August 12, 1948 Gentlemen: The Headquarters of the Sixth Army has informed the Institute that the four individuals named in this letter together with the undersigned are to be awarded Medals of Merit for their services with the Office of Scientific Research and Development during the war. General Mark Clark and Admiral Bieri, Commandant of the Eleventh Naval District, are to come to the Institute to present these medals in person and possibly also present a number of Certificates of Merit to other members of the Institute staff. The date of Monday, October 4th, has been selected as suitable for General Clark and Admiral Bieri and it seems to be suitable from the point of view of the Institute. We are planning a ceremony to which students and staff of the Institute will invited, followed probably by an informal dinner at the Valley Hunt Club for General Clark and Admiral Bieri. This is to let you know of this impending occasion and to urge you to let nothing interfere with your being in Pasadena and present on this occasion. May I add also my own sincere congratulations on this award to each of you. Please let me know if you have any suggestions in regard to the arrangements for this occasion and please also be assured that you are free to invite any of your friends or relatives or associates whom you would like to have attend. Sincerely yours, L.A. DuBridge, President