2 iy becture l. Vornell University. tuesday, November 16, 1965 wv aspects of Gene Vontrol in Higher Orgunisms. Li. Influence of bacterial and phage genetic and molecular studies on genetic and biological concents. 1. Basic genetic manterial: DNA: its bases, its organization; its coding. 2. Mode of operation of the genetic system: DNA Replication-— DNA polymerase DNA transcription; RNa polymerase, base sequence of mHRNA, mRNA transcriptions through ribosomes; transfer RNa, #ssociated enzymes. Proteins formed; specificities. 4. Types of genetic components in the bacterial an DINa: Structural genes Genes for transfer RNA Genes for structural proteins Genes for ribosomes: B. subtilis: git =< 5. Regulation of action of genes: Induces and Repressors. Ihe Operator-- reading frume of structural gene Regulator genes. Urganization of structural genes: Operons One Regulstor: Positions. Number of senes: thair relations Operon plus others: one regulator. Arginine. Regulators: adjacent to operator: khbac locus. The activator component: Regulator: positive: Arabinose ABDO + &§£ The C: Activator. the feedback mechanisms. 6. Regulation at the gumekx gene level: not yet clear how this operates. 7. The forgotten type of regulation: the H mand Hy duplicate geres in salmonella -- will return to this lat 4 NAL the host range: Modification ef phage genome by host. 8. &ffects of episomes: +sol:ted episomes; the cortrolling episomes (Austin) (Dawson). 9. IMPORTANT: The acceptance of differential regulation of gene action: oneness enormous Stimulws to reconsider mechanisms resconsible for control of gene action during diffeientiation of higher organisms. Although the basic components are the same: DNA etc, the mechanisms controlling the action of the genes in higher orginisms are far more complicsted,. This related to the very highly organized, com;iex bodies, the chromosoves, and the highely organized nuclei. the extraordinary com lex organization of the chrouosowes and nuclei probably related “to mechanisms controliing the action of genes during evelopment. fhe various components of the chrovosoves and the organized nuclei probably represent the components behaving like those of a computor: higiuly organized set of eensequ tive events, each related to the previous event: ay Example of this: @One must consider the caterpillar and the moth: ¥' “oth are extraordinary complex individuals but utilize the same set of genes. «¢' One must consider polymorphism: mimicry patterns, etc. fhe computer: the ‘Swithh Genes": One or Two mendelizing units switch the “computer from one sequence of interplay of events to another sequence, using the same compiement of genes for this. * nd a aur cued Bia aid 10. We must consider that regulation of gene action in a higher organism is a higniy programmed sequence of events from egg to mature individual. The large number of different compsnents of the chrci.osome are probably the component elements in this programed sequence. yuestion: Wht do we know about these components of the chromosome and what do we know about individual mechanisms in the system? Il. The Chromosomes and their comyonent parts: Cowwon off aueultailid Ong Bui . Ly 1. Compared to bacterial chromosome, the breadth of the chromosome is enormous: clearly visible in the light microsoope. 2. Number of DNa molecules within an individual chromosome: Very recent investigations, taking DNA from the chro:ioso.es, suggest that yd each chromosome has relitively few DNA molecules. (8 to 107) (c ) 3. The non-DNA components of the chromoso:es: a). The Histons: Ten different types known. Fall into 4 general classes: Ia, Ib, MII, III, LV. sSased an lysine-arginine ratic 8:1 10:1 1.731 06732 07:1 (yo tryptophane) ( 0) 4 wh Same qualitative types of histones in all nucleated orgnisms. . " " " " " in active and in inactive chromosones with very few exceptions. sy Some turn-over of histones in nuclei that do not replicite DNA qyuantitative differences in h.stones but not qualitative differences. Considerable amount of evidence that histones related to repression of gene action. ‘ut, what substunces are related to activation of gene? b). RNA, new species, rdated to histones. One of these RNA molecules for several of the histones. Heung Rene c). The residual protein - acid type; Phosopho proteins. RNA, new species, associzted with this protein. fmwht, Aguile fulprbdee 4 Lath - “ betas ~ 5 FT 3. Wy Olehouuen - eoupoit cub cad @. One Chaadue ~ | - yp Bale _ — FF Supa ae ge R Uinwaqvesl ow Mg = } ¥ . T ey Saale Bins ogi D Fu yaad > en 7 ¢ j a mer AT: Cour Soa a pey eed tT 44 l : rh Tosew = O05 3076? qe as r % I aw : ob. 05 ty UW 23,007 Slides. Lecture 1 1. vhromosome set at pachytene: maize 2. Nucleolus chromosome at pachytene:maize 3. Nucieoius chromosome, knobs, pachytene, maize 4. Knobs at nuclear membrane; endosperm of maize, polyploid. 5. FYeulgen stain, puchytene maize; B-tyyve chronosove centromere. 6. Kitten, 10 day old retina cells: Beerman 7. Same 8. Lymphocyte nuclei: non-swollen; swollen 9. " " swollen 10. " Active and inactive chromatin: autoradiegraph tesis. ll. Sex chromosome in embryo tissue of rabbit. 12. VYondensed set of chromosomes in spermatogenesis Cerococcus (mealy bug). 13. “lytra patterns: mexk Lady Beetle. ‘Tan, 1946 Cornell University, +ecture 1. +tyesday, Nov. 16, 1965 ADSPrHOTS OF GENE CULLTROL IN HiGHuR ORGANISMS. I. The influence of bacterial and phage genetic and molecular studies on genetic and biological concepts. 1. DNA - mRNA (ryypolymerase) ~ transfer BNA, rigosones etc. DAA oivealion 2. lypes of genes: structural, sRNA, rRNa, regulators, suppressors, Uperator- operon. Regubation. 3. Regulatory mechanisms: not yet clarified. 4, The odd types of control in bacteria: H)-H, duplicate genes: Phase variation ipisome control of gene action: Taylor; Dawson. Host modification of phage: Modification of phaze genome - restriction of host. 5. Imporvance of the "odd" types: particularly the H,-H, duplic.ute genes. 1 2 II. Types of gene control that have been e. amined: ixamples. 1. At the molecular level: “gemdblobin in young and older individuals. lactic dehydrogenase: Two genes, M,H, the tetrameres. ‘oung vers older embryos. Esterases in maize: liming of action of different alleles: coiustancy for an allele: Control: genetic methods, resides at the locus of the gene. Te penal 04 yale ¢ ayy 2. Yaramoecium and Tetramymena: Intcrallelic repression. timing of event. Series of genes for serotype: 14; only one active at a time; other Afluplic te" genes turned off. Other genes: behave similarly. timing of events: controlled. Chages through environmental chan:es: the serotypes. 3. The position effect in Drosophila: Becker: white locus next to heterochromatin: timing and frequency of this. sf-ect of Y. Yoes not alter time of event; alters frequency among celis in which event occurs. 4, The progeins of the 75 comp nent of antibodies: amino acid differences in one segment of this component. 5. Vontrolling elements: maize. Vomponents that may be identified and characterized; serve to moaify gere action and at particular times and in particular manners, 6. the effects of hormones: act at gene level. wuffects only in certain cells. Vombine with chromosome —- some evidence of this iil. The components of the chromoso.es in nucleated organisms: 1. Hnormous difference in associated components of DNA between bacteria and organisms with chromosomes and nuclei. é. This difference: undoubtedly associated with mechanisms of reproduction of the chromosoue and with control of gene action during differentiation and in individual cells, already differentiat 3. Number of DNa molecules per chronoso:e: few. Number of replicons: a number of them per chromosome. 4, The components of the chronmosu:ie: Histones: bLycfne rich and arginine rich: Residual protein: acidic the new RNA species: with histones; with basic protein. “he phosphoproteins; the phospholipids. 5. the Histones: have been the candidate for repression of gene action: a). Histones in active and inactive chromosome parts: not divferent. eome turn-~over of histones without replicstion of Dila, b). What histones might ce doing: ‘escribe shortly; 6. The organization of parts of chromusoxes in the light microscope: (1). @he nucleolus organizer: “unction; cytoplasmic ribosomes. . Slides 1, 2. Raion baba? dy 22—— oe B oushlr (2). the true heterochromatin in the chrososo es: psotions. About centromeres in Drosophila and other organisms. appearance in the nucleus. at ends of chromosomes; At special regi.ns: knobs in maize. (3). the position of the difte ent parts in the working nucleus: oliuges 3, 4, and 5. (4). CHE TrirORvanGe Us The xan tlUN Of racTos Of Gakuswusu.is PU PHS NUCubaAR MEMBRANE! and repression iv. The factivation, of genes through differential condensations: TWO CLass#s OP Diris sallau CONDENSaLIUN: avn APSHOTS RerunsSIuN OF Gana ACTIUN. L Chr. wu. i. OD iy (1). Kelation of condensation to gene action: long known by “a> cytologist: txample in two nucleited pollen grain. (2). bxamples of differential co:dens:tion in nuclei of ceils of Same tissue: Slides 6 and 7. (3). The extensi e studies of Ualf thymus lymphocytes in Mirsky laboratory, Rockefeller Institute. a). The appe:rrance of the nuclei: Before and after welling. olide 8. Slide 9, b). the position of the cordensed purts with respect to the nuclear membrane. c). “he tests of the active and the inactive chromatin: Hadioactive uracil - positions of formation of RNa autoradiograph: Slide LO. (position of ce wensed parts). a). “he mode of connections o: the parts in the coudensed regiunt vross linkages betw-en strands produced by lycine rich histones: associ.ted with phosphoric acid group of DNa This histone associ:.ted with the repression process through maintaining the clumps. Arginine rich histones: also associ: ted with the phosphoric acid group of DNA but combine along side of Dia. ww mel & tel . (4). Each nucleus,has its”own type of contraction of chromatin, . involving diffe.ent parts of the chromosones-- diffe -ent BONES o hp reared wir Mew “HL soarg (5) The major question: how does the differential control, take place? What’ genetic components are involved in this? ° J yp awe edatc (6). A schédule*of differential seyuences of coudensations must be present from zygote stage on, if co:.densation is one of the mechanisms of control of gene action. Dace agiwk aimdt coe aed (7). are there special elements in the chro:osmes that are -ssoci..ted with this? Return to case of control of esterase alleles in maize: control of time of action is different for each allele. +he control of tris for these alleles is associuted with some conmvonent at the Locus of the gene itself. Controlling elements in maize: these are candidates for such elements that serve as co.trols of gene action: the, Orgnalino Ue commer gb youl Loca - ab p oudirs (8). Do we h:ve other evidence of controlling elements or crtrol regions within the chromos one Athen am madyyg? (a). the behavior of the B-type chronosowe in maize at pollen division. Vontrol of non-disjunction: the locition of the signaler for this: at heterochr m tic Lhe location of the nog. G6 the signals: near the centromere end of the chro ‘osorie. OES . : . : yo Both must be present for non-disjunctivon to occur. ot Fee a ee ividence from rye chromosome: B-tye here: similar to maize Iwo element system of coir.trol of non-disjunctions, at specific stage in development. (b) the relationship of stage to the effectiveness of wntrolling elements. . is brings us to the Class II type of condensation. -~4. CLAS& II CONDENSATIONS: Condensation of consequtive regions: farts of a chrouosome; whole chrorioso:..e; whole set of chrs. Known to be inactive for genes. IMPORDuT 1. Example: X chromosome in mammals: non~-contracted XY, XX, AXX, XXXX, XXXX: Selection of A to be muxkymuked, if more than one present. athottin wo eoitteted: Yosition of X in nucleus: Slide 11] nypothes@s: All & chromosomes donaitioned for contraction; one only is rescued from thes. 2. the control region for the contraction: the responder to some signal, In one region of X chrorosome. the tests in mause: X Autosome transloc:tions. Results: contraction to both sides of the control region dnwéws males ions ply 3. Condensation of whole set of chromosomes: measly bugs:, the set received from the father: Slide 12, Position in nucleus. this set represents the set previously received from the grand- mother. Butline: Females: #emale producing; same female, eggs luid later: “ale producing. peeligh™ Set from father in females: euchromatic 4 adie set from father in males: heterochromatic. IMPORTANT: Set from father: cond@tioned to condense; rescue from this occurs in e€@@s destined to produce females; no rescue from this if it is to produce a male. sostTLNT PROULSS: Setting occurs in the germline of the father in the chromosome set it had received from its mother. Heterochromatic set it received from its father is discarded; does not get into sperm. 4, the relation between setting for heterochromatization and for elimination: uses the same mechanism: FryeaShoa ag oPpuaeiee. some mealy bugs: Set from father is eliminated in early cleavage of cells destined to become soma celis{* This important for my thesis, V. The control of the elimination process: reaction of chrouosomes destined for elimination during cleavage to cytoplasmic substance which rescues this: Cecidomyid. 1. the hgg: Pole plasm. Yhe reticulate substance in pole plasm. the pole plasm and the germ line. a). Normal behavior: &). To show tne rescue from elimination related to reticulate substance (but not the pole plasm. ixample of one type of test: Lbigature: ec). Centrifugation studies: Any nucleus that comes adjacent to reticulate substance will have its E chroiosomes rescued from elimination process. VI. The tests of the ressonder and the signaler for the elimination process in Sciara and the rescue mechanism. Its relation to control of Exkxmxnatxun condensation of only one X in mammals: the rescue from condensution of only one A, 1. Sciara germ line of male: later stages; heiosis; constitution of sperm. 2. The Females: Two types: X' X: +#roduces only females, normally x X: Produces males only. “4 og git % { lo show that the signaler is,in the X and not the X* chromosome and that the reé@f@r is in the heterochomatin, at one location in the X received fromthe—father, This alba tees. component was set in male germ line: to effect elimination of both & chromosomes during 7th or 8th division. dees - The eliminations of X in gmxemxkimex soma of eggs produced by < bggs of X” K females: only one of two sister X chromosomes from father no" xX xX Females: gnuxy both K chromosomes from father elimin ted. 3. Relation of control of elimination in the soma cells to product of the X' chromosome: Females: X!' x== normall female produces: one A from male elimin=ted. Non-disjunctions:at meiosis: No X chrumosone in ef@ nucleus 4ygote: LA +2X1A4 Soma elimination: One X only eliminated. female: XX= normal zygote 1X + 1a eX + 1A, Soma: elimination of both & from father. Nondis junctions: 2 X chromosomes in e8@ from mother. aygote: 2X+1A/2X+1A4, “oth X chromosomes from male elimin:ted. Hypothesis: Roth X chromosomes from father destined for elimination in the soma. X chromosome produces some "particle" that is able to rescue only one & chromosvrie. iiust be in cytoplasm as in non-disjunction case, no X from female in the zygotes. Setting: Occurs to element locuted in het-rochrow:tin of X: AAKX cy. vy A- Autosome transloc=tions: Any part of chromosome complement th:t carries this element will follow elimination path, non-disjunction path at meiosis of male. Best trunsloc tion: KKK. cece ee Qecccncvcccevvceaco wee ee Q x Setting occurs during germ line of male to this eleuent. Rescue occurs in soma of females to one element No settings occur to this element, leading to elimination in serm line of female. Unce rescued, remaines rescuéd until it a..in passes through germ line of male. 4, The relation of the Sciara cause to X chromosones in mammals: Lhe setting region:for condensation. Unly one & rescued. signaler not in A chrosiosome probably. “hould be in one of the autosomnes. VII. The setting of the controlling elements in maize and the resetting process. Will discuss later.