Lecture lL, January 18, 195), o 2 I. Previous discussié6n: 1. Located factor resconsible for chromosome losses 1 to 2 crossover os units to right of Wx, 2. the physical location of genetic markers in chromosome $ short arm: On ~ Pia 7 oo OR, a WL A ie Ve of gel. wwe ed (mae ear ene a 3. Distance between Wx and centromere -- more than 1/3rd the length of short arm, lh. Previous evidence and that of Longley and Anderson: crossing over between Wx and centromere more than }% . 5. This suggests that factor resnonsible for losses is in short arm of chromosome 9, a hort distance from Wx locus, 6. Evidence presented indicating that a second factor necessary for losses to occur, This jnherited indevendently of factor in short arm of chromosome 9, Given symbol of Ac, a). Ac must be in nucleus for losses to occur. b). tf Ac absent, no losses, no obvious evidence of presence of factor producing losses, II, How does factor in snort arm of chr --nosome 9 pring about losses of chromatin in presence of Ac? What occurs at this position in the chromo sone? 1. Piece lost is gross, Should be able to see it or see evidence of its loss if sporopytes examined in plants carrying it, 2. This could be done if losses occur in the sporocytes themselves, 3. Evidence for such losses obtained from examination of nollen of plants carrying factor in Wx chromosome: Begin page 8, section IV of previous talk - outline - ‘ \ Logan: wut San? Phe inheritance behavior and the mode of action of Ac I, Presence of separate factor, needed for breaks to occur at Ds, suspected from early inheritance studies of Ds, II, Many studies of inheritance behavior of Ac conducted. Select exarmoles to serve as illustration of methods used, 1. Wish to start this with plant having ecnstitution N C Sh wx Ds Ac Re c sh Wx ds ac a). Sequence of crosses: On Board. b). Gametes produced by NC Sh wx Ds Ac plants: Re c sh Wx ds ac (| NCShwx Ds Ac “3) Rec sh Wx Ac rR it u ac ic ac 2. These plants self-pollinated, Kernels on ear? C Sh Wx, non-variegated C Sh Wx with areas of c wx C Sh wx -- (normal and with homozygous deficient tissue) e sh Wx 3. The consitutions of the c sh Wx kernels | =~ or plants derived from them: aT \¥, din | snowra be: 1 Ac Ac : 2 Ac ac : 1 ac ac, | Tole Gatak to fe. ait eae ORR Pe Me a 2 lh, Must have method for testing for presence o2 he. Development of Ac» tester stocks, III, Develonment of Ac tester stocks, 1. “he NC sh wx Ds Ac Re c.sh Wx ds ac plants used as male parents to Rec sh Wx ae Re c a Wx ac . Toleteseg ip 2. Male gametes: v ; — 7 NC Sh wx Ds Ac |N CO Sh wx Ds ac | | Re c sh Wx Ac Rec sh Wx ae Re c sh Wx ds ac Re ¢ sh Wx ds ac Re c sh Wx ac Re c sh Wx ae Kornel phenotypes: ____ boh-aney tale eevee aes oom C Sh Wx, areas C Sh Wx ce sh Wx ce sh Wx of c sh non-var, 3. The G Sh Wx, non-variegated kernels: NC Sh wx Ds ac Re ec sh Wx ds ac .. Plants grown from them, ‘hese self-pollinated: C Sh Wx, non-variegated C Sh wx ec sh Wx 4 C Sh We Ds ac NC Sh wx Dsac Rec sh Wx ac ec sh Wx ds ac “Wi 6 Sh wxDs ac Re ec sh Wx de 5S. The Nc Sh wx Ds ac An Ac-tester stock. How used: hwx Ds ac 6, Assume Ac/ac constitution of plant with c / ¢ constitution: Gametes: c, Ac 3 lc, ac x G Ds, ac gametes: Fear: 1 © kernel with e areas : 16 kernel, non-variegateds -3- Assume Ac/Ac constitution in e/e plant. Gametos: all c, Ac. Plant crossed by C Ds, ac tester plant: All kernels on ear should be C with ¢ areas, Assume ac/ac; c/e constitution: all gametes c, ac. Crossed by Ac- tester stock? all kernels: yo C Ds fc ds. ae ac. All Colored, non-variegated, yt IV. The tests for Ac in ‘plants derived from c sh Wx kernels in backcross ears: ee 1. Expected ratios of Ae: 1 Ac/ac : 1 ac ac (See diagram of Crosses). 2. The test cross: a). “ernels selected; plants grown from them; crossed by C Sh wx Ds ac C Sh wx Ds ac (1) Results: 180 plants tested: _ pte wom \ ‘ Wat ck chapily \ \- : \ [ & ; <\ . par . (2). She ears: 90 with 1 to 1 ratio of C “h Wx non-var, to 2° so C Sh Wx, areas of c sh, 2. s & Fy . 90 with all C “h Wx, non-variegated kernels. \ A Pluto (3) Counts of Variegated to non-variegated kernels on ears: Yeon ee RAT . we Table ha in Ac account. Ce HHRRC BEE Sree oe a eee Oe . QwRe- AY Mato. to “ae arg 4 bua: oe De itgehe > ty Wa ahs Ce ere TUNE 3 ie) = Vv, Tests for Ac constitutions in plants derived from self=pollination of A N ¢ Sh wx Ds Ac The ¢ sh Wx kernels selected, Re c sh Wx ds ac va axpected constitutions: ernment ora at S BO athe abe adie SAR a — , 1 _Re_¢ sh Wx ds Ac ;, 5 Rec sh Wx ds Ac 4 He c sh Wx ds ac 4° Re c sh Wx ds Ac . Re c sh Wx ds ac * Re c sh Wx ds ac qv Crossed by C Sh wx Ds, ac tester plant: Ears expected: “All kernels % kernels C “h Wx C Sh Wx with ec sh ninever, ~ cow areas 4+ C Sh Wx with ues © sh areas non-variegated, gatos We ic ea, (oy mee Observed: 61 Ano AGM Ee | Ws Doren 68 fh ony plan a tyl ae + : IS oo Ay LYE 364 hou’ ae Nppieraue | Sore, (. wae wna A, Yee raul: VI, The non-variegated kernels on the Ac/Ac plant constitutions: a), All kernels should be variegated if plants wee Ac/Ac b). Pome kernels non-variegcted as shown by photograph, Why? Table 5 a, Ac account, . a VII, Tests of Ac inheritance in e sh Wx/e sh Wx Ac Ac plants: 1. Besides breoss by C Sh wx Ds, ac tester, some vlants also sekfxepokiinnzkedy crossed by Re ¢ sh Wx, ds , ac tester stocks, 2. Expect all gametes to be Re c sh Wx, Ac. tr crossed by C Sh wx Ds ac testor stocks should get all plants with ears in which ratio of varl to non-var2"4s L:ils Female gametes Male gemetes: Re c sh Wx ds, Ac N 6 Sh ux Ds, ac XAKKXKRERRER XOX KRRBKKINEXEROEXE All ears shovld show this ratio Observed ratios, Hars obtained from 96 plants, — oo 5 ke pe uw | 3. On 95 of them: 1 C Sh Wx non-var. kernel to 1 C Sh Wx with ec sh area On l ear: All kernels non=varierated, No evidence of Ac he Question: What hashannened to Ae? Why is one plant ac/ac in constitution? VIII. Return to ears produced by ¢ sh Wx, ds, Ac/Ac plants, Photo: 1. What is Ac mnstitution in the kernels that show no variegation? 2. The tests of these kernels have shown what haprens to Ac =d why it is absent in some of the kerngls and also in some of the plants derived fwom Ac/Ac plants. Will be discussed next period, IX, Xeview of evidence of Ac inheritance: 1. Statistical ratios in backcross: 1 Ac tol ac found. 2. " " "2 Fo >: jl AcAc : 2 Ac ac : 1 ac ac found, 36 All Ac/ Ac in self of AG/Ac plant : Not found, 1 plant in 96 had no Ae l., All kernels on ears of Ac/Ac plants should show brekas at Ds, “his not found. A few ke: nels with no breaks -- no Ac? cn Ti , Hiei Cory ry Fyuae| , twee! LAA tel bon cid ian, oa hx [uate cl 4 Ab d he , fb FLE J \ we ‘, qt my LC , qe J. Vb flue * 1, bG ove ¢ + ER ly Re at. | tadlenf Cue, Fo Gt ce. cy Re A ui ’ oi Ke Lert x Re Oe. OO, -} Na Aaebto dit . 4 4 a, the pale AM by thtadey 2a 4 gut Miko @ ik a ob, doy Pe 4 4 Y Re Che, ctl, oe LLB k faa ‘ ri yn? a ORS C by be. ‘o fk. gy a do. a ' bob b Re AMMO Yeo — Do _ ET, Hy oud Tye Veh a ne ) Ae ehtauges ota erg i “y Ye x. Gy Q Ba ¥ ol x Re Dye % ‘I bo (umeg be OF —— bye I. + C Be Ae. + T fiyk oe wf Ne Cy bi a Rodi esud = Dinpwa, ff. | oe eA } € A by rele a at isl uf tals . 460s 4 Video “ pL Abren 7 G) SOWA CALGt) tu Cs UI J f aya pe . Lets. poy pow fin, 46 98 Teo Pee, > poh addy deg 28 *MLAG Ge wert tn ALA Qo ODS iC: } , o . Lb, is n , fue t 7 ; eit . ed ~ ¥ : wh / f “ond Ova OP. Le begd; a: A luaot Koy } ) aan “ot < : oa Ove, he 4 : oe Ty Wt we 8 ihe Mo Pe. Ne. AY he hehe lb . . cir, vacet Marr. of Lege iEad Vuub, va DLC _— “ os bots peo ye jf aie bite: ACE EL ee ad SN eth at be. et dtlabt,, OLidero , lve ant (Y.{Seur.0 CA ‘{ Re Woe. bene oh tab Paltan PICU. VAN Mengured oy Umi dy GQ . - ee anit lace Ie i RAE % Oo = Fi, S owe awa Dae : Lowd forse oa: We & Lee pe aan he x UBL Aj Siob le 3 5 tury q ky. Gy cust R| de £ + Gece FIN Rhohavees? = Uk Wowie Wey Pe vs ‘ ¢ MN darn} he oe prawty ” Furtior j Gen plbo © Cas] Edo de Oe £ ws TR/Th Be lee. a? \S anc: 1$67 L yop forbes 1629 C-Com Fea, ’ Ch Ze ON SOAn “} Rohe ~ oeoe af, @ Oo | cdo, Aclee. Q LD, Ic by Pe. fre. &/ 1D LAr ° 15% 2 C0 worsen, towels , 1429 Cre Vas. © Cha ole? yx ra/eoa Rk 7 — ' oA e- CG Var. ysoy TL thea: Le Lyvon-vor * gue | 4 Cow, 13 CR ss . 6495 CR, Cf ‘on. “NOU alin "4 pons doryed pow Ober aut Royals «69 t fs Oy Ny x easly Re. | he ¢ va Cah by Dh oe a7 . “ Re co th W + a Uap Da Len ennt ‘ SAND Praga Lon. Aggy ces, Dad al Qos a. Pur ‘deat eye ul a) ne aul G ation bj “TW afe us Ma e. Cy ANC Bis L ptitl fea Le Ape Aten > A , fg A . De - dy, billy Olbage - babe Pe, 7 . Gb: — j Tha, wT Me anv atl okgont. Memon free AN — Plant fecuin peel Lhsen \ ‘ VALS oy vir, LAL = apr out iyfod wm (A tls P. +h oF ti (yh C Wh Waa, Ye be ‘ teh ts if iy ; : + he cputitulon a td pout soriesd ‘ tr Chea De rast piyrtt AL‘ Shp) pe by all ley ay, “é we Tyee yt Qopdiceded wish 200d. plout: @, “eke pollinatad: Yo tot fou Rais quuavin, 22 Slin %, w]e a, wm: rem ts ! @), Cros 57 5 | Ceby] . beg he WM re daw } x . A A Aa) aed iu $ 2 Ave C a 7 by dh ab Zz 1 Crposel ly 8% At] ads | belt, lo lai Coe Re , ; y Un UA WP © ch ak, Reihe Tet ae elo ‘esha obyenrowp, 4. the vramla - euwindry ay CL 2) proacery abl A Optalup j I S owe ploule = Wo Re. fribacert at all. = T Wo Re porte. peace? a ’ A = ) the Code foo Ltubion ule 2 Re peso we ® pat ke. +h. : _ Me FoR admge, Re be Rabe. e = Pe endl y Pond ye Cha bie ¢ 0 = + + x, PHS 6.1120 on howdy = 3, = Oyu preud p= he (oddon. Luce . i . . / a : bi é eo, a PON oie {ils Lay JAE Wy Pike (8 Jiny ee] urbe eee Chae artcy ‘oN = fe. beta. oe 4 Giplege whup cubuaedels - Jehu irr Ke ohh 4M 7 1 Re Wo BI. Kowd fm 2 Abebuig + - ov - A 1 A f aA A dh pa O29 Oe of. yu Wt be te hey tne, aie AA Oe 4 Oe Gee . nee me ——— , , Lf . ’ LOY st \ : _ O%” ©. Thy ) 2 tab oy Ban e Ty ty Oe C a Guuely U pH _ May Q, —— N . " nol ; . Ata. Mey ; Ley . Mel) Dore Moos ah ite SA any pal C wl. Brie s, htncl YAM C f “fe , sd ’ ad AE pa Ss : . fo Rous Bevery 2A Woy, Yash) Uyda } Tubes: Ck 44 Ds ‘ ; Ah Lig © , 2 a - A i \ Oe i A oh Db yp be f \ ‘ ‘ARE : xX wi Wy ke sl MA Plt RISA Le ‘ “VA (eeaas = oo , 7 ei pits , Artied: oy taf WE YW L Pos