. REPORT ON CHROMOSOME 6 - Prepared by: W.F. BODMER, Oxford with the help of W. Bias, Baltimore M. Lewis, Winnipeg H. Cann, Stanford E. Magenis, Portland G. Cote, Winnipeg Ae D. Merritt, Indianapolis J.H. Edwards, Birmingham N B. Olaisen, Oslo \ C. Falk, New York dg. Ott, Seattle M. Ferguson-Smith, Glasgow M. Rivas, , wick PE nc. T. Gedde-Dahl, Oslo E. Robson, London BR. Giblett, Seattle B. Schacter, Baltimore K.H. Grzeschik, Munster M. Smith, New York J. Hamerton, Winnipeg L. Weitkamp, Rochester L. Lamm, Aarhus The fact that chromosome 6 is singled out for a' report on its own shows that this is an area of increasing activity and interest, stimulated by the assignment of the HLA region to chromosome 6. This assignment is now fully confirmed by direct detection of HLA 13,24 segregation in man-mouse somatic cell hybrids’ Following the recent 6th International Histocompatibility Testing Workshop in Aarhus?“, the nomenclature of: the HLA region has been somewhat revised to take account of the increasing number of loci being . assigned to the region, as indicated in Table l. An overall summary of the mapping data on chromosome 6, including HLA fine structure, is given in Figure 1. The main advances since the 2nd Human Gene Mapping Conference are: Ee > (1) (2) (3) BODME tr 8 N The assignment of GLO to this linkage group shel Ty a7 Combined lod scores for GLO-HLA are given in Table II. Somatic cell data’ show only two exceptions (one clearly due to chromosome breakage) to GLO and chromosome 6 segregation in 15 independent man-mouse hybrids and no consistent segregation with any other chromosome. The detection of linkage between PGM-3 and the centromere using ovarian teratomas??. This provides the first clue to the possible orientation of the HLA region in relation to the centromere. A great increase in knowledge concerning the fine structure mapping of the HLA region, including especially the assignment to it of genes controlling the second’, fourth i and eighth?? complement components and the Rodgers blood group®. The 6th Histocompatibility Testing Workshop’, in addition gave rise to a much better definition of the MLC determinants controlled by the HLA-D locus. So far it is only C2, C4 and C8 levels that are controlled by genes in the HLA region, which leaves open the question as to whether any of the relevant structural on” : Oo Me for genes are in the region. Only for C2 je the data good enough to indicate a location for the relevant gene” (see Figure 1) et Ch and Rg map near the HLA-B and C loci, with some question as to how far to the left of B is the BF locu Data on recombination between me, BF, Cn ome R SS three markers and HLA-A or B are given in Table V. W The Rg- allele is in strong linkage disequilibrium with BODMER B8 and in significant linkage disequilibrium with BW40 (formerly W10) and pee 8. The Ch- allele is in significant linkage disequilibrium with B12 and BW35 (formerly w5y2r28, Further data have added to the lod scores between PGM-3 and HLA, as indicated in Table III. A summary of some negative lod scores for exclusion of linkage with HLA is given in Table IV. So far there $F only very limited data on regional assignment of the markers within chromosome 6, a deficiency which will surely soon be remedied by the use of chromosome variants in hybrids. Ww TABLE I New Region name HLA Loci ‘HLA-A HLA-B HLA-C HLA-D Other products or functions: Chido BODMER Old HL-A LA or 1 FOUR or 2 AJ or 3 MLC-1, etc. ww (Ch) and Rodgers (Rg) -~“eseme, CA pica groups. Bf, C2, C4, C8 - Complement functions. Immune response, Disease susceptipity —N "ra" Jontsens. > BODMER TABLE IL Lod Scores for HLA-GLO Source 8 = 0.05 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 Rochester Paternal 1.98 2.91 2.86 1.92 0.75 Rochester Maternal 3.31 3.08 2.30 1.38 0.50 Sccttlr- Wea Patsmeh 0 +63 O75 066 Om ons Seattle_Wpy mat 1 : ea e P aterna oat ae D5E, erie peor” 0.18 Seattle—-wy. Intercross 0.58 0.70 0.46 . 0.04 Sources: This meeting, refs. 27,17,11. TABLE IIT BODMER R NR €=0.05 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 6 Male 7 6.03 7.29 6.38 4.02 1.46 0.11 34 1.37. 5.10 6.59 5.35 2.83 oy - - 1.94. ..1.44. 0.88 0.30 Sum 14.33. 14.41 10.25 4.59 ~0.15 Female - -9.73 5.07 1.39 -0.20 0.03 0.4 11 -12.39 6.74 2.14 -0.42 -O.11 0.43 - 1.31 -0.46 <-0.14 -0.22 i bo. Sum -0.76 OrQ Reference 10 BODMER TABLE IV At 0 0.05 : Co 0.10 : ADA, AK~1, AMY, El, Gm, Hb8, Inv, PGD, Pi, Pr 0.20 7 AcP-1, C3, ESD, Fy, Gc, GPT, GT, Hp, Jk, Kell, Le, Lu, P 0.30 3 ABO, MNSs, PGM-1, Rh, Se. Sources ;: References 16, 17, 26 (This list is not exhaustive) BODMER TABLE V Recombinants Non-recombinants References Ch : HLA-B Oo 139 9, 18, 17 Rg : HLA-A, B or BE O 105 8 20 BE : HLA-B O 219 Lamm, L (in press) Bf ; HLA-A, B or C 3 120 23 0 44 1 BODMER FIG, 1 Chromosome 6 Mapping oe a 2, LI , Pairwise (centromere) O ————————PGM<-3 95% limits:7-34 : pP (22) Linkages ~.. LO. : GLO —~-———_-HLA lod = 7.4 F,S 3; C (11,17,27) eed 20... HLA ——————Pg-5 lod = 3.5 F: P (25,27) poem-3 —L>-(male)izn 10d = 14.4 F, S: C (3,10,16) Also on 6 : ME=-1, SOD-1 8S: C Regional Exclusions Localization (Deletion or 6pterw 6p22 ——O————- 6q27™Méqter (4,5,6) translocation) ° Inclusion (Inversion) 6p22 Coon «6923 (15) Tentative GLO? Map ¢ HLA region Map Than Gat so Cs- -WLA A racowbuwels oR eav ©8-HLA- B reconianete ‘ BODMER Footnotes to Fig. 1 (a) Map distances are given in cM. (b) P = Provisional, C = Confirmed, F = Family, S = Somatic Cells. (c) The arm of this linkage group cannot yet be determined. The orientations of PGM-3,HLA, Pg-5 and the centromere are based on the relative map distances, which are still clearly subject to a substantial margin of error. Direct mapping of HLA to the centromere using ovarian teratomas should readily establish whether the given order is. correct. The orientation of the HLA region with respect to PGM-3 is based on the data of Lamm et ali4a, The uncertainty for GLO arises from a conflict between the data of Kompf et ail4 , which shows substantial negative lods with PGM-3 and that of Weitkamp et al (this conference)?’, which suggests, from HLA recombinants, that GLO is on the B side of HLA. (d) This BLA region map is a summary assessment from a number of sources including especially, for Bf, Ch, Rg and C8 8, 9,19, 20 papers in this volume , for A, B, C, D and C4 papers in Histocompatibility Testing 197577, and for C2, Fu_let al’. No attempt has been made to include incompletely defined markers such as those for disease association and immune response, ‘Ia' like antigens or the proposed second 'weak' MLC locus. Numbers in parentheses refer to relevant references in this volume and elsewhere ,as listed at the end of this report. BODMER References a Sang. 27:382 l. ALLEN, F.H., Jnr. 1974 Linkage of HL-A and GBG (Factor B), Vox / 2. BENDER, Kv and GRZESCHIK, K.H. Assignment of the genes for human glyoxalase I to chromosome 6 and for human esterase-D to chromosomel?: (This conference) 3. BIJNEN, A.B., SCHREUDER, I., GILES, C.M., LOS, W.R.T., MECRA KHAN, P., VOLKERS, W.S., and VAN ROOD, J.J. A study of genetic markers in families with a recombination in the HLA region. P.77,Human Gene Mapping 2, Rotterdam Conference (1974) Ed. D. Bergsma (Karger, Basel), 1975. 4, BORGAONKAR, D.S. and BIAS, W.B. HLAA loci and chromosome 6, p. 67 New Haven Conference (1973) 5. EDWARDS, J.H., MACKINTOSH, L.P. and McDERMOTT, A. The‘ Hemde Family: a 1/6 translocation. This conference (1975) . 6. FERGUSON-SMITH, M. This conference (1975) 7. FU, S.M., STERN, R., KUNKEL, H.G., DUPONT, B., HANSEN, J.A., DAY, J.K., GOOD, R.A. and JERSILD, C. MLC-determinants and C2 deficiency: LD-7a associated with C2 deficiency in four families. J. Exptl. Med. (In press, 1975). 8. GEDDE-DAHL, T. and ROBSON, E.B. Rodgers blood group and the HLA region. This conference 1975 9. GEDDE~DAHL, T., GILES, C.M., THORSBY, E., OLAISEN, B. and ROBSON, E.B. Chido blood group and the HLA region. This conference 1975. 10. GEDDE-DAHL, T., THORSBY, E., and OLAISEN, B. (unpublished) 11. GIBLETT, E.R. and LEWIS, M. Gene Linkage Studies on Glyoxalase 1. This conference 1975 . 12. Histocompatibility Testing 1975. Ed. F. Kissmeyer-Nielsen Munksgaard, Copenhagen. 13. JONES, E.A., GOODFELLOW, P., KENNETT, R.H., BODMER, W.F. Independent Expression of HLA and B, Microglebulin on Human-Mouse Hybrids. This conference 1975, 14. l4a i5. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. BODMER KOMPF, J., BISSBORT, S. and RITTER, H. Red Cell Glyoxalase I (B.C. : ) : Formal Genetics and Linkage Relations. Humangenetik 28, 249-251. (1975) . LAMM, l.U., KISSMEYER-NIELSEN, F., SVEJGAARD, A, BRUUN PETERSEN, G., THORSBY, E., MAYR, W. and HOGMAN , C. On the orientation of the HLA region and the PGM 3 locus in the chromosome. Tissue Antigens 2, 205-214 (1972). LAMM, L.U., FRIEDRICH, U., PETERSEN, G.B., JORGENSEN, J., NIELSEN, J THERKELSEN , A.J., and KISSMEYER-NIELSEN, F. Assignment of the Major Histocompatibility Complex to Chromosome 6 in a Family with a Pericentric Inversion. Human Heredity 24 273-284 (1974) LAMM, L.U., THORSEN, I.L., PETERSEN, G. BRUUN, JORGENSEN, HENNINGSEN, K., BECH, B. and KISSMEYER-NIELSEN, F. Data on the HL-A Linkage Group. Ann. Human. Genet. 38, 383-390 (1975) LEWIS, M. et al This conference (1975) MIDDLETON, J., CROOKSTON, M.C., FALK, J.A., ROBSON, E.B., COOK, P.J.L., BATCHELOR, J.R., BODM:R, J., FERRARA, G.B., FESTENSTEIN, H., HARRIS, R., KISSMEYER-NIELSEN, F., LAWLER, S.D., SACHS, J.A. and WOLF, E. Linkage of Chido and HL-A. Tissue Antigens, 4, 366~373 (1974). MERRITT, A.D., PETERSEN, B.H., BIEGEL, A.A., MEYERS, D.A., BROOKS, G.F., HODES, M.E. Chromosome 6: Linkage of the Eighth Component of Complement (C8) to the Histocompatibility Region (HLA). This conference 1975. OLAISEN, B., TEISBERG, P., GEDDE-DAHL, T. and THORSBY, E. BF locus and the HLA region. This conference 1975. OLAISEN, B., TEISBERG, P., GEDDE-DAHL, T., and THORSBY, E. The Bf locus in the HLA region of chromosome 6 : Linkage and association studies. Humangenetik (in press) OTT, J., HECHT, F., LINDER, D., LOVRIEN, E.W., KAISER McCAW, B., ) Human centromere mapping using teratoma data. This conference 1975 RITTNER, C.H. et al in Histocompatibility Testing 1975. 24. 25. 26. 27. BODMER SMITH, M. et al This conference 1975 WEITKAMP, L.R. and TOWNES, P.L. Genetics of the Urinary Pepsinogen Isozymes. Proc. 3rd Int. Isozyme Conf., New Haven 1974. Ed. C. Markert. WEITKAMP, L.R. WEITKAMP, L.R. Academic Press. et al Human Heredity (in press) et al This conference 1975