Hos Angeles Tints SERIES Pauling Will on Vitamin "Tue evidence shows that ascorbic acid decreases the average incidence - of the common cold..." so wrote: Dr. Linus Pauling in his book "Vita- min C and the Common Cold." A special telecast on the research done by Dr. Pauling and others on the properties and function of Vita- min C in human nutrition will be seen on "Viewpoint On Nutrition,” Sunday, Feb. 20, 7:30 a.m. over KABC-TV, Channel 7. The program. featuring Pauling, nutritionist and author Carlton Fredericks and motion picture star Eddie Albert will be repeated at a later date over KLAS-TYV in Las Vegas, WKRC in Cincinnati, WSBK in Boston, KOGO in San Diego, KTTV, KTLA, KBSC and other stations throughout the eountrs. The half-hour telecast delves into effectiveness of Vitamin C in rela- tionship to the common cold ‘as viewed by Pauling and Fredericks. Aftg carefully re-examining the evi- de.#e and conducting his own tests, Nobel Prize winner in chemistrv Pauling, found that when properly used Vitamin C (asborbi cacid) is _ thoroughly effective in both the pre- vention and the alleviation in the common cold and related diseases, Won Nobel Twice - Researcn has been the tool of Pauling in his many years as profes- sor of chemistry at Cal Tech and Stanford University. During these years he won two Nobel! Prizes (che- mistry, 1954; peace, 1962) and many other honors, degrees and awards. -- It was Albert Szent-Gyorgyi. a Hungarian investigator in the fields of physfologv and biochemistry, who discovered Vitamin C or ascorbic acid which has the chemical formula C6H806. He and other investigators succeeded iu fsolating the substance from plant tissues and from the ad- renal glands of animals. . a oe * 7 Se ERE EOE ART, TM EL Ty IRIN SMA Sun., Jan. 23, 1972—See. J J Linus Pauling, left, and Carlton Fredericks in television studio. Long hefore Vitamin C was linked te the common cold, its relationship ’ to the curing and prevention of scur- vy was established. Scurvy is a defi- ciency disease marked by failure of strength.. restlessness, exhaustion, sallow skin, ulcerating gums, fetid breath, tissue hemorrhages, pulmon- ary troubles and eventual death. ‘The pages of history reveal the high degree of scurvy in the beginning days of sea explorations. When Vas- co da Cama made his voyage of discovery of the sea route around Africa to India 100 of his crew of 160 died of scurvy. Fresh fruit and vege- tables were scarce in the diets of sailors of that era. Vegetables Gathered It wasn't until Capt. James Cook and his three great Pacific vovages during the perioc of 1763 to i780 that the value of fresh food became evident. Wherever the ships unde: his command reached shore as they traveled from England to Australia. he ordered the sailors to gathez fruits, vegetables, berries and yreen plants. Nettletons and wild Jeéks were boiled with wheat and served at breakfast. : On one trip Cook carried enough sauerkraut, which is a good source of Vitamin C, to give his sailgrs as much as two pounds of it a week. Not one sailor died of scurvy during Cook's three long Pacific voyager while at the same time crews of oth- er vessels, without fresh food, were being ravaged by scurvy. It wasn't fat 1911 that scurvy was disvoc- pred to be a deficiency disease—a Meficiency caused by lack of Vitamin € in the diet. Today scurvy, complicated by oth- ev deficiency diseases, is found :n Please Turn to Page 11, Col. t LINUS PAULING Continued from First Page ‘populations devastated by starvation and malnutri- tion, often as a result of poverty. An intake of about 10 milligrams per day of Vitamin Cis enough to provide protec- tion against scurvy for most people. Up to 10 Grams The optimum intake of ‘ascorbic acid, the daily amount of this food that is ‘essential for the best of ‘health, is not completely ‘known at this time. "It is. my opinion that for most — people the optimum daily intake is somewhere be- tween 250 mg and 10 grams," states Dr. Pauling “in his book. — "Part of the mechanism of protection against dis- ease is the destruction of bacteria by certain white cells in the blood, the phagocytes. In order to be effective in this way, the phagocytes must have a given concentration of as- corbie acid in them. This fact provides a partial ex- ; planation of the effective- ness in providing protec- tion against bacterial in- _ fections." In research by Pauling, ’ Fredericks and other nu- . tritionists, scientists and professional people, it has ‘been ascertained that Vi- tamin C is essential for the ; synthesis of collagen—a fi- ‘Prous protein - connective tissue which is responsible for the strength of blood vessel walls, bones, skin, teeth and other parts of *the body. A lack of ascor- tbie acid involves a defi-: ‘ciency of connective ‘tissue. The bleeding which appears in scurvy, for in- . stance, is a consequence of - this weakness in the inter- ‘cellular substance. Some Unknowns ~ The mechanism of the -effectiveness of Vitamin C ‘against viral infections, such as the common cold, is not completely known. at this time. "I have for- ‘mulated the hypothesis that effectiveness of ascor-; bie acid tn providing pro-' tection against virus dis-. eases results from its func- tion in the synthesis and activity of interon in pre- venting the entry of. virus particles into the cell,” * Pauling wrote. - ‘The common cold has a ‘devastating effect on Americans annually with millions of dollars being lost not only in wages as a result of being off the job but being spent on medi- -cations to reduce the phy- - sical discomfort of colds. Overeating of starches and sweets, insufficient rest, emotional tension, overex- posure to cold tempera- ‘tures and temperature va- ‘yiations, lack of essential amino acids, other nu- — -trients, certain minerals ‘and vitamins including Vi- tamin C may be contribu- ting causes to incidence of colds. - Vitamin C is described in medical literature as "vir- tually nontoxic." It is < food substance found in ci- trus foods such as oranges, _grapefruit, pineapples, le-- ‘mons, limes, tomatoes, and in green leafy vegetables — spinach, mustard greens, turnip greens as well as brusseil sprouts, as- paragus, cranberries and gooseberrles. _ The ascorbic acid in food is easily destroyed’ by cooking at high tempera- tures or too long. It is easi- ly oxidized and lost when orange or other citrus fruit juices are exposed to the air such as when a glass of juice is left uncov- ered and exposed to the Needed Daily Vitamin C is water solu- ble and is not stored in the body like other vitamins and nutrients; hence, for optimum health and resis- tance to colds and other infections, Vitamin C in the daily diet is recom- - mended by Pauling and other authorities including . the Food and Nutrition Board of the National Research Council. The daily diet should include at least a glass of citrus _ Juices, fresh if possible, servings of at least one . green leafy vegetable, steamed if possible, as well as raw salads of mixed greens plus protein in form of meat, fish, poul- _ try, dairy products, nuts or seeds, and whole fruit.. _ A balanced diet may pro- vide, depending upon the - quality of the food eaten | and choice of greens and juices, from 100 to 300 mg of ascorbic acid. "An investment in high Vitamin C intake is a prof- itable one," sums up Fre- dericks, "A deficiency car- . ries penalties which are ir- reversible." Vitamin C has been a fa- miliar item in health food stores for many years and it has been used in the form of supplements by millions ofAmericans. How much one needs of it daily is an individual mat- ter. Prof. Roger J. Wil- liams has stressed in many of his booxs that :t is un- likely that any one person is exactly the average ‘man. In considering the problem of protection against the common cold or other ailments we must recognize that people dif- _ fer from one another and so do their nutritional re-_ quirements. Since the modern diet includes such processed and cooked food it often contains less than the opti- mum amount of Vitamin C, according to Pauling who says "for most people it is advisable to include -additional Vitamin C in the diet." .