CYTOGENETIC STUDIES OF MAIZE AND NEUROSPORA Barsara McCuintoce THe Mourtasre Ds Locus in Marze General considerations. In last year’s re- port a summary account was given of several newly arising unstable gene loci. The instability of all but one of these loci was phenotypically expressed by ‘the ap- pearance in an otherwise recessive plant of sharply defined sectors of dominant tissue or of tissue showing an intermediate condition between recessive and dominant. Each of these sectors arose following a mu- tation in the unstable locus occurring in an individual cell during the development of the tissue. When an unstable locus is Present, the tissues of the plant show a pattern of variegation which is related to the time and frequency of mutations oc- curring in particular cells during the de- velopment of the tissue. Observations of the behavior of the unstable loci have sug- gested that a common underlying phe- nomenon is associated with the expression of instability in all the cases examined. Several generalizations may be formulated concerning this phenomenon. Two sepa- rable factors are known to be associated with the expression of instability. The first factor is concerned with the particular state of the unstable locus in the cells of a de- veloping tissue. The state of a locus is reflected by the time of occurrence of phenotypically visible mutations and by the frequency and distribution of these mutations. The second factor is concerned with the mutation at the unstable locus that gives rise to the phenotypically recog- nizable altered expression of the locus. During the development of a tissue, the state of a locus may remain unchanged. This results in a tissue showing one par- ticular and readily recognizable type of variegation pattern. Changes in the state of a locus may, however, occur. These changes arise abruptly and appear to be associated with an event that occurs during a mitotic cycle. Following such a change, the variegation pattern is altered in the descendants of this cell. There may be fewer or, conversely, more mutations in the descendent cells than would have occurred had the event that gives rise to a change in state not taken place. The evidence suggests that the change in state may be related to the reproductive cycle of the chromosome, for it has frequently been observed that when a change occurs the state of the mutable locus in each sister chromatid may become altered. The state of the mutable locus may be quite different in the two chromatids, and the state in each chromatid, in turn, different from DEPARTMENT OF GENETICS that which existed in the immediate mother cell. In brief, it is the state of the locus at a particular stage in development that determines the time and rate of future mutations, and this state may be altered by an event occurring at a mitosis often considerably in advance of the genotypic mutation itself. During the past year attention has been concentrated on one of the mutable loci, because its action and its location are par- ticularly favorable for an analysis of the factors associated with mutability. Further- more, the type of action at this locus is unique in its cytogenetic aspects and of considerable general interest in this respect alone. In this one case, mutability is ex- pressed not by a visible phenotypic change in the action of a gene, but rather by dis- sociation of the bonds that normally would maintain a linear cohesiveness of this locus with an adjacent locus in the chromosome. As an ultimate consequence of the muta- tion, the chromosome is dissociated into two completely detached segments. Be- cause one of these segments is acentric, it is not capable of directed movement in the spindle figure and subsequently is lost to the nuclei of descendent cells. This mu- table locus has been designated Ds because the most readily recognizable consequence of its action is this dissociation. By both cytological and genetic methods, the Ds locus has been placed in chromosome 9g at approximately the position that demarcates the proximal third of the short arm. The acentric segment that is produced as a con- sequence of a dissociation mutation is composed, then, of the distal two-thirds of the short arm. This segment contains the loci of most of the known mutants of chromosome 9. Collectively, these mutants affect characters of the pollen, the endo- sperm of the kernel, the seedling, and the mature plant. Consequently, dissociation mutations at the Ds locus may be traced 147 by genetic analyses in all stages of the life cycle when a plant carries dominant alleles and Ds in one chromosome g and recessive alleles and a normal ds locus in the homol- ogous chromosome 9. Whenever a disso- ciation mutation occurs in a cell during the development of a tissue of such a plant, an acentric segment carrying the dominant factors is produced. This acentric segment is subsequently lost from the nucleus dur- ing a mitotic cycle. The result is a nucleus having only the recessive alleles that are present in the homologous segment of the ds-carrying chromosome g. All the cells arising from this cell will be recessive in genotype and also in phenotype, if the expression of the particular recessive factor is cell-specific and if this phenotypic ex- pression is not subject to changes that may be caused by diffusible gene products from the adjacent dominant cells. The presence of a recessive sector in a mature tissue in- dicates that a dissociation mutation oc- curred in the ancestor cell that gave rise to this sector. In plants of the given consti- tution, therefore, the mature tissues can be expected to show variegation for reces- sive sectors. From the size, frequency, and distribution of these recessive sectors in any one tissue the state of the locus in this particular tissue or sector of tissue can be recognized. Control of Ds activity by Ac. Accumu- lating evidence indicates that the Ds locus will undergo dissociation mutations only when a particular dominant factor is present. This factor is designated Ac be- cause it activates Ds. Ae is probably lo- cated in the long arm of chromosome 9, but its exact position has not been deter- mined. By the end of this growing season, the analysis of the action of de on the Ds locus should be well advanced. At the present time the evidence suggests the fol- lowing relations between Ac and Ds. If Ac is not present, the Ds locus is com- 148 pletely normal in behavior and indis- tinguishable from ds. If, by appropriate crosses, however, Ac is introduced into the primary endosperm nucleus, the Ds locus again becomes mutable and disso- ciations may begin to occur shortly after the introduction of Ac. Ac will not affect a normal ds locus, however; in the pres- ence of Ac, ds remains stable. Cytological aspects of the action of the Ds locus. Genetic evidence indicated that the dissociation mutations take place rela- tively late in the development of the sporophytic tissues. This was confirmed by cytological observations of the sporo- cytes of Ds Ac plants. In the sporogenous cells of the anthers of the majority of plants examined, the dissociation muta- tions—recognized by the constitution of the chromosome g bivalent—most_ fre- quently occurred in a late-premeiotic ny- cleus or sometimes in the meiotic nucleus itself. Genetic and cytological evidence also indicates that dissociation mutations may be delayed throughout the period of meiosis and only begin to take place in the following gametophytic nuclei. In some plants, however, dissociation muta- tions were observed to have occurred in relatively young premeiotic nuclei. The relation of this variable timing of dissocia- tion mutations to the particular state of the Ds locus will be discussed later. In making preparations of the sporo- cytes with the usual aceto-carmine staining techniques, considerable difficulty was en- countered in obtaining an adequate num- ber of well spread and sharply stained meiotic prophase figures. Consequently, it was Necessary to attempt an improvement in the techniques. Methods that had been developed in the fall of 1946 for the study of meiotic prophase chromosomes of the fungus Neurospora were tried, and found to be likewise superior for similar stages in maize. These methods introduce the CARNEGIE INSTITUTION OF WASHINGTON use of lactic acid, either in the fixing fluid or in the staining solution. Young anthers were fixed for 12 to 24 hours in a fresh mixture of four parts of 95 per cent alcohol to one part of lactic acid. The sporocytes in the meiotic prophase states were forced out of the anther in a drop of aceto-orcein; a cover slip was placed over the drop, and the slide gently heated. An unusually sharp differential stain resulted. The cyto- plasm was only slightly stained; the chromosomes, in contrast, were brilliantly stained, and the centromeres were sharply delimited in each chromosome. Consider- able stretching of the chromosomes some- times occurred, however, during the flat- tening of the sporocytes. When equal parts of lactic acid and acetic acid were used in the fixative in place of lactic acid alone, the chromosomes stained sharply with aceto-orcein but were less subject to stretching during the flattening of the sporocytes. A third method involved the restaining of aceto-carmine preparations with an orcein stain consisting of 1 per cent orcein in a mixture of equal parts of lactic acid, acetic acid, and water. Brilliant con- trast in staining resulted. Initial use of this stain on the sporocytes did not give satisfactory results. Some of the major aspects of chromo- some g behavior that are associated with the presence of the Ds locus were reviewed in Year Book No. 45. It is now suspected that the dissociation mutation process is not a simple breakage of bonds at the Ds locus, although this is usually the eventual consequence. In making observations of the chromosomes, it was necessary to be able to identify accurately the Ds-carrying chromosome in the sporocytes of a Ds ds plant. Crosses were made, therefore, be- tween Ds-