FURTHER STUDIES OF THE SUPPRESSOR-MUTATOR SYSTEM OF CONTROL OF GENE ACTION IN MAIZE Barbara McClintock For many years, evidence of the presence studies of maize, and these components in the chromosome complement of dis- were designated “controlling elements.” tinct genetic components that control the Recently, however, controlling elements action of genes was available only from have been identified in bacteria, where it 470 is possible to explore at the chemical level some aspects of their mode of action. It is expected that continued examination of these elements in bacteria will lead to an appreciation of the mechanism of their operation, with a precision that would be difficult or impossible to duplicate in maize. Nevertheless, at the phenotypic level, the performances of the bacterial and maize control systems exhibit parallels that sug- gest basic similarities in gene control in these two widely separated organisms. The bacterial systems, as described by Jacob and Monod, are composed of two genetic elements, each distinct from the “struc- tural” gene. One of them, termed the “operator,” is adjacent to the structural gene (or sequence of structural genes), and directly controls its activation. The structural gene is considered to carry the code that is responsible for a particular sequence of amino acids and thus for the specificity of a protein. When the struc- tural gene is activated, this protein is formed. The second element of the system, termed the “regulator,” may be located either near the structural gene or elsewhere in the bacterial chromosome. The regula- tor is responsible for the production of a repressor substance, not a protein, that ap- pears in the cytoplasm. The operator ele- ment responds in some yet unknown man- ner to a change in degree of effective action of the repressor substance by turning on or turning off the functioning of the struc- tural gene in accordance with such change. Each operator-regulator system is specific, in that an operator will respond only to the particular product of the regulator of its system. In maize, likewise, some of the control systems are composed, basically, of two elements. One, closely associated with the structural gene and directly controlling its action, can be likened to the operator ele- ment in bacteria. The other, which may be located near the first element or may be independently located in the chromosome complement, establishes the conditions to CARNEGIE INSTITUTION OF WASHINGTON which the gene-associated ‘element re- sponds, a particular change in these con. ditions being reflected in a particular change in action of the gene. It thus is comparable to the regulator element in bacteria. In maize, as in bacteria, each operator-regulator system is quite specific: an operator element will respond only 1; the regulator element of its own system. Discovery of the presence of controlling elements in maize was made possible by the fact that under certain conditions 4 controlling element may be transposed from one location to another in the chro- mosome complement. Transposition of the operator-like element to the locus of a gene will bring the action of that gene under the control of the system to which the element belongs. During the year, studies of one of thesc systems were extended. The element that is comparable to the regulator in this system is designated Suppressor-mutator (Spm), and the system has been referred to in the past as the Spm system of con- trol of gene action. Knowledge of the function of the Spm system was initially obtained by studying gene action at the A; locus in chromosome 3 and the Az locus in chromosome 5 after the operator element of the system had been inserted at each of these loci. The modified loci were designated a:"-1 and a2", Three additional inceptions of con- trol of gene action by this system have now been investigated. Two of them again involve the standard A; locus in chromo- some 3, and are designated a1"? and a”. The symbols m-1, m-2, and m-5 refer the order in time of inception of contro! of gene action of A: by the Spm system (m-3 and m-4 refer to inceptions of con trol of gene action at A, by the Ds-dc con- trol system). The third inception involves the locus of Wx in chromosome 9, and the modified locus is designated wx"*. (Both A, and A: are associated with anthocyanin pigment formation in plant and kernel. Wx is associated with production of ams! se in the pollen grain and the endosperm sj the kernel.) The type of evidence that as allowed recognition of control of gene wtion at a”, a, and wx* by, the Spm system will be reviewed in the fol- ‘owing sections. Control of a:"”° by the Spm System Early in the study of a2”, an ear of a plant that was A1/a1 (standard recessive) ; de/a2 in constitution was utilized in a -ross with a plant that was homozygous jor the standard recessive, a1, and for the sandard dominant, de. (The standard recessive, a1, is completely stable in the presence of Spm. There is an operator component at the locus of standard a1, but it belongs to the control system of which Dotted, Dz, is the regulator. The az in the heterozygous parent plant was derived from mutation at az", which had oc- curred in a cell whose nucleus also carried active Spm.) The phenotypes of the kernels on the ear produced by this cross were those expected, with one exception. Instead of being either fully pigmented or totally colorless, the exceptional kernel ex- hibited spots of pigment in a nonpig- mented background, suggesting that the A, locus had been modified in a cell of the ear-bearing parent plant, whose prog- eny cells gave rise to the kernel. The plant derived from this kernel also ex- hibited variegation for anthocyanin pig- mentation, and tests conducted with it con- firmed the presence of a modified Ai locus, which was then designated a:”*. Initial tests of ai", conducted some years ago, showed that mutations occur at this locus and that they result in two distinct types of mutants, whose subse- quent expressions are stable. Gene action, in both plant and kernel, expressed by one type (type 1) resembles that produced by the standard 41. Mutants of the second type (type 2) occur far more frequently, and fall into a graded series with respect to ability to form anthocyanin pigment. A small percentage of them exhibit the DEPARTMENT OF GENETICS 471 null expression, but most of them produce pigment in the aleurone layer; the intensity of pigmentation, ranging from faint to rather deep, distinguishes the mutants from one another. All type-2 mutants that pro- duce pigment, however, are characterized by differences in intensity among indi- vidual cells of the aleurone layer: the layer is speckled with cells in which the pigmen- tation is much more intense than in sur- rounding cells. The expression of type-1 and type-2 mutants also differs in the plant. With respect to distribution of anthocyanin pigment to various parts of the plant, and response of the pigment-producing system to sunlight, the expression of type-l mu- tants resembles that associated with stand- ard A: When a type-2 mutant that produces pigment is present, the pigment is restricted to certain parts of the plant, and the response of the pigment-producing system to sunlight is much retarded. The early studies of a” were con- ducted with only three successive genera- tions of plants, and the system responsible for control of its behavior was not then identified. Some years later when the Spm system had been _ identified through analyses of a:"* and a2” behavior, it was suspected that this system was also re- sponsible for control of gene action at a."-*, Consequently, examination of a* was recommenced, and a number of ex- ploratory tests were conducted with it dur- ing the past year. They revealed that gene action at a.” is under the control of the Spm system. The results also suggest that in this instance Spm is located close to the structural gene(s) of the A: locus, and that its transposition away from that locus is associated with the induction of the above-described mutants. It is possible here, as with bz"* (see Year Book 55), that the operator and regulator components both reside at or near the locus of the structural gene, and that mutation-induc- ing events are usually associated with re- moval of both elements from the vicinity of the locus. If so, removal of the regulator 472 element Spm without concomitant re- moval of the operator element should occur on rare occasions, and a search that may reveal this event is under way. The conclusion that the Spm system controls gene action at ai” is derived from several types of observation. In the first place, Spm was present in each of 44 a,"~*-carrying plants that were tested for its presence. Its location was very close to a," in plants that had only one Spm element; in plants having two such ele- ments, one was located close to ai1"~-*. Some plants had three or more independently located Spm elements, but when so many were present the tests did not give con- clusive evidence of their relative locations. The second pertinent observation concerns Spm constitution and location in plants carrying a stable mutant of a:”*. In crosses of @,"*-carrying plants to plants homozygous for standard a; and having no Spm, some kernels carrying a germinal mutation may be present on the ears in addition to those that have received un- modified a". Tests of the presence or absence of Spm in plants from both types of kernels revealed that Spm was present in each plant derived from a kernel carry- ing an unmodified a:"-?, and that when only one Spm was present it was located close to a:""*. In contrast, some of the plants derived from the mutant class of kernels had no Spm, whereas in others, although Spm was present, it was never found to occupy a position adjacent to the locus of the mutant. The third pertinent observation is con- cerned with Spm constitution in the parts of ears of ai\"?/a, plants that are derived from cells in which a mutation at a:"°%, producing a stable allele, has occurred early in plant development. If such an ear is tested for the presence or absence of Spm in individual kernels, it is possible to learn whether this element was present in the cells that produced the mutant sector, and, if so, its position in relation to the mutant locus. On some ears exhibiting such mutant sectors, no evidence of Spm was CARNEGIE INSTITUTION OF WASHINGTON observed among the kernels within the sector, although it was present in kernels on other parts of the same ear. On other ears, Spm was present in the cells thar produced the sector but was not closely linked with the mutant phenotype. The above-described observations con. formed with the assumption that Spm is responsible for control of gene action at ai:"*; but the decisive evidence was ob- tained from observations of the response of a"? to change in phase of activity of Spm. When Spm is in its inactive phase, no gene action at a,""? is expressed in either plant or kernel, and consequently antho. cyanin pigment is absent. When Spm is in its active phase, however, mutations occur that permit production of anthocyanin. Moreover, if a plant or kernel begins de- velopment with Spm in an inactive phase, the time of occurrence of such mutation at a" is a function of the time during development when Spm changes to an ac- tive phase: the later the time of change, the later the occurrence of mutation. A Third Inception of Control of Gene Action at the A, Locus by the Spm System In the course of investigation of the Ds-Ac system of control of gene action, 1! was necessary to maintain a stock culture carrying a particular combination of genc markers and also Ac. This stock was homozygous for the standard dominan: alleles of all but one (ie., Bz) of the gene loci associated with anthocyanin pigment formation. To maintain this stock, sib crosses were made each year. In 1957, 48 ear produced by one of these sib crosses t¢- vealed the presence among some of 1's kernels of somatically occurring change action of a gene concerned with anthc cyanin pigment formation. The followin= year, testcrosses were made with a fc™ plants grown from these kernels, to dete’ mine whether the locus involved was 0° that had previously - been identified. K proved to be 4: in chromosome 33 2" che modified locus was designated a:"~°. Other crosses with these plants indicated shat the Ac system was not in control of gene action at ai™*. Spm, however, was found to be present in each a,” *-carrying plant that exhibited somatically occurring changes in gene action; and the ratio of kernel types on ears produced by test- -rosses with these plants suggested that gene action at a:™* might be under the -ontrol of the Spm system. Tests con- ducted during the past year have shown this to be so. The originally isolated state of a:""°, in the presence of an independently located, active Spm, is characterized by the pro- duction of somatic mutations to stable alleles of 41, often occurring early in plant or kernel development. Most of them fall into two distinct groups: those that express high levels of A: gene action, and those that express either low levels or the null level. Mutants of these two main types occur with nearly equal frequencies, and both are stable in the presence of ac- tive Spm. The original state of a1:""° also gives rise to new states in the presence of active Spm, either class I or class II. The original state of a:"* produces so . many early-occurring mutations in the presence of active Spm that it was not as useful as some of the derived states for the purpose of determining whether or not the Spm system is responsible for con- trol of gene action at a” *. The derived class I states that give rise to mutations only late in development of plant and kernel served this purpose well, however, and four such states were selected for tests. It was learned that when Spm is absent (or present in an inactive phase) each of these states is characterized by a low level of A, gene action, in both plant and kernel, an expression that continues as long as Spm is absent or inactive; but in the presence of active Spm all gene action is suppressed, until in some cells, late in the development of plant or kernel, a mutation- inducing event at 4,""* allows some level of A; gene action to be expressed. DEPARTMENT OF GENETICS 473 A class II state of a” * was also ex- amined. In the absence of active Spm, this state produces a low level of gene action in both plant and kernel, whereas in the presence of active Spm all gene action is suppressed. With this state, however, in contrast to the class I states, no mutation- inducing events or alterations of state were observed. It behaves as a typical class TI state. One unusual state of a:"-° was identified and further examined. In the absence of active Spm, this state expresses a low level of A: gene action in both plant and kernel. When an active Spm is present, all gene action is suppressed but alterations of a”* do occur, many of them resulting in the appearance of new states. The new states are distinguished from one another by the types of mutation they give in the presence of active Spm, by the relative frequency of occurrence of each type (if more than one type is produced), by the time during de- velopment when the mutations occur, and by the frequency of occurrence of mutation at any one time during development. Thus an array of new states has been derived from this one state. Control of Gene Action at the Locus of Wx by the Spm System During examination of the relative fre- quencies of production of different types of stable mutants of A» given by the original state of a2"" in the presence of active Spm, an ear of a plant having the constitution a2"" bt/a. Br; Wx/wx was used in a cross with a plant that was homozygous for a2, bt, and wx and had no Spm. (a2 = standard recessive, stable in the presence of active Spm; bt = brittle endosperm, located approximately 6 cross- over units from the locus of Az or its alleles.) The kernel types on the resulting ears were those expected, with one ex- ception. The exceptional kernel was color- less and Br, but was neither totally Wx nor totally wx. The endosperm was a mosaic of sectors exhibiting different levels a 474 CARNEGIE INSTITUTION OF WASHINGTON of Wx gene action, from the null level (wx) in some sectors to the full W-x level in others, the pattern resembling that pro- duced by the particular state of a2” in the ear-bearing parent plant in the presence of active Spm. It was suspected that the operator element of the Spm system had been incorporated at the Wx focus in chromosome 9 in a cell of this plant, and that the descendants of this cell, which gave rise to the exceptional kernel, ex- pressed control of gene action at the Wx locus’ by the Spm system. A plant was grown from the exceptional kernel (plant _“ number 7774) and subjected to tests that would determine whether or not the hy- pothesis was correct. The results gave clear evidence of control by the Spm system of gene action at wx"*, as the newly modi- fied Wx locus was designated. Plant 7774 proved to be a2 Bt/az bt, wx" */wx in constitution, and it had two independently located active Spm elements in most of its tested parts. The plant pro- duced three tillers; and testcrosses were made with pollen from the main stalk and from each of the tillers. In addition, it produced four fertile ears, and a testcross was made with each. The types of test- cross that established Spm control of gene action at wx”* were as follows: 1. Reciprocal crosses with plants having no Spm that were homozygous for the standard, stable recessive wx and carried a class I state of a”. Three distinctly different class I states of a2”"* were utilized in this test. 2. Crosses to plants homozygous for wx and carrying a class I state of a2.* and also Spm” (a weak-acting Spm; see Year Book 56). 3. Crosses to plants homozygous for wx and carrying a class II state of a.""". Some of the plants had no Spm; others carried Spm in an inactive phase of long duration. In the kernels on the ears produced by these crosses, a2" served as an indicator of the presence or absence of Spm, and of its type of action if present. In each kernel that had received both a2" and wx", their behavior could be compared. Cor. respondence in response of a” anid wx in these kernels was so complete that there could be no doubt of control of wx" by the Spm system. They responded in like manner to presence or absence of active Spm, to Spm”, and to an inactive Spm that underwent change to the active phase in a few cells late in kernel de. velopment. The behavior of this original isolate of wx” may be summarized as follows: In the absence of active Spm, it exhibits a very low level of gene action, an expression that remains stable as long as Spm is ab- sent or is present in an inactive phase. With a fully active Spm, all gene action is suppressed until a mutation-inducing event at wx” results in a stable mutant. Some such mutants give rise to the apparent full Wx phenotype; others produce an inter- mediate level; and still others give a very low level or the null expression. Such mu- tations may occur in a cell either early or late in plant or kernel development. Plan: 7774 exhibited some early-occurring muta- tions. One of its ears, for example, was derived from a cell in which a mutation had restored full Wx gene expression; and one of its tassels had a large sector carrying a stable mutant that gave the null (2) expression. Control of Reversals in Spm Activity Phase An important aspect of the Spm contol system is the cyclically occurring change in phase of activity of Spm—tfrom active tv inactive and back to active. It was earls noted that the duration of a phase is con- trolled in some manner. It may be short. lasting only a few cell generations, or may extend through many cell gener tions or even plant generations. The early studies also suggested that com trol of the duration of a phase resides. primarily, in the event that initiates the reversal of phase. To obtain more evidence additional experiments were performee this year, all of them conducted with plants descended from a single plant hav- ing one Spm closely linked with the Wx cene in chromosome 9. The behavior of this particular Spm element has been ob- served through six génerations of plants, and the initial studies of reversal of phase of activity of Spm were conducted with it. The studies this year had two objectives: (1) to compare the times and frequencies of occurrence of phase reversal of Spm in sister plants, all carrying an Spm that had undergone reversal of phase in a cell of the mother plant; and (2) to determine the stability of phases of Spm activity when two elements were present in a plant, occupying allelic positions but in alternate phases of activity at the beginning of plant development. In all tests, a class II state of a2" was employed to detect the times and frequency of occurrence of changes in Spm activity phase, as described in previous Year Books. 1. Kernels were selected from an ear of each of five different plants, either Wx +/wx Spm or Wx Spm/wx+ in constitution, in which a part of the ear had developed from a cell in which a reversal in phase of Spm activity had occurred. Plants were grown from kernels within the sector exhibiting the altered phase of activity, and also from kernels that had appeared on the remaining part of each ear, where no such alteration had occurred. Comparisons were made with regard to initial phase of activity of Spm, as well as times and frequency of occurrence of re- versals of phase. These observations re- vealed marked similarities in pattern of phase reversal among the plants derived from kernels within a sector, contrasting with the pattern in plants derived from kernels on other parts of the same ear. 2. Plants were constructed that carried one inactive Spm element, which for four generations had exhibited a long duration of the inactive phase, and in addition an active Spm that was known to undergo phase reversal late in plant and kernel development. (Both elements, as was stated DEPARTMENT OF GENETICS 475 earlier, were derived from a single ancestor plant having one Spm closely linked to Wx in chromosome 9.) In the tested plants, the two elements occupied allelic positions in chromosome 9, the inactive Spm closely linked to Wx and the active Spm closely linked to wx. To test whether or not, under these conditions, control of phase reversal would continue to reside in each Spm element itself, the ears produced by each plant were crossed by plants that were homozygous for wx and had no Spm, and also by plants that were homozygous for wx but carried Spm in its active phase. The second cross reveals the presence of inactive Spm, as described in Year Book 57. The Wx and wx classes of kernels on the resulting ears were compared with respect to Spm activity phase. It was apparent that control of the duration of activity phase had not been modified in either Spm ele- ment by their association at allelic positions in the nuclei of the ear-bearing plants: the characteristic duration of phase of each Spm was exhibited in the progeny. This evidence confirmed the previously drawn conclusion that control of reversal of Spm activity phase resides in the Spm element itself. Nonrandom Selection of Genes Coming under the Control of the Spm System Five independent inceptions of control of gene action by the Spm system have been examined so far: three at the locus of Ax in chromosome 3, one at the locus of A> in chromosome 5, and one at the locus of Wx in chromosome 9. A: and Az are associated with anthocyanin pigment for- mation in plant and kernel, and Wx is concerned with development of amylose starch in pollen and endosperm. There is no reason to believe that control of gene action by this system is confined only to genes associated with anthocyanin produc- tion or with the structure of starch. The ease of detection of any change in action of these genes is believed to be responsible for the ready determination of the con- 476 trol system responsible for the change. It should be recalled that early in the study of controlling elements many independent inceptions of control of action of genes as- sociated with chlorophyll development were recognized. Study of some of these was initiated, but it was soon decided to discontinue their examination in order to concentrate on systems that affect genes as- sociated with anthocyanin development in the kernel or in both plant and kernel. It was realized that much more could be learned about the action of a controlling element on a gene if the phenotypic ex- pression of the gene was exhibited in both plant and kernels or even in kernels alone. The kernels are especially valuable in this regard, because the phenotype of the endo- sperm registers the genetic constitution in the succeeding generation. Very large numbers of kernels may be obtained in progeny tests of a single individual, and with little technical difficulty. To obtain similar numbers of progeny plants would introduce technical difficulties of some magnitude, which might reduce the efh- ciency of the studies. Before the studies of control systems associated with chloro- phyll genes were discontinued, however, CARNEGIE INSTITUTION OF WASHINGTON the system associated with one such gene had been examined in some detail. The locus concerned was named “mutable luteus” (Je). As was mentioned in Year Book 57, the system responsible for con- trol of lu” resembles in detail the Spm sys- tem. Moreover, a2”"* originated in a plant carrying Zw”. It is very probable that Ju” represents a case of control by the Spm system of a gene associated with chloro. phyll production, although direct proof has not been obtained. In analyses of the mode of operation of a gene-control system, the phenotypic ex- pression of the gene controlled is of para- mount importance, particularly during initial examinations of the system. Once a control system has been identified, through its action on appropriate genes, and methods have been devised that will readily detect its action at other gene loci, it becomes practicable to examine its con- trol of genes whose phenotypic expres- sions are less well adapted for such studies. In the studies reported so far, genes that are most appropriate for initial examina- tion of control systems have consistently been chosen.