26 November 1975 Dear Victor, I am enclosing the report for Chromosome 6. I am sorry I have been a bit late with this, but it took a little while to put together on top of my usual busy schedule and after receiving all the various relevant manuscripts. I hope it is not too long for you. The amount of data reflects the increasing interest in chromosome 6. I am sending, at the same time, a copy to John Hamerton, who said in a letter to me that he would put the report together with chromosomes 1 and 2, but it seems to me that it might be more sensible to keep the report on 6 separate from 1 and 2 as this was in fact the way the meeting in the end was organised. I have tried to put down all the names of the people who took part in the chromosome 6 discussion and know that all those I have got down did take part but you or Wilma might think of people I have inadvertently left off the list. I had one query which I could not answer, which was what PR is in Table IV, the second line. [HANDWRITTEN: Perhaps proline-rich parotid protein] I have sent copies of this report to everyone who is listed as having helped and asked them to send their comments simultaneously to me, you and John Hamerton, so as to save time. With best wishes, Yours sincerely, Walter F. Bodmer