. I still haven't the perfect system of filing; had put the reference into the article from Denver during the summer and had not kept the Carbon. Finally in a letter I found the name, Levaditi and called up Hoeber the publisher and got the reference from my manuscript; that is to say Miss Trask did it for me. She is a wonder. The reference is Levaditi, C. Un Cas de Leucemie myelogene, Jour. Physiol. et de Path. Gen. 1901, 111, 424. It was a case of leukemia with a lot of basophiles and he used brilliant cresyl blue to study the granulations. It did not lead to any further use of vital staining however and so is just an isolated bit in the literature. There is another reference in the paper that may interest you, Campbell, D.H. The staining of living nuclei. Untersuchungen aus dem Tubinger Institute, 1886-1888, 11, 569. He is a member of the National Academy and after my paper there two years ago in which I had said that the staining of nuclei indicated a damage to cell he called my attention to his paper in which he had shown that the nuclei of certain plant cells could be stained with dahlia and other dyes and that no diminution of the motility of the cytoplasm, that is within the cell could be detected for many hours. It certainly shows that animal cells are much more sensitive. Again nothing further seems to have come from his observations. The stained nuclei also underwent division. I came back the 27th of August and my sister stayed with me a few days and then went on the Denver. We had a wonderful summer. Spain is a great experience in the way of art and in the way of history. I came back fired with zeal to learn something about history and spend all my spare time making out an outline of European history. The reason that Spain leads one to it is that the Great painters have made history live on the canvases of the Prado. I have ordered a little book of poems for you, one that Edward Sheldon gave me on account of some poems in it on the Prado. It will come soon and I'll send it on. Hope that you will like them. Have you seen a novel called The Sun also Rises? If not I'll loan you my copy. Two men told me that they thought it the greatest novel of the times but I think it's a book that men would like better than women. The technique is fine but I can't find the beauty in it. It's like the cubist painting. I'd like to know your reaction to it. Dr. White was just in for a few minutes. He will be back again in a week to go up to New Haven. He has had a good summer. Did I write to you that Cash is to spend the winter here in the laboratory instead of going to Vienna. We are to spend the first month writing up our last year's work and then go at it again. Do let me know how things are going with you, Cordially,