April 25, 1947 Dear Curt -- It was thoughtful of you to write me about the A.A.U.W. Award. I appreciate your interest very much. It came as a big surprise to me. I was notified rather late and it did take considerable preparation in a short period of time. The meeting was unexpectedly pleasant. It was the handsomest group of women I have ever seen -- handsome as only intelligent, middle-age women can be. I was very much impressed with them. I am enclosing a copy of the pictures that appeared in the N.Y. Times. Unfortunately, our photographer was taken to the hospital the day the photograph was to be [END PAGE ONE] [BEGIN PAGE TWO] taken. It was so late that we could not make arrangements with another photographer so Vernon Bryson came to my rescue with his Leica camera. I had to do all the printing and it was my first experience with this type of work. All prints had to be taken with glossy paper. It is not good for viewing but I hope to make some more prints later on mat surfaces because several people have asked for copies. Dont [sic] know when I can get around to it so will send the glossy-surface copy now. Again, Curt, many thanks for your interest and thoughtfulness in writing to me. Cordially, Barbara