August 23, 1942. Dear Curt: I have your letter asking for information about an assistant. You probably realize that many of the good people have been grabbed up but your job offers a bit more than most and you may be able to get somebody. The only man I could think of who would not be subject to draft is Arne Sparrow who is now on a fellowship with Sax at Harvard. He would fit your requirements very well. Herschel Roman, who took his degree at Missouri and who has a National Research Fellowship to work at Cal. Tech., is another possibility. He is Jewish which might cause some conflict in the department--as you already know. However, he is a fine person and has the qualifications that you desire. Eileen Sutton, whom you know, would be a possibility but she is taking a position, for the year only, at McGill. You might keep her in mind for a future job. However, the job should offer some possibilities for advancement. I forgot to mention that Herschel Roman has a wife and child which would probably keep him out of the draft. At the moment, I can not think of any other possibilities but should someone come to mind, I will drop you a line. Mabel Nebel has just been here for a visit for a few hours. Her situation is very tragic but she is doing a splendid job of adjustment. It is too bad that vision and realization comes so late in life. If you see Bernie, give him my best but--would rather you not mention Mabel's visit. My best to Evelyn, Sincerely, Barbara