Room 56-423 Tel. 617/253-4707 October 18, 1973 To the Editor The Boston Globe 135 Wm. T. Morrissey Boulevard Boston, Massachusetts 02125 Dear Sir: I write both as the recipient of a Nobel Prize (which I felt was undeserved) and as a consistent opponent of the American inter- vention in Indochina. Your editorial (October 17) on the Nobel Peace Prize awarded to Henry Kissinger and Le Duc Tho correctly points out the shakiness of the peace these two men are supposed to have brought about and the doubtfulness of their contribution. Anti-war Americans like myself are also outraged that any leading member of the Administrations that initiated and for 9 years waged the criminal, illegal Indochina war, be they Johnson or Nixon people, should be honored in the name of peace. Whatever the Norwegian Nobel Committee may have meant by thétr selection, it will be nothing less than an insult to the memory “and the bereaved families of those thousands of Americans and Indochinese whose lives were sacrificed in a futile exercise of imperial arrogance. S. E. Luria