STANFORD UNIVERSITY MEDICAL CENTER STANFORD, CALIFORNIA 94305 DEPARTMENT OF BIOCHEMISTRY PAUL BERG Jack, Lulu and Sam Willson Professor of Biochemistry February 6, 1978 Dear Dan, I believe now is a particularly opportune time for us to publish the letter stating our views regarding the need for recombinant DNA legislation. There seems to be a lullin the storm now and I think it would be better for us to have our say prior to, rather than in response to, a new flareup in the debate. Legislates and other government officials ap- pear to be indecisive and hesitant about whether and how to proceed with such efforts and here too our definite statement could be pivotal. With that in mind I have redrafted the letter from what we had all already agreed with last fall. There have been some changes but the message is the same: We believe we over- estimated the risks and based on what we now know we do not think we need any more than what we now have to ensure against any of the conjectured risks. Hence we do not favor legisla- tion but would rely on existing mechanisms and statutes to do the job! If you think a) the statement says what you believe; b) should be made public now; please let me know by telephone. If you have serious reservations about either say so. Basedon your responses we can determine what to do next. I favor going ahead as promptly as possible if we are to have any effect on the congressional decision-making process. Sincerely yours, Ja PB:a