September 16, 1940. Dear Charlie: One of my students has expressed interest in working on one or more of the chromosome 6 translocations, possibly with reference to crossing-over studies. Before I gave out any material to him I wanted to find out whether you have been using any of the material that I sent you or whether you had turned any of it over to students. It is all right with me if you have but I don't want to make a conflict. Would you let me know soon how the situation stands? I never sent you the analysis of the material that I have already made as Bently Glass did not get it back to me until last spring. There were some questions he asked but I did not get around to answering them so have not sent it on. If you still want it, I will do so. Have just returned from a long vacation - an extensive trip through the north-west and the west. Stopped off to see Beadle and Marian in Palo Alto. He has a very nice set-up there and seems most happy. Then a trip to the east to Ithaca and to N.Y. Marcus and Virginia Rhoades had arrived for their new job at Columbia. It appears to me that they have an exceptionally nice set-up, too. The day I arrived so did Muller (on the clipper from London) and Dobzhansky. We all sat around one afternoon and talked mainly about the war because of Muller's first hand experiences. Marcus is planning to grow his corn at Cold Spring Harbor next summer. We are now in the new building which is very much of a success considering our funds to build it. However, we are not having too much space. There are two people here for the year - Lindegren and his wife working on Ultra Violet irradiation with Neurospora and Carlson from Alabama who has not arrived as yet but is expected after the meetings in Philadelphia. There are also two new graduate students. It fills all our space with nothing left over. I have decided that I must look for another job. As far as I can make out, there is nothing more for me here. I am an assistant professor at $3,000 and I feel sure that that is the limit for me. The job isn't too secure, either. Miss Guthrie in Zoology teaches the courses in genetics and cytology so that I can not make myself needed in the University. If I am going to move, I shall have to make it soon. If you hear of anything that I might do, regardless of the salary, I would appreciate knowing about it or your putting in a word for me. I don't mind going down in salary as money isn't a factor. I feel that I ought to get something lined up this year, if possible. The situation here is a long story that I would rather talk to you about. [HANDWRITTEN NOTE: My best to your wife - Regards, Barb]