February 13, 1977 Dear Dan, As we discussed in Miami, it would be interesting to check our substituted variant which contains solely unique host DNA (coded as CV1-1-P5 in Table 2 in Virology 73, 419, 1976) against your variant eV-1101. At the same time, it would be worthwhile reconfirming the homology between eV-1103 host sequences and those in our CVB-1-P4 or clonal derivative. Can we interest you in a small cooperative project on this? If so, then either we will send you the corresponding cRNA probes or, alternatively, you could send us a few filters, each containing [approximately] 1 [micro]gram of DNA from eV-1101 and eV-1103 (this would be easier from the point of view of the shipping). Let me know what you think. Best regards, Ernest [HANDWRITTEN NOTE: Dear Ernest, I would be happy to cooperate in comparing host sequences in the SV40 variants we have isolated. I think the easiest thing is to send you filter-bound DNA as you suggest. I have 1101 DNA but will need to prepare 1103. With best regards, S-D-N-]