March 20, 1940 Dear Alex: Helen and I are glad to hear that your little boy is getting along well. We wish that we were closer to Manchester or that Manchester were closer to Pasadena so that we could see him and you. Crellin has been developing not only physically but also with respect to personality until now he has the most well developed and definite opinions in the family. Last night we had Zechmeister at our house for a family dinner, and after we had touched wine glasses, Crellin insisted on touching his water glass to all the wine glasses. Zechmeister arrived about a week ago, bringing with him one assistant, Polgar. We expect that he will stay permanently. His wife was in such poor health that she could not make the trip, but she will probably be able to come over during the summer. We are glad to have Zechmeister here, and I am glad that you have good opinion of him. I have been working recently on the development of a new and detailed theory of antibody structure and antibody formation. Fortunately a Rockefeller Fellow, Dr. Dan Campbell, Assistant Professor of Immunology at Chicago, who had planned to spend a year in Europe, came here instead, and he is now beginning some experimental tests of the theory. I was started on the immunology problem two years ago by a two-day visit with Landsteiner, and I am going to see him Saturday night and talk with him about the theory. I am leaving for New York in a couple of hours, to attend a meeting of the Guggenheim Board of Selection. Our program of research in molecular structure is continuing to move along well. The electron diffraction technique is still being profitably applied and the x-ray studies of simple substances related to proteins are giving good results, although the work is hard and each structure determination takes a long time. The only contribution which we have made to the political situation is in connection with the "Union Now" movement. My wife and I are charter members of the local group and I have made a number of talks about it both here and in Oregon. With best regards, I am Sincerely yours, Linus Pauling