March 26, 1962 Dear Victor: This is rather a hasty reply to your letter of March 16th. I am sorry to hear that Malcolm will not be with us but I am sure that the material will be well taken care of by your alternates. I have been going over a medical genetics budget and come up with something like this: stipends, including Dr. Kaufmann and Dr. Dintzis, $3,950; subsistence allowances $6,000, this makes an average increase of $100 per person for visiting staff; equipment $700, largely the cost of a good movie projector; supplies, including a coffee fund and a big picnic to start the course off $1,650; rent $300; total $12,600. I believe we can operate under this budget. By the way, do you have assurance that Ceppellini will be with us next summer? Tibby hadn't heard directly. Incidentally, in this budget I have kept all the honoraria at the same $150 for both visiting and resident staff but made adjustments through subsistence allowances. I am going next week to inspect the school and will have more detailed information regarding our needs at that time. I have been able to arrange for luncheon to be served for 50 to 60 participants each noon that the course meets. This will be in addition to the coffee break in the morning. I am sure that the opportunity for people to get together will be well worth the small administrative trouble of making arrangements. We will probably have to charge a dollar or so for lunch, collecting at the beginning of the course for a strip of tickets. Since we won't have the Oakes Center beach and perhaps not even our Jackson Laboratory Aldersea beach (the place is currently for sale) Ruth and I are considering asking you and Anne to serve as co-host and hostess for a big party on Breakneck Road. We have plenty of room in the field and could undoubtedly get a caterer to bring in frankforts and beans or whatever we decide to serve. I would get a kick out of serving as bar tender and handing out free beer. The Greens will again entertain at the mid-Saturday afternoon party. In a conversation with a representative of the Chamber of Commerce I found that this organization is planning a vastly expanded program and can do a great deal to set up special events, such as a naturalist guided trip through the National Park. One advantage of using the school will be that we can make our meetings open, in general, to Jackson Laboratory staff and visiting investigators. There won't be a large number at any one meeting but most people will find something of interest during the two weeks. I look forward to seeing your review paper "On the X-chromosome of Man" and shall be happy to give you my suggestions for what they are worth. With best regards, Sincerely yours, John L. Fuller Senior Staff Scientist P.S. Just received your letter re Childs -- we will miss him. Perhaps we should review curriculum assignments.