CONTROLLED MUTATION IN MAIZE Barpara McCiintock Experimentation conducted during the past year was aimed at expanding our knowledge of the kinds of elements car- ried in the maize chromosomes that con- trol gene action and give rise to changes in this action, that is, to mutations. Dif- ferent controlling elements have been rec- ognized, each characterized by its own specific mode of control of gene action and mutation; and this mode of control is quite independent of the primary type of action of the genic materials themselves, which these elements may serve to modify. Their presence in the chromosome comple- ment is made evident because they under- go transposition from one location to an- other and do not lose their specificity of action in the process. Were it not for such behavior, these elements would re- main undetected. Insertion of a control- ling element at a locus of known gene action results in immediate or subsequent change in this action, or both. Each ele- ment expresses its own mode of control of change in gene action, and this allows the presence of the element at the locus to be recognized. The same element may be inserted at a number of different loca- tions and thus come to control the action of genic materials at each of these loca- tions. Conversely, the action of the same genic material may be influenced by dif- ferent controlling elements, as a result of independent insertions of such elements at one particular locus. Evidence of the control of gene action and mutation at a number of different known loci in maize by the Ds-Ac two- element controlling system has been re- ported in past years. Knowledge gained 246 from concentrated attention to the mode of operation of this particular system has provided the basic information that now serves as a guide in planning experimenta- tion and in interpreting the modes of operation of other controlling elements or of systems of interrelated elements. With this framework of knowledge, advances in these studies may be made much more rapidly and effectively. In the past year, attention has been given to a system that differs considerably from the Ds-Ac sys- tem in its manner of control of gene action and mutation. A tentative hypothesis to account for the operation of this system was outlined in Year Book No. 53. Extén- sive tests have now been conducted, and the evidence obtained from them fully sup- ports the hypothesis previously formu- lated. Much additional knowledge of the mode of operation of the system has also been obtained. A summary of this may now be given. THE a:*-Spm System or ContRoL oF Gene Action anp Mutation The A: locus in chromosome 3 of maize is a particularly favorable one for examin- ing the operation of controlling systems. The genic materials at this locus are con- cerned with the development of antho- cyanin pigmentation both in the plant tissues and in the aleurone layer of the kernel. When a change in intensity, qual- ity, or pattern of distribution of that pig- ment appears in an individual plant or kernel, the altered phenotype is readily noticed. Therefore it is possible to detect insertions of controlling elements at the locus shortly after they occur. Different sys- tems controlling gene action and mutation vat this one locus have been recognized, and their modes of operation examined. Each was detected, initially, because of a distinct deviation from the standard Ai type of expression of anthocyanin pigmentation, appearing either in an individual kernel on an ear or in an individual plant of a culture. Four of these systems have been analyzed in some detail and their modes CARNEGIE INSTITUTION OF WASHINGTON of operation defined: the a:-Dt (Dotted) system, the Ds-Ac system, the ar™"*-Spm system, and still another system operating at this locus to control the type and dis- tribution of anthocyanin pigmentation in both kernel and plant. The system with which we shall be concerned in this section is the a.”""-Spm system. Knowledge of the behavior of control- ling systems makes it evident that this one is composed of two interrelated but inde- pendently located elements. One of them, becoming inserted at the locus of Au, caused a modification of the action of the genic materials located there. The modi- fied locus has been designated a," to dis- tinguish it from other modifications that have arisen independently at this same locus. Subsequent changes have occurred at the locus, each effecting a change in gene action. These are regarded as arising from alterations of the controlling element. With a few possible exceptions, the genic materials themselves do not appear to be altered by such modifications. Their mode of action, however, may be decidedly al- tered as a result of any one change in the associated element. Thus the observed changes in gene action are referable, on the whole, to changes in the controlling ele- ment and not to irreversible changes in the gene substances. Moreover, such changes in gene action, stemming from alterations in the controlling element at the Ai locus, can occur only when a second, independ- ently located element is also present in the nucleus. The second element of this sys- tem is called Suppressor-mutator (sym- bolized as Spm), for the following reasons. In plants that either are homozygous for a." or are ai""/a, in constitution, and that also have Spm in their nuclei, no an- thocyanin pigment develops in the aleu- rone layer of the kernel or in the plant tis- sues until, in a somatic or a germinal cell, a modification of the controlling element located at A. allows pigment to be formed in those cells where it normally develops when the standard organization at the 4: locus is present. These modifications effect DEPARTMENT OF GENETICS stable mutations, in that the altered type of gene action so produced continues to be expressed in subsequent cell and plant generations, both in the presence and in the absence of Spm. In plants of the above- named constitutions that do not have Spm in their nuclei, on the other hand, re- stricted gene action occurs, and this results in the appearance of uniformly distributed pigment both in the aleurone layer of the kernel and in the plant tissues. This ex- pression of the genic substance at A: is constant and stable through successive plant generations as long as the Spm ele- ment is absent from the nuclei, for no mutations occur. Return of Spm to the nuclei, however, by appropriate crosses, again initiates the Suppressor-mutator ef- fect on the element located at di. Gene action is again suppressed until, in a so- matic or germinal cell, some change in this element allows the genic materials to function in some particular manner. Unlike its counterparts, Dz in the a:-Dt two-element system and Ac in the Ds-Ac two-element system, Spm does not show pronounced dosage effects that are re- flected in altered frequencies or times of occurrence of mutation at the modified A, locus. Like other controlling elements, however, Spm undergoes transposition and consequently occupies no set position in the chromosome complement. An indi- vidual plant may have several Spm cle- ments, each occupying a different site in the chromosome complement. Because it shows no dosage effects, the number of Spm elements present in the nuclei of a plant, as well as their locations within the chromosomes, must be determined by progeny tests. In addition to the modifications affect- ing stable gene action, the element at Ai also undergoes another type of change, but far less frequently. These changes, called “changes in state,” are expressed by strik- ing differences in the types of mutation that occur subsequently in the presence of Spm, and also in their times and frequen- cies of occurrence during development of 247 each tissue. They also affect the degree of gene action that occurs in the absence of Spm. This varies among the states, and in this respect they form a graded series, from those that produce low levels of pigment intensity to those that give high levels. A few of the latter produce pigment intensi- ties approximating that given by the genic materials at the standard 4:1 locus. Never- theless, with these latter states as with all states of a.”-* examined, pigment forma- tion is completely suppressed in the pres- ence of Spm and will appear only after the element located at 4: undergoes some mutation-inducing event, or after Spm is removed from the nucleus. With respect to state it has also been found that the type of gene action that appears in the absence of Spm is not correlated with the types and patterns of mutation that appear in its presence. The states of a:”~* will be discussed more fully later. Inheritance patterns of Spm. In Year Book No. 53, evidence was reported of linkage of Spm with Y (yellow endo- sperm), located in chromosome 6, in some plants of a particular culture (see table 17 on p. 257 of that Year Book). In these plants, only one Spm element was present. Their constitutions were a1" She/ai sho; Y Spm/y +. (The a allele in these plants belongs to the a-Dt system of control of gene action. It does not respond to Spm and therefore behaves as a stable recessive in plants that have Spm. Shrunken endo- sperm, shz, is very closely linked to a: and shows less than one-quarter per cent cross- ing over with it.) When these plants were crossed by plants homozygous for ai, she, and y and having no Spm, the types of kernels on the resulting ears indicated that approximately 35 per cent crossing over had occurred between Y and Spm in the heterozygous parent plants. In the She class there was a total of 1470 kernels. Of these, 723 were uniformly pigmented, showing a pale color in the aleurone layer (no Spm present); 269 of them were Y and 454 were y. In 740 of the Sh kernels, spots of deep pigmentation appeared in a 248 colorless background (Spm present); 451 of these were Y and 289 were y. In addition, there were 7 completely colorless kernels; 4 were Y and 3 were y. Among the 1489 kernels in the sh» class, only 7 carried ai"; 3 of these were pale-colored (no Spm), and 4 had spots of deep color in a colorless background (Spm present). All other kernels in the sh2 class had com- pletely colorless aleurone; a 1:1 segrega- tion for Y and y appeared among them. Plants were grown from selected kernels of all classes on these ears, and each was subjected to a particular set of tests. It was obvious that three major types of test were required: (1) verification of linkage of Spm with Y in plants derived from the variegated kernels in the Shz Y class, (2) verification of the presence of a:" but the absence of Spm in plants derived from the uniformly pale-colored kernels, and (3) determination of whether or not Spm would be present in approximately 65 per cent of the plants derived from the a: sho Y class of kernels and in approximately 35 per cent of the plants derived from the a shz y class of kernels. Tests other than these three were also required. It was believed that somatic losses of Spm from some nuclei were oc- curring in some cases; this assumption was based on the presence in some plants carry- ing a,""* and Spm of distinct sectors show- ing the phenotype that appears in the ab- sence of Spm. Tests of the assumption could be readily carried out when such a sector extended into the tassel. Pollen col- lected from the sectorial and nonsectorial parts of the same tassel could be used in particularly designed test crosses (see be- low), which allowed detection of the pres- ence or absence within the functional pol- len grains of the Spm element and also of an 4:""" locus capable of responding to Spm in the expected manner. Such tests were made, and they fully confirmed the assumption that somatic losses of Spm from some nuclei occur during develop- ment. CARNEGIE INSTITUTION OF WASHINGTON In plants having one Spm element, transposition of Spm in some germinal cells can result not only in loss of Spm from some nuclei, as described above, but also in changes in its location, or increases in its number, in others. Since the rate of transposition of Spm appears to be rela- tively low, in view of the rather sharp linkage relations described, detection of cases of transposition required tests of rela- tively large numbers of individuals among the progeny of plants having one Spm element whose location was known. Such tests were conducted, and evidence of changes in location and increase in num- bers of Spm elements was found. Test (1) was extensive. It was accom- plished by crossing each plant with one that either was homozygous for a1", Sho, and y and had no Spm or was homozy- gous for a, shz, and y and had no Spm. For many plants both test crosses were made, and the results obtained in each test were the same except in a few instances where loss or change in position of Spm occurred early in an individual cell of the plant. Most of these were evident because of the fact that one of the ears produced by the plant was obviously sectorial with regard to Spm constitution. A plant homo- zygous of a:"* but having no Spm is par- ticularly useful for determining the pres- ence or absence of Spm in another plant that is either ay” * far", ar” /a,, or ar/ar in constitution, and also for determining the numbers of Spm elements that may be present in such a plant. An intercross is made between the two plants. If Spm is present in the plant being tested, all the kernels that received it from gametes of this plant will show colored spots in a colorless background, and all those that did not receive it will be uniformly pale in color. With few exceptions, the ratio of variegated to pale kernels will indicate the numbers of Spm elements that were pres- ent in the zygote of this-plant. The excep- tions arise from early-occurring losses and transpositions of Spm, but the frequency of these is relatively low. If the tester DEPARTMENT OF GENETICS plant, which is homozygous for a:”* and has no Spm, is also homozygous for some known recessive markers such as wx, pr, and y, and if the plant being tested is heterozygous for such markers, evidence of linkage of Spm to one or another of these markers, or evidence of absence of such linkage, is readily obtained. Test (1), outlined above, verified the linkage of Spm with Y that had been ob- served in the parent plants, and the ratios of kernel types were the same as those shown by the parent plants. As expected, however, a few cases were encountered of change in location or increase in number of Spm elements, which had occurred in a germinal cell of the heterozygous parent plant. As an illustration of these tests, data obtained trom fifty-six plants may be sum- marized. In forty-seven of them, linkage of Spm to Y was clearly expressed and to the same degree in each plant. Among the 7705 kernels in the pale class (no Spm), 2534 were Y and 5171 were y. Among the 7434 kernels in the variegated class (Spm present), 4862 were Y and 2572 were y. These data indicate that Spm is located approximately 35 crossover units from Y. In nine plants, the ratios of kernel types did not conform with this. In four of them, one Spm element was present but its linkage to Y was not expressed with certainty on any of the ears produced. Among a total of 1142 kernels on these ears, 533 had pale aleurone color (no Spm); 258 of them were Y and 275 were y. Among the 609 variegated kernels (Spm), 321 were Y and 288 were y. In two plants, two independently located Spm elements certainly were present. On each ear produced by these plants, a ratio of 1 kernel with no Spm to 3 kernels with Spm was observed. A total of 500 kernels was produced. In the class with pale- colored aleurone (no Spm), there were 117 kernels; 46 of them were Y and 71 were y. Among the 383 kernels in the variegated class (Spm present), 206 were Y and 177 were y. The data suggest that in both these plants one Spm element was carried 249 in the Y chromosome and the other was located elsewhere. In the three remaining plants, the ratio of kernel types on the ears deviated in another way from that which might have been expected. Al- though the number of kernels on these ears was low, the deviation from a ratio of 1 Spm to 1 no-Spm was obvious: 27 to 70, 43 to 111, and 36 to 66. On none of these ears was there any evidence of link- age of Spm with Y; in the Y class there were 117 pale-colored kernels to 50 varie- gated kernels, and in the y class there were 129 pale-colored kernels to 58 variegated kernels. Frequent but late-occurring losses or transpositions of Spm may have been responsible for the observed deviation from the expected 1:1 ratio, although other causes may be considered. Progeny tests are required before any definite conclu- sions can be drawn regarding cause. Test (3) is considered an important one because in the two classes involved, the presence or absence of Spm could not be determined by observation of type and distribution of anthocyanin pigmentation. All kernels were homozygous for ai, and since this recessive allele of 41 does not respond to Spm, anthocyanin pigment was absent in all kernels of these two classes. Tests for the presence or absence of Spm and for its location, if present, were con- ducted with fifty-six plants derived from the Y class of colorless, sz kernels and with sixty plants derived from the y class of such kernels. Each plant was crossed by a plant homozygous for a:”-*» She, and y and having no Spm—the Spm tester stock described above. If no Spm was pres- ent in a plant being tested, all kernels on an ear resulting from this cross would be uniformly pale-colored. If one Spm ele- ment was present, half the kernels on an ear would be pale-colored (no Spm) and the other half would be variegated, with colored spots on a colorless background (Spm present). If more than one Spm was present, the ratio of variegated to pale kernels would be higher. With this mode of testing for Spm, it was possible to learn 250 that no Spm was present in twenty-four of the fifty-six plants derived from the Y class of kernels, and that in the remaining thirty-two plants one Spm element was present. Its linkage with Y was clearly expressed. in thirty of these thirty-two plants. Among a total of 7792 kernels on the ears produced by the thirty plants, 3985 were uniformly pale-colored (no Spm); 1366 of them were Y and 2619 were y. The remaining 3807 kernels had a colorless background in which spots of deep color appeared (Spm present); 2472 of them were Y and 1335 were y. On the basis of these data Spm may be placed in chromosome 6, approximately 35 crossover units from Y. It will be noted that this is the same distance from Y indicated by the data from test (1), given above. The ra- tios of kernel types on ears produced by two of the thirty-two plants having one Spm element did not give clear evidence of linkage of Spm with Y. On one ear there were 70 pale-colored kernels and 88 variegated kernels. In the pale class, 30 were Y and qo were y; in the variegated class, 47 were Y and 41 were y. On the ear of the other plant there were 123 pale ker- nels, 66 of which were Y and 57 y, and 154 variegated kernels, 79 of which were ¥ and 75 y. Among the sixty tested plants derived from the a1 she y class of kernels, seventeen had a single Spm element and forty-three had no Spm. On the ears produced by the seventeen plants having Spm, after the test cross described above, there was a total of 6746 kernels; 3465 of these were pale- colored (no Spm), and 3281 showed spots of. deep color on a colorless background (Spm present). These progeny tests again indicated that Spm was located in the Y-carrying chro- mosome 6 of the heterozygous parent plants, and again placed it approximately 35 crossover units from Y. In linkage studies with transposable elements, an er- ror is always introduced into the. calcula- tions of crossover distances, and the degree of this is related to the frequency of oc- CARNEGIE INSTITUTION OF WASHINGTON currence of transposition of the element, before gamete formation, to new locations in the chromosome complement. As may be noted from the several tests outlined above, this frequency in the case of Spm is not great enough to have a serious effect on determinations of linkage relationships. Test (2), mentioned earlier, was readily conducted, in several different ways. The plants being tested were assumed to be a." She/a: she in constitution, and to have no Spm. The absence of Spm was confirmed in all cases by means of the test cross outlined above. The presence of a,""", carried in the Sh2 chromosome and capable of responding to Spm, was readily determined by crossing these plants to plants homozygous for a: and shz, some carrying an Spm element and others lack- ing this element. On the ears produced by the latter cross, nearly all the SA2 ker- nels were pale-colored and, as expected, nearly all the she kernels were colorless; no variegated kernels appeared. On the ears produced by the former cross, how- ever, the two expected classes of kernels appeared in the Sh class: those showing spots of deep color on a colorless back- ground (in which both a."* and Spm were present), and those showing a uni- formly pale color (in which a”* was present but Spm was absent). Also, as expected, nearly all the sh2 kernels were colorless. The location of Spm in the a: sh2 parent was known in some cases, and the expected linkage with factors carried in the chromosome that also had Spm was made evident on the ears that resulted from their use in these crosses. The tests outlined above have been de- scribed here in some detail in order to indicate the necessary initial analytical methods in an investigation of the basic mode of operation of this two-element sys- tem. With the general mode of operation defined, it was possible to conduct a num- ber of further tests. Some of these were designed to determine the number of Spm elements present in individual plants of a particular progeny, when the presence of DEPARTMENT OF GENETICS two or more was suspected in the parent plant. Others were aimed at determining various locations in the chromosome com- plement that may be occupied by Spm. At present, two positions in chromosome 6, two in chromosome 5, and two in chromo- some g have been identified. Spm also occupies other sites in the chromosome complement that have not yet been located. In another series of tests, individuals hav- ing two Spm elements, located at allelic positions in a pair of homologues, were tested in order to determine the frequency of loss of Spm from the female germ cells. It was found to be absent in approximately 6 to 10 per cent of the female gametes pro- duced by these plants. The majority of such losses of Spm occurred late in the de- velopment of the germinal tissue. In addition to the tests just discussed, an extensive series of tests was also conducted with each of eight distinctly different states of a”*. This was done in order to ex- amine the mode of control of change in gene action at 4: exhibited by each state in the presence of Spm, to discover the type of gene action appearing in its ab- sence, and to determine the stability of each state—that is, its constancy—in the presence of Spm. Also, several of the states were combined in a single individ- ual, and the independence of action of each in the presence of Spm was deter- mined. Allelic relationships of states were revealed by segregation ratios in the prog- eny of these individuals. The states of a.™* and their significance. From an examination of the various states of a1"* it has been possible to learn about the modes of control exerted by this a.™*Spm system on mutation types, fre- quencies of occurrence, and times of occur- rence during the development of a tissue. Control of all these resides in the element located at Ai, and this is not influenced by the number of Spm elements that may be present, although Spm is required for the manifestation of these controlled types of expression. Seven of the eight different states that have been studied were isolated 251 after a change that occurred in the element originally introduced at the 4: locus. This original state of a:”"* gives rise, in the pres- ence of Spm, to many early-occurring mutations, both in the plant tissues and in the aleurone layer of the kernel. The in- tensity of pigmentation these mutations produce ranges from faint to deep. A number of germinal mutations also occur, and these give rise to alleles that are stable in the presence of Spm. When plants hav- ing this state of a:™” are crossed with plants homozygous for a1, kernels on the resulting ears will occasionally show a decidedly modified pattern of mutation. The kinds of mutation may be altered, or their frequency of occurrence may be dif- ferent, or their times of occurrence may be shifted; or combinations of these several identifiable alterations of expression may appear in such kernels. Some of these ker- nels were removed from ears, and plants were grown from them. These plants, in turn, were examined to determine the behavior of a”? in them. It was found that in the presence of Spm the pattern of mutation appearing in the kernel from which the plant arose reappeared in the following generation. In other words, the alteration at ax" responsible for the changed pattern of mutation was main- tained in chromosome reduplication and thus was heritable. A description of several of the derived states may be used to illustrate the range of their expressions. One state produces, in the presence of Spm, only a relatively few dots of color in an otherwise colorless ker- nel, but these dots are intensely pigmented. The plants also show only a few small streaks of deep pigmentation in a nonpig- mented background. In the absence of Spm, the plants are darkly pigmented but the kernels are only faintly colored, and these expressions are constant in successive generations as long as Spm is absent. When Spm is returned to the nucleus, the pattern of expression described above again appears—a few dots of deep pigmentation in a colorless background in the kernel and 252 a few streaks of deep pigmentation in the plant. Only very rarely does this state of a," give rise to a mutation in a germinal cell, and no subsequent change of this state to another state has yet been iden- tified. Another state, derived from the original one, is somewhat similar to that just de- scribed in its behavior in the presence of Spm. In the kernels, dots of deep color ap- pear in a colorless background, but their number is larger. On an occasional ker- nel, a large deeply pigmented spot may also be present. The plants having this state show a number of fine streaks of deep pigmentation in a nonpigmented background. In the absence of Spm, how- ever, this state is readily distinguished from the one just described, for now both the kernels and the plants are intensely pigmented. Return of Spm to the nucleus brings back its suppressor action and calls forth the pattern of mutation characteristic of this state. Few germinal mutations oc- cur, and changes of this state to another state are rare. Still another state gives rise to dots of deep color in the presence of Spm, but these are so numerous that the kernel ap- pears almost solidly colored when viewed from a distance. The plant also shows numerous small streaks containing antho- cyanin pigment. Only a few germinal mu- tations occur. In the absence of Spm, the kernels are lightly but distinctly pig- mented, and the plants are also pigmented. Another state gives rise, in the presence of Spm, to many early-occurring mutations, and these express the higher levels of pig- ment intensity. Many germinal mutations occur. In the absence of Spm, the kernels having this state are lightly pigmented and the plants also are pigmented. In this case, as with all states so far examined, re- turn of Spm by appropriate crosses in some succeeding generation will call forth the pattern of mutation characteristic of the state. One state differs from all others with respect to the types of mutation it pro- CARNEGIE INSTITUTION OF WASHINGTON duces. In the presence of Spm, the muta- tions may occur early in development. In the kernels, the colored patches, represent- ing mutant areas, show low levels of pig- ment intensity. Only very rarely, indeed, does a colored patch appear that expresses the standard 4, phenotype. Many germi- nal mutations occur, and among the ker- nels having them the same low levels of pigment intensity are shown. The plants derived from these kernels are pigmented, the intensity in each case corresponding to that shown by the kernel from which the plant arose. In the absence of Spm, the kernels having this state show either no color at all or only a very faint trace at their base. In the plants, also, no antho- cyanin pigment is detected on visual ex- amination, By intercrosses, it is possible to combine two different states in an individual plant or kernel. When Spm is present, the mu- tation pattern produced by each of the states is evident, indicating the autonomy of each with respect to its mode of action. This is well illustrated in kernels having the state just described and also a state that gives only late-occurring mutations that are expressed in the kernel as deep-colored dots. Both patterns of mutation appear in these kernels: the pale-colored areas, many of which are large, produced by the for- mer state, and the deep-colored dots pro- duced by the latter. There appears to be no interaction between the states that af- fects their individual modes of expression. The autonomy of each state is also made evident by the ratio of types of kernels that appear on ears produced when plants hav- ing two different states of a:”"" are crossed to plants homozygous for a. The two states segregate from each other at meiosis, and a 1:1 ratio appears among the kernels. Conclustons regarding the operation of the a:""-Spm system. The general mode of control of gene action and of mutation by this a.”"*-Spm two-element system is now evident. The element of this system that is inserted at the A: locus plays a major part in controlling gene action and DEPARTMENT OF GENETICS in effecting changes in such action, both in the presence and in the absence of the second element, Spm. The Spm element exerts a direct influence on the element lo- cated at 41, in two distinctly different ways. First, in the absence of Spm some gene action occurs at A:, but in its pres- ence this is totally suppressed. Secondly, Spm induces modifications of the element residing at A: that do not occur in its absence. Two kinds of modification arise. One effects a stable mutation, and the mu- tants so formed give rise to a series of alleles that differ from one another both quantitatively and qualitatively. The sec- ond type of modification, of rarer occur- rence, leads to a change in the controlling element at 4:—a change in state—that is subsequently discerned. In the presence of Spm, these modifications are expressed by changes in the kinds of mutations that oc- cur, their frequencies of occurrence, and their times of occurrence during the devel- opment of the tissues. These modifications of state also affect the degree of action of the genic materials at the A locus in the absence of Spm. Spm may be transposed from one loca- tion to another in the chromosome comple- ment, both in somatic and in germinal cells, without losing its specificity of action in the process. Thus, loss of Spm from some nuclei and increase in others may occur within an individual plant. An in- creased number of Spm elements in a nucleus is not made evident by changed patterns of mutation at ai". This con- trasts greatly with the case of the a:-Dz system, where increase in number of Dt elements is made evident by increased fre- quencies of occurrence of mutation at the a: locus. It also contrasts with the behavior of Ac in the Ds-Ac system. With regard to a" and ai", both of which express control of mutation at A: by the Ds-Ac system, successive increases in number of Ac elements retard in a stepwise manner the time of occurrence of mutation at the modified A: locus in each case. Knowledge gained from an examination 253 of the mode of operation of this system of control of gene action and mutation, and a comparison with other systems operating at the very same locus, has greatly en- larged our appreciation of the probable significance of such systems in regulating gene action during development. Somat- ically occurring changes in gene action, both gross and subtle, can result from their operation, and these are well regulated with regard to both time of occurrence and type of change. ContTINUED Stupies oF THE Mops oF OPER- ATION OF THE CONTROLLING ELEMENTS Ds anv Ac Several other projects were carried out during the year. Two of them were con- cerned with the elements Ds and Ac. The general mode of behavior of these two elements has been described in many previ- ous reports. Although the tests conducted this year were many and the data obtained were extensive, only the most significant evidence and conclusions will be given here. The first of these projects was an analy- sis of the direct control by Ac of change in gene action at the bronze (bz) locus in chromosome 9 when it is inserted there. It could be demonstrated that these changes are associated with events affecting the de element itself. They give rise to several different phenotypic expressions of the genic materials at the bronze locus: a stable recessive (fz) expression, a full dominant (Bz) expression, and an expres- sion that is intermediate between these two extremes. Stability of the mutants de- pends on whether or not Ac is removed from the immediate vicinity of the bronze locus by the event that affects it and results in the change in genic expression. Tf it is removed, the mutant is stable in subse- quent generations. If it remains, the mu- tant is unstable, in that subsequent altera- tions of Ac may lead to further change in action of the genic materials at the locus. The time of occurrence, during the devel- 254 opment of a tissue, of these mutation-in- ducing alterations of Ac depends on the total dose of Ac present in the nucleus: the higher the dose, the later they will occur. Such responses to de dose may be effected either by increasing the number of chromosomes 9 carrying Ac at the bronze locus—from 1 to 3 in the kernel and from 1 to 2 in the plant—or by adding Ac elements that are located elsewhere in the complement when only one chromo- some 9 carries 4c at the bronze locus. Some of these Ac-altering events at the bronze locus give rise to a dicentric chro- matid and the corresponding acentric frag- ment. Changes in the frequency of occur- rence of this type of event characterize some of the changes in state of Ac. One other modification was detected, and it is of general significance in considering in- terrelations that may arise between con- trolling elements. One kernel was found that showed a marked increase in fre- quency of occurrence of mutation to Bz. The tissues of the plant grown from it exhibited the same increased frequency. Tests of this plant revealed that an altera- tion had occurred at the bronze locus in a germinal cell of the parent plant, resulting in a modification of the mode of control of subsequent mutation. Ac was still pres- ent and was required for the occurrence of these mutations, but it was no longer lo- cated at the bronze locus in the short arm of chromosome 9. The mode of control now followed that which characterizes the Ds-Ac two-element system, in which the Ds element directly controls the change in gene action at the locus where it resides, and the Ac element governs the occurrence of these mutation-inducing events at Ds. It must be concluded, therefore, that this modification arose from substitution of a Ds element for the Ac element at the bronze locus; or that the Ac element orig- inally inserted there is compound and may be separated into two components, a Ds and an Ac element; or, possibly, that a Ds clement may originate from some modification of an Ac element. No evi- dence is now available to suggest which CARNEGIE INSTITUTION OF WASHINGTON of these alternatives is most probable. Nevertheless, the observed change from a one-element to a two-element system of control of gene action and mutation is sig- nificant in considering the relations that exist between controlling elements and systems of such elements. An additional project that received much study was concerned with the behavior of Ds after its insertion just to the left of Sfx in chromosome g. In this position, it induces changes in action of genic sub- stances located on either side of it, and these effects may include a segment of the chromosome six or more crossover units long in the standard chromosome g. Dur- ing the past year, several cases of extended modification of gene action, in which the genic components farthest removed from Ds exhibited reversion to standard expres- sion, were examined. In all cases, it could be determined that the Ds element was a component of the segment of chromosome showing altered genic action, and that the reversions observed were accomplished by some change involving the Ds element itself. The patterns of reversion were those associated with the operation of the two elements, Ds and Ac: Ac was required for their occurrence, and the times of occur- rence reflected the dose of Ac that was Present in the. nucleus. In the cases ex- amined, the reversions to normal action of a genic component within the modified segment were not accompanied by loss of Ds or by change in its location. This is unlike the behavior of Ds at some other known loci. In these other cases, it has been determined that reversion of gene action is often accompanied by removal of Ds from the immediate vicinity of the locus concerned. Many different tests have been made of the behavior of Ds when inserted just to the left of Shi, and all of them indicate that Ds is effectively fixed in location after its insertion there. It can continue, then, to exert its influence on the action of genic substances located to either side of it. Thus a sequential series of changes in action of DEPARTMENT OF GENETICS these genic materials can occur as long as Ac is also present in the nucleus, and a number of such sequences have been fol- lowed through three or more steps. The kinds of modification in gene action in- duced by Ds at this location resemble, in some respects, those appearing spontane- ously at some other well-known gene loci in maize, such as the R locus, whose nu- merous alleles are known, as well as spon- 255 taneous rates of change to other alleles. It is possible that there is a controlling ele- ment or elements present at this locus, and also at other loci in the standard chromo- some complement of maize, and that the modifications in gene action they induce are responsible for the appearance of the mutants and for the particular sequences of change from one type of allele to an- other that have been observed.