May 19, 1939 Dear Warren: Thank you for your telegram saying that information for next year's budget must be in New York by the 24th or 25th of May. I had just checked up on last year, and I have been working on the preparation of the budget. It will be sent by airmail on Monday, May 22nd. In thinking about the year's work I have been pleased with the progress made in our attack on the detail structure of simple substances related to proteins. Progress has not been rapid, however, because of the great amount of work involved in each structure determination, and we are now putting the laboratory in shape to permit a more efficient attack on the structure of these substances. I shall write to you in more detail about our plans next week. I have decided not to go to Europe this summer, largely because there is so much work going on in the laboratory and so many things that I want to do that I do not want to take the whole summer off. With best regards, I am Sincerely yours, Linus Pauling