The Gene Map of Homo sapiens: Status and Prospectus V.A. McKusick Division of Medical Genetics, Department of Medicine, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, Maryland 21205 HISTORICAL-METHODOLOGICAL INTRODUCTION The first gene to be mapped to a specific chromo- some in man—indeed, in any mammal—was that for color blindness, deduced to be on the X chromosome by E.B. Wilson at Columbia University in 1911. A few dozen other X-linked traits (e.g., hemophilia and Duchenne muscular dystrophy) were identified by characteristic pedigree pattern during the next 57 years before the first assignment of a gene to a specific hu- man autosome: Duffy blood group to chromosome 1 by Donahue and colleagues (1968) at Johns Hopkins University. They made the assignment by finding evi- dence of linkage between the Duffy locus and a hetero- morphism of chromosome | that was segregating in a Mendelian manner in Donahue’s family. Soon there- after, haptoglobin was assigned to chromosome 16 by linkage studies in families with inherited, balanced translocations involving 16 (Robson et al. 1969) and in families with a heritable “fragile site” on 16q (Magenis et al. 1970). About the same time, Weiss and Green (1967) showed the feasibility of assigning specific genes to specific chromosomes (or regions of chromosomes) by interspecies somatic cell hybridization (SCH) (e.g., fusion of cells from mouse and man), a method of ge- netic study called “parasexual” by Pontecorvo and “an alternative to sex” by Haldane. Between 1951, when the first successful autosomal assignment of a gene was achieved by the linkage method, and 1968, when the fruitful, alternative map- ping method of SCH was introduced, nine autosomal linkages in man (seven pairs, one triplet, and one four- some) had been established by family studies, but the specific autosome carrying each of the linkage groups was not known. For the linkage studies in man, special methods of analysis of pedigree data were necessary because it is not possible to design matings as can be done in experimental organisms. The sib-pair method of Penrose, for example, was used by Mohr in 1951 to establish the first autosomal linkage, that between Lu- theran blood group and secretor trait. The method of “lods” (log odds) was elaborated by C.A.B. Smith and The Appendix cited throughout this paper and found at the back of this volume is a late version of the Human Gene Map newsletter, which has been prepared periodically since 1973. Figures referred to in the text are found there, and the Tables with roman numerals are there as well, by Newton E. Morton in the 1940s and 1950s. Com- puter methods were started about 1960, by Renwick in particular. One of the most widely used programs for linkage analysis, LIPED, was introduced by Ott (1974, 1976, 1985). Although the potential usefulness of genetic linkage information to clinical medicine (e.g., in the recogni- tion of the carrier and preclinical states of Mendelian disorders) may have been commented on earlier, the earliest, clearest, and most specific statement of use of the linkage principle in prenatal diagnosis is probably that by Edwards in 1956. After it had been pointed out that sexing of the unborn infant is possible by studies of sex chromatin in amniocytes, obtained by amnio- centesis, Edwards (1956) suggested that, given close linkage of a testable marker, prenatal diagnosis of ge- netic disease in the fetus should be possible by study of amniotic material. As the concluding speaker at the Third International Birth Defects Congress at The Hague in 1969, I emphasized mapping the chromo- somes of man as a great exploration for the future that was bound to have important rewards in clinical med- icine (McKusick 1970). I used the close linkage of G6PD and classic hemophila (Boyer and Graham 1965) as an example of an opportunity for prenatal diagnosis. McCurdy et al. (1971) actually used this approach for hemophila. Others (e.g., Schrott et al. 1973) applied it to the prenatal diagnosis of myotonic dystrophy, using the linkage to secretor. By SCH, mutually potentiated by family linkage studies (FLS) of the type that assigned color blindness and Duffy, a veritable explosion of information on the human gene map occurred in the 1970s. By June 1976, at least one gene had been assigned to each of man’s 24 chromosomes —the 22 autosomes, the X, and the Y. The ability to identify uniquely each chromosome by its characteristic banding pattern, by methods devel- oped by Caspersson and his colleagues (1970a,b, 1971) and by others (Patil et al. 1971; Schned1 1971; Seabright 1971; Sumner et al. 1971), has been of fundamental im- portance to gene mapping. Not only could otherwise very similar chromosomes, such as those of the C group (nos. 6~12 + X), be individually identified by their stripes, even when intermingled with rodent chromo- somes in the hybrid cell, but also the composition of chromosomal rearrangements could often be deter- mined and genes could be mapped to specific bands. Banding methods applied to metaphase chromosomes Cold Spring Harbor Symposia on Quantitative Biology, Volume LI. ©1986 Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory 0-87969-052-6/86 $1.00 15 16 McKUSICK could demonstrate about 400 bands in the total karyo- type; high-resolution cytogenetics as developed by Yu- nis (1976) and others for application to extended chro- mosomes in prophase or prometaphase could demonstrate more than twice that number. In the latter half of the 1970s, the methods of molec- ular genetics were brought to bear on chromosome mapping — both the localization of genes to specific chromosomes or chromosome bands and molecular mapping down to the nucleotide level. Fundamental to progress in molecular genetics was the discovery, in 1970, of site-specific restriction endonucleases, restric- tion enzymes produced by bacteria to break down for- eign DNA. These enzymes became the scalpel for dis- secting the human genome. Cloning'of DNA segments (genes) in Escherichia coli came in 1972 (Watson and Tooze 1981). Southern (1975), then in Edinburgh, de- vised an elegant hybridization blot method for display- ing restriction fragments of DNA, now commonly called the Southern blot, capitalizing on the property of DNA to bind to nitrocellulose paper. By the technology of recombinant DNA (Watson et al. 1983), libraries of cloned DNA fragments from the entire human genome were prepared, a well-known one being that of Maniatis (Maniatis et al. 1978); these were genomic clones. With reverse transcriptase, comple- mentary, or copy, DNA (cDNA) clones of human genes were prepared from the corresponding messenger RNA (mRNA), first for the human (hemo)globin genes. Re- striction maps were prepared of the (hemo)globin gene regions. Recombinant DNA techniques made it almost as easy to identify and isolate specific human genes as it was to electrophorese abnormal hemoglobins or de- termine the peptide map of hemoglobins (“fingerprint- ing”). In 1977, two methods of DNA sequencing (Maxam and Gilbert 1977; Sanger et al. 1977) greatly facilitated mapping to the level of individual nucleo- tides. In 1981, the complete nucleotide sequence of the human mitochondrial chromosome —all 16,569 bp— was published by Sanger’s group (Anderson et al. 1981). The methods of molecular biology added powerfully ‘to the classic methods of FLS and SCH. Probes, either genomic or cDNA, provided by recombinant DNA technology, were used in combination with SCH for mapping by hybridization in solution (“Cot analysis’) (e.g., w- and 6-globin loci were assigned to 16p and Ip, respectively; Deisseroth et al. 1977, 1978) or by South- ern blot analysis of DNA from somatic cell hybrids. A great advantage was that the gene under study did not need to be expressed in the cultured cell. Essentially, any gene for which a probe was available could be mapped. Molecular genetics also provided new markers for FLS; as a result, such studies have enjoyed a renais- sance (White et al. 1985). The new markers were not polymorphisms of the gene product but rather of the genetic material itself, i.e., variations in nucleotide se- quence. Kan and Dozy (1978), using Hpal (for He- mophilus parainfluenzae) restriction enzyme, discov- ered the first human DNA polymorphism, located on the 3’ (“downstream”) side of the B-globin gene. They, as well as Kurnit (1979) and Solomon and Bodmer (1979), pointed out the potentially great usefulness of DNA polymorphisms as markers for linkage studies. Botstein et al. (1980) suggested that restriction-frag- ment-length polymorphisms! (RFLPs; sometimes pro- nounced “riflips”) as revealed by Southern blots could be used for complete mapping of the human genome. The first polymorphism that was demonstrated in an arbitrary or anonymous (function-unknown) segment of DNA was that of Wyman and White (1980), which was subsequently shown (Balazs et al. 1982; De- Martinville et al. 1982) to be situated at the end of the long arm of chromosome 14 between the a-l-antitryp- sin locus and the immunoglobin heavy-chain loci. Demonstration of multiple restriction polymorphisms in a segment of the genome to create a haplotype use- ful in FLS was the work of Kazazian, Orkin, and their colleagues at Johns Hopkins and Harvard, among oth- ers, who used the method in the DNA diagnosis of the thalassemias. The clinical usefulness of linkage using RFLPs as markers was dramatically demonstrated by the mapping of Huntington’s disease by Gusella et al. (1983), of adult polycystic kidney disease by Reeders et al. (1985), and of cystic fibrosis by several groups in late 1985. In all three of these disorders, possibilities for diagnosis and understanding were opened up, as will be elaborated upon later in this review. In recent times (mainly since 1980), direct methods of human chromosome mapping have been added to our armamentarium: (1) in situ hybridization of radio- labeled (or immunofluorescence-labeled) DNA se- quences (“probes”), generated by recombinant DNA techniques, directly to spreads of chromosomes to identify the site of that piece of DNA (“gene”) on the chromosome (Gerhard et al. 1981; Harper et al. 1981; Szabo and Ward 1982); and (2) fluorescence-activated sorting of chromosomes (e.g, Young et al. 1981) fol- lowed by application of molecular techniques to deter- mine the gene content of the isolated chromosomes. Meanwhile, fine mapping of segments of DNA up to lengths of 50-60 kb or more and down to the level of individual nucleotides has been advancing through the application of recombinant DNA technology, restric- tion endonucleases, and DNA sequencing. The first and perhaps the best example in man is the mapping of the 50-kb segment of the short arm of chromosome II that contains five genes for 8-globin and the -like glo- bins of hemoglobins. Such fine-mapping studies re- vealed an “unexpected complexity of eukaryotic genes” (Watson et al. 1983). Although the phenotype associated with most chro- mosomal aberrations is relatively uninformative as to the precise gene content of the chromosomes involved (Lewandowski and Yunis 1977), with the improved res- 1A.C. Wilson (pers. comm.) objects to the designation restriction- fragment-length polymorphism, introduced by Botstein (1980), be- cause of confusion with one general class of mutants, i.e., length mu- tants as opposed to substitutions and rearrangements. THE HUMAN GENE MAP 17 olution provided by the banding methods small dele- tions and other aberrations were found to be associ- ated with specific phenotypes, especially tumors (e.g., retinoblastoma and Wilm’s tumor), but also malfor- mation syndromes such as the Prader-Willi syndrome, the Langer-Giedion syndrome, the Miller-Dieker lis- sencephaly syndrome, and the Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome. The improved methods for studying the chromosomes involved in rearrangements and molecu- lar genetic methods for demonstrating and mapping oncogenes combined to greatly further the understand- ing of cancer, including particularly hematologic ma- lignancies (Mitelmann 1983; Yunis 1983). The four commingling methodologic streams in the chromosome-mapping field—linkage, chromosomal, somatic cell hybridization, and molecular—are mu- tually potentiating. A combination of methods is often used, as illustrated by many examples given below. The data are cumulative; for example, data on the linkage of two loci collected from successive families (lod scores are additive), linkage data on the several loci in a stretch of chromosome, data on physical mapping provided by somatic cell hybridization, and data on the genetic map accumulated by linkage studies in families. The explosion of information on the human gene map in the last 15 years is reflected in the numbers given in Table II (Appendix). Eight international workshops on human gene mapping? (HGM-1 through HGM-8) (Table I, Appendix) have been critical to the collation and validation of the information on the gene map de- rived from many different laboratories working with methods as diverse as lod scores in family linkage anal- 2The first workshop was organized by Frank Ruddle and held in New Haven in June 1973. The second, known as the Rotterdam Con- ference, was organized by Dirk Bootsma and held in The Netherlands in July 1974. The third, organized by Victor McKusick, was held in Baltimore in October 1975. The fourth, organized by John Hamerton, was held in Winnipeg in August 1977. The fifth, organized by Kare Berg, was held in Oslo in June-July 1981. The seventh, organized by Robert Sparkes, was held in Los Angeles in August 1983. The eighth, organized by Albert de la Chapelle, was held in Helsinki in August 1985. The first six were sponsored exclusively by the National Foun- dation-March of Dimes (now March of Dimes Birth Defects Founda- tion), which publishes the proceedings as part of its Birth Defects Original Article Series; the proceedings also appear in Cytogenetics and Cell Genetics (Table I, Appendix). The published proceedings of the workships (Table I, Appendix) are revealing not only from the point of view of advancing numerology but also from the standpoint of evolving methodology. At the begin- ning somatic cell hybridization was the main source of information, supplemented importantly by the family linkage method. By HGM-5 in 1979, molecular genetic methods were contributing substantially, mainly in connection with somatic cell hybridization. By HGM-6 in 1981, in situ hybridization was beginning to appear on the scene (e.g, Harper et al. 1981). The third edition of Mendelian Inheritance in Man (McKusick 1971) had a listing of the then-known linkages; a single page sufficed for the listing of all known autosomal assignments (three) and all known autosomal and X-linked linkage groups. Accelerating progress in mapping over the last decade is pictorially displayed in successive edi- tions of Mendelian Inheritance in Man (McKusick 1986b), starting with the fourth in 1975, in the review by McKusick and Ruddle in Science (1977), in the review published in 1980 in Journal of Heredity (Mc- Kusick 1980) and in four successive versions of the Human Gene Map Newsletter, published every 12 to 14 months in Clinical Genetics, be- ginning in December 1982 (McKusick 1982a). ysis on the one hand and DNA hybridization charac- teristics on the other. THE STATUS OF THE HUMAN GENE MAP Figure 1 (Appendix) presents a pictorial synopsis of the present status of the human gene map. Three levels of confidence (confirmed, provisional, or “in limbo’’) with which the genes have been assigned are indicated by different letter styles of the gene symbols. Gene clusters are indicated by large letters. The Key for Fig- ure 1 (Appendix) gives not only the definition of the gene symbols (and synonymous symbols) but also in- formation on the regional assignment and the method of assignment (see Appendix for the definition of the symbols used to designate methods). As reflected by Figure 1 (Appendix), the chromo- some that carries each of about 900 structural genes is known and many of these genes have been fairly pre- cisely regionalized. This number represents about 47% of the well-established loci cataloged in Mendelian In- heritance in Man (McKusick 1986b) and 23% of all loci cataloged there. (There is an element of circularity in these figures; increasingly in the last decade, entries have been created in Mendelian Inheritance in Man for loci identified by somatic cell genetic or molecular ge- netic methods, especially if they have been mapped, even though no allelic variation had been identified.) The numbers are impressive when viewed in relation to the rather short period of time that mapping of the autosomes has been going on. In 1964, when the Cold Spring Harbor Symposium was last devoted to human genetics, not a single gene had been assigned to a spe- cific autosome. The number of loci that have been mapped is less than 2% of the 50,000 genes that Homo sapiens is thought to have as a minimum. (The known density of genes in the small segment of 11p that contains the 6- globin cluster--5 genes in 50,000 bp—yields an esti- mate of about 300,000 genes in all, given that there are about 3 billion nucleotides? in the haploid human ge- nome. The globin genes are somewhat atypically small, however [Table 1]. It may not be appropriate, further- 3Kornberg (1980) gave a value of 2.9 billion bp for the human hap- loid genome from estimates of the amount of DNA per cell and an average molecular weight per base pair of 660, to give the conclusion that 1 picogram (10~!2 mg) of duplex DNA contains 9.1 x 108 bp. The DNA in single cells was measured by UV microspectrophotometry of Feulgen-stained cells (Mirsky and Ris 1951; Leuchtenberger et al. 1954), a method developed 50 years ago by Caspersson (1936). Mirsky and Ris (1951) wrote: “In a series of careful measurements by Davison and Osgood (pers. comm.) on human granulocytes and lymphocytes (from leukemic blood), the DNA per cell of the former was found to be 6.25 x 10-9 mg and that of the latter 5.84 x 10-9 mg. Our own deter- mination, on human sperm gave 2.72 10-9 mg per cell, approxi- mately one-half the value for the somatic cells.” The values given by Leuchtenberger et al. (1954) were in the same range. Watson (1976) gave a somewhat larger estimate of the total number of nucleotides than did Kornberg (1980), namely 3.3 billion. Because of the differ- ence in size of the XX and XY sex chromosome pairs, a difference of about 2% would be expected in the DNA of male and female diploid cells. 18 McKUSICK Table 1. The Size of Genes Gene Genomic cDNA (mRNA) No. of product size (kb) (kb) introns Small ~ a-globin 0.8 0.5 3 8-globin 1.5 0.6 2 Insulin 17 0.4 2 Apolipoprotein E 3.6 1.2 3 Parathyroid 4.2 1.0 2 Protein C 11 14 7 Medium Collagen I pro-a-1(1) 18 5 50 Pro-a-2(1) 38 5 50 Albumin 25 21 14 HMG CoA reductase 25 - 4.2 19 Adenosine deaminase 32 15 11 Factor IX 34 2.8 7 LDL receptor 45 5.5 17 Large Phenylalanine hydroxylase 90 2.4 12 Factor VIII 186 9 25 more, to base estimates such as this on the density of genes in gene clusters.) The variety of genes that have been mapped is as impressive as the numbers and indicates the central role of gene Mapping in contemporary biomedical research, Mapped have been genes for enzymes of carbohydrate, lipid, steroid, amino acid, and nucleic acid metabo- lism; for hemoglobins; for serum proteins such as al- bumin, haptoglobin, ferritin, C-reactive protein, plas- minogen, and orosomucoid; for enzymes of lysosomes, cytosol, mitochondria, and peroxisomes; for cell-sur- face proteins that function as receptors for hormones, growth factors, complement, viruses, and toxins, or re- main with incompletely understood function being demonstrated mainly by immunologic distinctiveness (e.g., some blood groups); for histone and nonhistone chromosomal Proteins; for DNA repair enzymes (e.g., DNA polymerase, a and 8); for the cytosolic-nuclear receptors for hormones (e.g., the androgen receptor [mutant in the testicular feminization syndrome] and the corticosteroid receptor); for enzymes involved in the synthesis of transfer RNAs (tRNAs); for hormones such as insulin, growth hormone, ACTH, somato- mammotropin (placental lactogen), and prolactin; for HLA, complement components, interferons, immu- noglobins, and T-cell-antigen receptor, involved in host- defense mechanisms; for Carrier proteins (e.g., trans- ferrin), for T-cell “markers” such as T4 and T8; for cytochrome P450 enzymes; for coagulation factors and their inhibitors and activators: for growth factors, such as TCGF and EGE, and their respective receptors; for structural elements of the cell, such as spectrin, actin, myosin, desmin, and tubulin; and for structural pro- teins of the intracellular matrix, such as the collagens, The genetic determinants for ribosomal and U1 small nuclear RNA, and for one form of tRNA, have been mapped. More than 40 oncogenes (i.e., human DNA Sequences homologous to the oncogenic nucleic acid sequence of mammalian retroviruses such as those of murine, feline, and simian Sarcomas) have been as- signed to specific chromosomes or chromosome re- gions. The homeo box genes (e.g., on chromosome 17) are examples of genetic determinants of development. In addition, pathologic phenotypes of which the bio- chemical basis is not yet known have been mapped (e.g., nail-patella syndrome, forms of congenital cataract and spinocerebellar ataxia, myotonic dystrophy, Hunting- ton’s disease, cystic fibrosis, and the Prader-Willi syn- drome). Gene clusters have become evident as a striking fea- ture of the organization of the human genome. Clus- ters are indicated in Figure 1 (Appendix) by large let- ters and include the following: the three immunoglob- ulin clusters (on 2p, 14q, and 22q), the two (hemo) globin clusters (on Ilp and l6p), the leukocyte inter- feron cluster (on 9p), the major histocompatibility complex (on 6p), histone complexes (on 1 and 7), growth hormone-placental lactogen complex (on 17q), the metallothionein cluster (on 16q), the myosin heavy- chain cluster (on 17p), and the 8-glycopeptide hor- mone cluster (on 19). There is a cluster of apolipopro- tein genes on Il anda second on 19, The genes for clot- ting factors VII and X may be clustered (on 13q). The albumin, a-fetoprotein, and GC genes constitute q cluster (on 4q). The genes for arginine vasopressin and oxytocin are clustered on 20q. There is a cluster of car- bonic anhydrase genes on chromosome 8. (These groupings are called clusters rather than JSamilies be- cause the latter term is reserved for kindreds of genes that have a common ancestral origin and may or may not be syntenic: the a- and 8-globin genes, for exam- ple, constitute a gene family.) Gene clustering can lead to combined deficiencies when deletion involves two or example. Presented in Figure 2 (Appendix) is the gene map of the mitochondrial chromosome, which is circular, like a bacterial chromosome, It carries 37 genes in all: 13 for Proteins, 22 for tRNAs, and 2 for mitochondria] ribosomal RNAs. The mitochondrion has its own pro- tein-synthesizing machinery. Obviously, most of the structural and enzymatic components of the mitochon- drion are coded by genes in the nucleus. Each mito- chondrion has 2 to 10 chromosomes, Whereas each nu- clear chromosome is present normally in only two copies per cell, the mitochondrial chromosome is pres- ent in thousands of copies. Mutations in the mito- chondrial chromosome can be expected to lead to dis- orders with patterns of transmission and other THE HUMAN GENE MAP 19 The Anatomy of the Human Genome To this point I have used the customary cartographic metaphor. In reviewing the significance of the infor- mation, it may be useful to use an anatomic metaphor (McKusick 1980, 1982b). The linear arrangement of genes on our chromosomes is part of our anatomy. Knowledge of the chromosomal and genic anatomy of Homo sapiens has given clinical genetics (and medicine as a whole) a neo-Vesalian basis. A veritable revolution has taken place, dramatically in the practice of clinical genetics, but also generally in medicine — witness what has happened in oncology. Just as De Humani Cor- poris Fabrica of Vesalius (1543) was the basis for the physiology of Harvey (1628) and the pathology of Mor- gagni (1761), the information on chromosomal and genic anatomy is the foundation of our understanding and management of genetic disease in man. The anatomic metaphor is useful in examining the significance of the mapping information because it leads naturally to a consideration of the morbid anat- omy, the comparative anatomy and evolution, the functional anatomy, the developmental anatomy, and the applied anatomy of the human genome. Most of the contributions to this Symposium address one or several of these aspects. I review only selected aspects of each. The Morbid Anatomy of the Human Genome Figure 3 (Appendix) is a pictorial representation of the chromosomal location of mutations “causing” dis- orders (McKusick 1986a). Beside each chromosome are names of disorders “caused” by mutations located thereon. Many inborn errors of metabolism, such as galactosemia and phenylketonuria, have been mapped by demonstration of the location of the gene for the enzyme deficient in each. In most of these there is evi- dence at the protein level (and in an increasing number at the gene level, as well) that the mutation involves the structural gene for the enzyme. In other disorders, a nonenzymatic protein is known to be altered in the particular disorder, and it was the mapping of the nor- mal gene that gave information on the location of the disease-producing mutation. Sickle cell anemia is an historic example; a recent one is familial amyloid po- lyneuropathy, which in several of its forms is “caused” by a mutation of the transthyretin (prealbumin) gene located on chromosome 18. Other disorders for which the basic defect is not known have been mapped by linkage of the disease phenotype to a genetic marker that is in turn mapped, either a polymorphism of the gene product such as Rh blood group or a polymorphism of DNA (RFLPs). Traditionally, mapping has been practical almost only for autosomal dominants (and X-linked recessives, which in the male behave like dominants). However, with the increased power of the polymorphic DNA markers, recessives can also be mapped, witness cystic fibrosis, even though the heterozygote cannot be iden- tified. The mapping information developed in recent years has modified our classification of genetic diseases and indicates the importance of the large group of disor- ders that represent somatic cell genetic diseases. All malignant neoplasms fall into this category and some congenital malformations (e.g., aniridia) are de- monstrably in that category. The locations of determi- nants of selected malignancies have been included in Figure 3 (Appendix) for illustrative purposes. Basi- cally, some or most autoimmune diseases may fall into the category of somatic cell genetic diseases. Mendelian syndromes are usually the consequence of pleiotropism of a single mutant gene. The notion that a genetic syndrome is due to the close linkage of two or more genes, each for a separate component of the syndrome, can usually be rejected as naive. Recent ob- servations of deletions that can be seen in high-resolu- tion karyotypes or deduced from family studies of po- lymorphic markers indicate that syndromes can indeed result from change in linked genes: the WAGR syn- drome (11p) and the Langer-Giedion syndrome (8q) are cases in point. Although the evidence is not ironclad, in each it seems that separate components of the syn- drome may occur alone. Combined deficiency of C6 and C8 (which are known to be closely linked, al- though the chromosomal location is not known) and of apolipoproteins A-I and C-III (close together on 11q) are cases in point. See also chronic granulomatous dis- ease (CGD) with and without Xk deficiency and X- linked adrenal hypoplasia with and without GK defi- ciency. In Figure 3 (Appendix), allelic disorders, which may be so different in phenotype as to suggest mutation in’ different genes, are indicated by enclosure in a box. The diversity of the phenotypes caused by mutations in the 6-globin gene on IIp is a classic. Conversely, the same phenotype can, of course, be caused by mutation in different genes (‘genetic heterogeneity’). Type VII Ehlers-Danlos syndrome can be caused by mutation in either the a-1 chain (Cole et al. 1986) of type I procol- lagen (coded by 17q) or its a-2 chain (Steinmann et al. 1980) (coded by 7q)—and there may be yet another form of Ehlers-Danlos syndrome type VII determined by mutation, not in a procollagen gene, but in the gene (not yet mapped) for the procollagen peptidase that cleaves the amino-peptide from the procollagen mole- cule (Lichtenstein et al. 1973). The last has been dem- onstrated in certain domestic animals though not yet in humans. Some of the entities indicated in Figure 3 (Appendix) are “nondiseases”; they turn up as abnormal test val- ues in laboratory studies and are important to know about to avoid confusion with diseases. These “nondis- eases” include inborn variants of metabolism such as cystathioninuria (on chromosome 16) and pentosuria, an inborn nondisease of metabolism that has not yet been mapped. They also include abnormalities of bind- 20 McKUSICK ing by albumin, giving high levels of thyroxine or zinc without clinical evidence of intoxication. Three entries in Figure 3 (Appendix) are infectious diseases for which the role of a single locus in suscep- tibility or resistance has been identified. The Duffy null gene (on chromosome 1) gives resistance to vivax ma- laria. As far as known, all humans are susceptible to diphtheria and poliomyelitis (Miller et al. 1974) by rea- son of the products of genes located on chromosomes 5 and 19, respectively. Vitamin C deficiency is a univer- sal inborn error of metabolism in Homo sapiens; where the mutation is in the human genome will be known when the gene for L-gulonolactone oxidase is mapped (by now this gene might be only a pseudogene relic, if present at all). Comparative Anatomy and Evolution of the Human Genome Footprints indicating the role of gene duplication in its evolution are seen throughout the human genome — in the gene clusters and families and even in the inter- nal structure of genes. There is some correspondence between exons and domains of proteins. It was suggested by Gilbert (1982) that exon shuffling is a mechanism of evolution whereby exons from various sources are combined to fashion a protein of optimal characteristics for a given function. A possible rationale for introns (intervening sequences) is the opportunity they afford for recombi- nation without disruption of the coding segments (ex- ons). Because of the considerable similarity in banding pattern of the chromosomes of apes and man (Yunis et - al. 1980), it is not surprising that many genes that are known to be syntenic in man have been found to be syntenic in other higher primates (Lalley and Mc- Kusick 1985) when appropriate somatic cell hybridiza- tion or in situ hybridization studies are done. Further- more, in the other primates, homologous loci have usually been found to be carried by the chromosome judged by banding pattern to be homologous. The de- gree of homology of synteny between mouse and man came, however, as a considerable surprise. Ohno’s law (Ohno 1973), which predicts identity of the genic con- tent of the X chromosome in all mammals, is a special case. Except perhaps for a few loci at the tip of the short arm of the X chromosome that escape lyoniza- tion, X-linkage can be expected to be conserved in all mammals. The ill effects of loss of dosage compensa- tion would be expected to prevent movement of most genes from the X chromosome to an autosome. Be- cause of Ohno’s law, X-linked diseases in mice and other mammals (e.g., hereditary hypophosphatemia and testicular feminization) are convincing models of human X-linked diseases. Comparative mapping has been aided greatly by mo- lecular genetic methods. Whereas criteria for homol- ogy of the gene product such as immunologic cross- reactivity and similarities of substrate specificity were previously used, homology can be tested directly by us- ing the same DNA probes in hybridization studies in various species. Most would not have predicted the degree of auto- somal homology of synteny that has been found be- tween such distant relatives as man and mouse (Buckle et al. 1984; Nadeau and Taylor 1984). In the tabulation made at HGM-8 (Lalley and McKusick 1985), all the human autosomes except chromosome 13 are shown to have at least 2 loci that are also syntenic in the mouse. That gap will be filled, perhaps, when the chromo- somal locations of genes FZ F10, COL4AI1, COL4A2, and others on human 13 are known in the mouse. Hu- man chromosome 17 has 8 loci that are all on mouse chromosome 11; the short arm of human chromosome 6 has at least 10 loci (counting all HLA loci as one) that are on mouse chromosome 17. Some human chro- mosomes bear homology in genic content to two or three mouse chromosomes. Thus, chromosome | of man has a distal 1p region with 6 loci homologous to loci on mouse 4, a proximal Ip region with 6 loci ho- mologous to loci on mouse 3, and a lq region with 4 loci homologous to loci on mouse I. It is useful to con- sult such a table (Lalley and McKusick 1985) when a given locus has been mapped in mouse or other sub- human species for a guess as to where the human locus may be situated. Buckle et al. (1984) published an in- genious grid that indicates at a glance the synteny hom- ologies between man and mouse. An example of predicting human chromosomal as- signment from findings in the mouse is the following: Because the genes coding for aminoacylase (ACY 1) and for 6-galactosidase-1 (GLB1) are on chromosome 3 in man and chromosome 9 in the mouse and since the structural gene for transferrin (TF) is closely linked to ACYI and GLBI in the mouse, Naylor et al. (1980) suggested that the human transferrin gene might be on chromosome 3. This was subsequently shown to be the case (Huerre et al. 1984; Yang et al. 1984). The homol- ogy did not extend to close linkage, however; in the human 7F is on 3q, whereas GLB/J and ACY] are on 3p. . An ancient tetraploidization, partial or complete, has been suggested (Comings 1972) by morphologic similarities, for example, of human chromosomes 11 and 12 and of chromosomes 21 and 22. The genic con- tent of 11 and 12 gives some support to this idea; LDHA and LDHB, and the Harvey and Kirsten ras proto-on- cogenes, are on llp and 12p, respectively. JGFJ is on 12q and IGF2 is on 11p. Mouse chromosome 16 carries several loci that are on human chromosome 21, which is trisomic in the Down syndrome; but mouse chro- mosome 16 also carries the supergene for the d light chain of immunoglobulin, which in man is on chro- mosome 22 (Lalley and McKusick 1985). (Other loci on human chromosome 22 are found on chromosome 15 in the mouse [Lalley and McKusick 1985}.) The coding portions (exons) of the two y-globin genes (in the HBBC on 11p) differ in only a single co- don, number 135, resulting in either alanine or glycine THE HUMAN GENE MAP 21 as the 135th amino acid. This reflects not-unexpected gene divergence after duplication, and indeed more difference might be anticipated. The finding of the same restriction polymorphism in noncoding interven- ing segments (introns) of these two linked genes (Jef- freys 1979) and the same nucleotide sequence (Sligh- tom et al. 1980) may be explained by gene conversion or correction. A similar process has probably operated to preserve identity or close similarity of the two a- globin genes as well as of members of other gene clus- ters. Proximity of the genes involved is a necessary con- dition for gene conversion. Functional Anatomy of the Human Genome A considerable amount of information can be sum- marized in the following seven generalizations. 1. Although clustering of genes of similar function and common evolutional origin is a frequent finding, there is no chromosomal aggregation of genes coding Jor structure and function of particular organs, such as the eye, heart, or kidney, or particular subcellular organelles, such as lysosomes or mitochondria. 2. The structural genes for enzymes catalyzing suc- cessive steps in a particular metabolic pathway are usu- ally not syntenic. The genes for at least three enzymes of galactose metabolism (GALE, GALK, and GALT), for five enzymes of the urea cycle (ARGI, ASL, ASS, CPS1, and OTC), and for eight enzymes of the tricar- boxylic acid cycle (ACO1 and 2, IDH1 and 2, FH, MDH1 and 2, and CS) are known to be on separate chromosomes. On the other hand, the genes for at least four enzymes involved in glycolysis are ail on chromo- some 12 (TPI, CAPD, ENOI, and LDHB and probably LDHC). Glucose dehydrogenase (GDH) and 6-phos- phogluconate dehydrogenase (PGD), enzymes that cat- alyze successive steps in the phosphogluconate path- way, are coded by linked genes on the short arm of chromosome 1, but the genes for two other enzymes of this pathway (G6PD and GAPD) are on other chrom- somes. There may be a functional relationship between HPRT and PRPS, enzymes coded by genes rather closely situated on Xq. Of the nine enzymes of the pur- ine ribonucleotide biosynthetic pathway, two are coded by genes on each of two different chromosomes: PGFT and PFGS by chromosome 14 and PAIS and PRGS by chromosome 21. OPRT and ODC, enzymes involved in successive steps of the pyrimidine synthesis pathway, are both coded by chromosome 3 and both are mutant in most cases of hereditary orotic aciduria (only ODC is mutant in a single known case). All these are not exceptions, however, because in the case of each set the enzyme activities are properties of a single multifunc- tional protein (D. Patterson, pers. comm.). The single bifunctional enzyme deficient in orotic aciduria is called uridylmonophosphate synthase (Patterson et al. 1983). A trifunctional enzyme that has been conserved in Drosophila, birds, and mammals is coded by chro- mosome 21. Mutants of each of the three enzymatic functions individually are known in human cells and a double mutant of the PAIS and PRGS functions are known in Chinese hamster ovary cells. It is of interest that, in the case of both the PGFT/PFGS and the PAIS/PRGS multifunctional enzymes, the reactions catalyzed are not contiguous in the metabolic chain. There are several other examples of enzymatic func- tions at steps in the same metabolic processes being subserved by a single multifunctional molecule. The advantage of this arrangement is that equimolar syn- thesis of the two enzymatic entities is guaranteed. Linkage of the structural genes of thymidine kinase and galactokinase (on human chromosome 17) has been conserved over long evolutionary time. Coordinate function may be responsible for this (Schoen et al. 1984). It may have functional significance that PFKP and HK1I, the genes for enzymes at the primary and secondary control points in the glycolytic pathway, are both on 10p. . 3. The genes determining the different subunits of a heteromeric protein are usually not syntenic. The « and 8 chains of adult hemoglobin (Hb A), determined by genes on chromosome 16p and Il1p, respectively, are cases in point. Other examples are shown in Table 2. The class II HLA proteins (e.g., HLA-DR), of which the aw and @ chains are determined by separate loci, both of which are in the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) on 6p, represent an exception to this rule of nonsynteny. Another exception is fibrinogen, of which the a, 8, and y chains are coded by chromosome 4; indeed, the genes are in the same order as the polypep- tides in the fibrinogen molecules — y-a-8 (Aschbacher et al. 1985; Kant et al. 1985). Insulin and haptoglobin do not represent exceptions; in both cases the two chains are coded by a single gene with posttransla- tional cleavage of the proprotein into two. These are examples of proteins that are coded by a single gene but in the mature or active form consist of two sub- units held together by disulfide bonds; activated PLAT and the «-y complex of C8 are other such instances. Table 2. Nonsynteny of Genes Coding for Subunits of Heteromeric Proteins Coagulation factor XIII A,B 6p, not 6p Creatine kinase B,M 14q,19q Collagen, type I al, a2 17q,7q Ferritin H,L 11,19q Glycopeptide hormones chorionic gonadotropin a8 6q,19q follicle-stimulating hormone a,B 6q,l1p luteinizing hormone ap 6q,19q thyroid-stimulating hormone a, 6q,lp Hemoglobin a8 16p,l1p Hexosaminidase a8 15q,5q HLA-A,-B,-C H,L 6p,15q Immunoglobulins H,L 14q;2q,22q Lactate dehydrogenase A,B 11p,12p Phosphofructokinase, red cell L,M 21q,lq Platelet-derived growth factor A,B 7,22 Protein kinase C’ a,8,y 17,16,19 T-cell antigen receptor a,B,0,y,€ 14q,7q,7p,llq,? For information on mapping and other genetic aspects, see Mc- Kusick (1986b). 22 McKUSICK It must be asked whether the nonsynteny of hetero- mers is more than what one would expect given a ran- dom distribution as the general rule. It would appear that there is a true repulsion of the genes for the several heteromers of a protein, especially when one considers that many or even most probably originated by dupli- cation of a common ancestral gene. 4. Whereas most heteromeric proteins are com- pounded of polypeptides coded by genes on different chromosomes, some genes code for more than one polypeptide. As just mentioned, the a and 6 chains of haptoglobin are coded by a single gene (on 16q) and the A and B chains of insulin by a single gene (located near the distal end of lip). A striking example of mul- tiple peptides from a single gene is proopiomelanocor- tin (on 2p); ACTH, @-endorphin, and 6-melanotropin are three of the some seven peptides derived from the same gene. Tissue-specific alternative splicing of the primary RNA transcript is a method by which a single gene can code for proteins specifically suited to the dif- ferentiated function of different cell types. The calci- tonin gene (on 11p) in the parafollicular cells of the thyroid codes for calcitonin but in the hypothalamus codes for calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP), which is read off the same primary transcript. The mechanism of this differential function is unknown. 5. The genes determining the cytoplasmic and mito- chondrial forms of a given enzyme are not syntenic. The cytosolic (cytoplasmic or soluble) and mitochon- drial forms, referred to as — 1 and —2, respectively, of the following enzymes are determined by different chromosomes: ACO (9 and 22), ALDH (9 and 12), GOT (10 and 16), IDH (2 and 15), MDH (2 and 7), SOD (21 and 6), and TK (17 and 16). I know of no true ex- ception to. this rule of nonsynteny. Adenylate kinase exists in a cytosolic form (AK1) determined by a gene on 9p and in two mitochondrial forms (AK2 and AK3) determined by genes on Ip and 9q, respectively. Since the genes for AK1 and AK3 are on different arms of a long chromosome, this is probably not an exception to the rule. Similarly, ME1 (on 6q) and ME2 (on distal 6p) probably do not represent an exception. That both cytosolic and mitochondrial fumarate hydratase (FH) are determined by chromosome | is also not an excep- tion: 1q carries a single structural gene for FH; post- translational modification accounts for the electro- phoretic differences in the two isozymes (Edwards and Hopkinson 1979). These observations of nonsyntenic genetic determination of cytosolic and mitochondrial isozymes are consistent with a symbiont origin of the mitochondria, with a shift of most of the mitochon- drial genes from the mitochondrial chromosome to nu- clear chromosomes in a random manner, and with no more homology between the mitochondrial gene and the nuclear gene for each pair of isozymes than might be expected on the basis of a very ancient origin of both from a common ancestral gene. 6. An appreciable portion of the genome consists of functionless (unexpressed) pseudogenes, which show similarities in nucleotide sequence to functional genes. Pseudogenes have lost critical elements necessary for transcription. Because of sequence homology to func- tional genes, however, they are recognized by the same DNA probes. Pseudogenes may be closely situated to the structural genes of which they are imperfect repli- cas (e.g., the pseudogenes in the a- and @-globin gene clusters) or may be far removed and present in many copies, as in the case of the pseudogenes of arginino- succinate synthetase (Su et al. 1984). The lack of in- trons in pseudogenes suggests that they are “processed genes,” that is, they originated by integration of reverse transcripts of mRNA. The differentiation of func- tional genes from pseudogenes is aided by somatic cell hybridization; for example, the functional gene for ar- gininosuccinate synthetase is the one demonstrated on chromosome 9 by ISH because the enzymatic function maps to chromosome 9 by SCH. (HGM-8 tentatively recognized another category of gene called “like.” These are identified by in situ and other molecular hy- bridization methods under conditions of low strin- gency. The functional status of these or their relation ‘to pseudogenes is unknown; hence the noncommittal designation.) 7. The structural gene for a receptor and that for its ligand are usually not on the same chromosome. Both transferrin and the transferrin receptor are coded by 3q; however, the genes are rather far apart in the 3q21 and 3q26.2 bands, respectively, and the transferrin re- ceptor bears no sequence homology to transferrin (McClelland et al. 1984). The LDL receptor is coded by chromosome 19, as is also one of its ligands, apoli- poprotein E, but the genes are on 19p and 19q, respec- tively. CSFI and CSFIR may be in the same band on 5q. The exceptions are, however, more numerous than the nonexceptions (see Table 3); for example, epider- mal growth factor (EGF) is coded by chromosome 4, whereas the gene for its receptor is on chromosome 7. Functional significance can, perhaps, be attached to the clustering of the various components of the MHC on 6p. These genes include not only the ALA loci of classes I and II, but also the determinants of certain components of the complement and alternative path- Table 3. Sometimes the Genes for a Receptor and Its Ligand(s) Are Syntenic but Usually Not Examples of synteny CSFIR(FMS) 5q CSFI 5q3 LDLR 19p APOE 19q TFR 3q26.2 TF 3q21 Examples of nonsynteny EGFR Tp EGF 4q IFNAR 21q IFNA 9p IFNBR 21q IFNB 9p IFNGR 18 IFNG 12q IGFIR 15q IGFI 12q INSR 19p INS 1lp NGFR 17q NGFB , Ip PDGFR Sq PDGFA,B 7,22 aOnly known example of mapping to the same band. THE HUMAN GENE MAP 23 ways. The convertase involved in activation of C3 (gene assigned to chromosome 19) is a bimolecular complex of C4 and C2, both of which are coded by genes closely linked to HLA-B on chromosome 6. Properdin factor B (BF), which serves a similar role (of activating C3) in the alternative pathway, is also closely linked to HLA- B. (The genes for C6 and C7, linked in the dog and the marmoset, are also closely linked in man, as indicated by restriction enzyme mapping studies and by obser- vation of combined deficiency. The genes are not on 6p, however.) No functional significance is evident for the location within the MHC of genes for 21-hydroxyl- ase deficiency (CAH) and hemochromatosis (HFE). The close situation on 11p of the genes for parathy- roid hormone and calcitonin (the yin and yang of cal- cium homeostasis) is probably happenstance and of no evolutionary or functional significance. The dissimi- larity in sequence of the genes (and the peptides they determine) rules against their origin from a common ancestral gene. Possibly in favor of a functional signif- icance of their close situation is the fact that both are on mouse chromosome 7 (P.A. Lalley, pers. comm.), which carries other genes, that are on human 1p, such as the genes for insulin, 6-globin, LDH-A, and the 8 subunit of follicle-stimulating hormone, as well as the Harvey-ras oncogene. The Developmental Anatomy of the Human Genome The linear orientation of the cluster of 8-globin genes (HBBC) on Ilp appears to have ontogenetic signifi- cance. During development, the e gene (at the 5’ end of the 50-kb segment) is active during the embryonic pe- riod. Later, switch occurs to the two y genes, which are next downstream from the e gene and are active during the fetal period, and then to the 6 and £ genes, which are active during postnatal life. The gene for a-feto- protein, the fetal equivalent of serum albumin and a protein of diagnostic usefulness to the oncologist and medical geneticist, is closely linked to albumin on 4q. Curiously, in the mouse where the two loci are also closely linked, the postnatally active albumin gene is upstream from (i.e., on the 5’ side of) the gene for the fetal counterpart, a situation opposite to that for the non-a-globin: genes of mouse and man. It turns out, however, that the gene-switching paradigm of globin ontogeny is not precisely applicable to the AFP-ALB system; the albumin gene is active throughout devel- opment, whereas the AFP gene, active in embryonic and fetal stages, is largely switched off in the postnatal period. : The genetics of differentiation, and specifically the significance of the anatomy of the human genome to morphologic development and differentiated function, are largely unknown. Among the many aspects of hu- man biology that have been illuminated by the study of hemoglobins, this is one: the nondeletion (or hetero- cellular) type of hereditary persistence of fetal hemo- globin appears to result from mutation in a regulator for switch from y- to B-globin synthesis. Tight (Old et al. 1982) and loose (Gianni et al. 1983) linkage of the mutant regulator(s) to the non-a-globin cluster has been found. The ontogeny of the immunoglobulin-producing lymphocyte appears to be related to the anatomic ori- entation of the several components of the three immu- noglobulin gene clusters, those for the heavy chain (on chromosome 14) and for the x (on chromosome 2) and d (on chromosome 22) light chains. Generation of di- versity in antibodies through somatic gene rearrange- ments is dependent on close linkage of the VD, J, and C genes that make up the immunoglobulin gene clus- ters. The developmental significance of the anatomy of the immunoglobulin genes is seen also in the case of the different genes for the C, or constant, part of the immunoglobulin heavy chain. Splicing of various V, D, and J genes provides diversity; the constant region gene that is closest to D, or diversity-generating, part of the complex is the gene activated first. Thus, production of IgM occurs early in the immune response and the switch to one or another of the constant region genes for production of IgD, IgG, IgE, and IgA (‘class switch”) takes place later. (Rather than representing a cluster of genes, each of the immunoglobulin-deter- mining segments of DNA can be viewed as a single su- pergene in which the diversity-generating portions and those coding for the constant regions are exons.) The rearrangements of the T-cell antigen receptor genes are another example of developmental signifi- cance of genomic anatomy. Like the immunoglobulins, the T-cell antigen receptor consists of two polypeptide chains. The a and chains of the T-cell receptor are coded by chromosomes 14 and 7, respectively. The genes, symbolized by TCRA and TCRB, are a cluster of genes (supergene) with V D, J and C genes coding for constant and variable domains of the T-cell recep- tor molecules. The maturation of the T-cell in the thy- mus involves clonal rearrangement within the gene cluster to bring the constant-coding gene into contigu- ity with one of the variable region genes. Another TCR gene called y (TCRG) is also situated on chromosome 7 but is on 7p, whereas TCRB is on 7q. The function of the T-cell antigen receptor is to rec- ognize antigens in combination with the individual’s own MHC proteins. In the thymus, precursor lympho- cytes destined to become T cells undergo a period of “thymic education.” Immature T cells that respond to one or a small group of MHC proteins are allowed to propagate and continue their differentiation. The oa gene (on chromosome 14) is little expressed in the im- mature T cell, whereas the y and 8 genes (on 7p and 7q, respectively) produce a large amount of protein. Tonegawa’s group (Tonegawa 1985) suggested that a switch occurs from y-8 to a-8 with maturation of T cells. Obviously, since TCRG and TCRA are on sepa- rate chromosomes, the switch from y to a is indepen- dent of anatomic proximity, unlike the 6 switch in hemoglobin synthesis. 24 McKUSICK The Applied Anatomy of the Human Genome The reason that great interest has accompanied the mapping of Huntington’s disease, cystic fibrosis, adult polycystic kidney disease, myotonic dystrophy, Duch- enne muscular dystrophy, and other disorders is at least twofold. All of these disorders are the result of pres- ently unknown, basic defects. For that reason, no thor- oughly satisfactory diagnostic test or therapy can be designed on the basis of fundamental defect. Mapping information opens the possibility for diagnosis on the basis of linkage principle. Furthermore, it holds out hopes of determining the basic gene defect by “reverse genetics” (“chromosome walking’) and using that in- formation to devise tests for prenatal, preclinical, and carrier diagnosis. These tests may take the form of di- rect testing of DNA for a gene defect by a process one might cal] “biopsy of the human genome.” Informa- tion on the basic defect may help plan methods for ameliorating the disorder even though gene therapy is not possible in the near future. In addition to “chromosome walking,” long-range mapping, and other methods for pinpointing the de- fect in DNA, determining the basic defect can also fol- low the “candidate gene” strategy. Given a protein that is a plausible candidate for the site of the basic defect, one can ask: Do the disease and the molecule map to the same area? Does the disease show-linkage with a RFLP related to the cloned gene? In persons with the given disorder, is there structural abnormality of the gene for the given protein? The Rh-linked form of elliptocytosis is probably due to mutation in the gene for protein 4.1 of the red cell membrane because they map to the same area of Ip. On the other hand, Wilson’s disease (on 13q) cannot be ' due to mutation in the structural gene for ceruloplas- min (on 3q); nor can hemochromatosis (on 6p) be due to mutation in the structural gene for transferrin (on 3q), transferrin receptor (on 3q), ferritin light chain (on 19q), or ferritin heavy chain (on 11). (Perhaps those walking 6p in the region of the class I MHC genes will stumble on the hemochromatosis gene, which appears to be near HLA-A on its centromeric side.) Even though no gross abnormality such as deletion _ or rearrangement can be demonstrated in the COLIA2 gene on chromosome 7 in these cases, linkage between a COLIA2 RFLP and osteogenesis imperfecta type IV strongly suggests that the causative mutation is in that gene (Falk et al. 1985; Grobler-Rabie et al. 1985). Phil- lips et al. (1981) could show that mutation in the growth hormone gene was responsible for pituitary dwarfism in some cases in which Southern blot analysis showed it to be deleted. PROSPECTUS Complete mapping of the human genome and com- plete sequencing are one and the same thing. They must go hand in hand. Nucleotide sequencing will be done within, out from, and between genes that have been localized as precisely as possible in relation to recog- nized landmarks, the chromosome bands, and in rela- tion to neighboring genes. A RFLP map has properties like both a map of expressed genes and a complete nu- cleotide sequence. A reasonably detailed RFLP map will have great usefulness in both the mapping of ex- pressed genes and the complete sequencing. The potential usefulness of complete mapping/se- quencing has been emphasized by some interested in birth defects (McKusick 1970) and by others interested in cancer (Dulbecco 1986). The usefulness is, in only a relatively restricted manner, indicated in the earlier sec- tion on the Applied Anatomy of the Human Genome. Great value is seen in the understanding of multifac- torial disorders, a category into which most cancers fall. Dissecting out the role of individual genetic fac- tors in disorders such as essential hypertension, ather- osclerosis, mental illness, and common forms of con- genital malformations promises to be valuable in the identification of unusual vulnerability and in planning preventive strategies. Characteristics that are patently genetic but presently not analyzable, such as special talents (e.g., musical and mathematical) and morpho- logic traits (e.g., facial characteristics, eye color, and attached/unattached earlobes), might be studied suc- cessfully, given a detailed RFLP map, for example. The task of complete mapping/sequencing will re- quire new techniques and improvements in existing ones. A large need, which is addressed in some of the papers in this Symposium volume, is for methods to bridge the gap between the resolution that is achieved by restriction mapping and nucleotide sequencing of overlapping cosmid clones (up to 50 or 100 kb) and that achieved with chromosome banding and linkage analysis (down to 1000 kb at best). Pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (Schwartz and Cantor 1984; Smith and Cantor 1986) is one method that can help bridge the gap. The rallying cry is for completion of total map- ping/sequencing by the year 2000 or before. The mag- nitude of the task is indicated by the fact that the hu- man haploid genome contains about 3.0 billion nucleotides. Complete mapping/sequencing of the mitochondrial chromosome has been achieved. This is the goal to which mapping of the nuclear genome aspires. Ander- son et al. (1981) filled three closely printed pages of Nature with the sequence of the mitochondrial chro- mosome. To print the sequence of the haploid nuclear genome of a single person in a similar manner (the nu- clear genome is about 200,000 times larger) would re- quire the equivalent of about 13 sets of the Encyclope- dia Britannica. To print also the heterozygous variation in that individual and add the enormous range of var- iation between individuals will require the utmost in computer facilities. Obviously there is a large library task here and a large problem in recovering and read- ing the information as well as problems in the creation of indexes and concordances and devising methods for recognizing pattern similarities. THE HUMAN GENE MAP 25 ACKNOWLEDGMENT I am particularly indebted to Harley W. Yoder, B.A., for assistance in the recent upkeep of the Human Gene Map presented in the Appendix. REFERENCES Anderson, S., A.T. Bankier, B.G. Barrell, M.H.L. deBrujin, A.R. Coulson, J. Droin, 1.C. Eperon, D.P. Nierlich, B.A. Roe, F. Sanger, P.H. Schrier, A.J.H. Smith, R. Staden, and I.G. 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