September 21, 1962 Prof, Owen Chamberlain (Physics) Prof. M. Doudoroff (Bacteriology) Prof. John Ingraham (Bacteriology, Davis) Prof. David Krech (Psychology) Prof. A. Ostroff (Speech) Prof. R. Y. Stanier (Bacteriology) University of California Berkeley, California Dear Friends, As you probably know from previous notices, the enclosed Open Letter was published on August 21 as an ad in the New York Times. As you certainly realize, the substance of this statement is a much more difficult and controversial matter than, for example, a statement on Civil Defense. The response to date, limited though it was because of timing, has been generally favorable, but it indicates the need for a long educational effort to open up public debate on the basic issues of the arms race. One effective way is the continuing action of faculty groups. We are very pleased with the zest with which our Boston group has gotten right back to work at this early date in the academic year; those of you who are on the Boston Area Group mailing list will shortly receive the first mailing of the year. Meanwhile, is there a chance that a Berkeley group, together with Davis and Stanford, may reprint the enclosed ad? Three considerations are of interest: 1) The New York Times will have a West Coast edition starting October 1 (I think). An ad published in the Times before November 10 (one year from our first open letter) would, if properly handled, be eligible for a 10% refund. 2) In reprinting an ad, it may be easier to get signatures because people do not have to agree with all details of the statement, but only with the intent of republishing as a public service. 3) In reprinting, there is no necessity to state that the full cost is paid by the signers. Hence, if some generous outsider wants to pay part of the cost, it can be accepted. We have several thousand copies of the ad available. It may help, in collecting signatures, to give each person a copy. We can easily send you 1000 or 2000 copies, once we know that you have a chance to reprint it. Best wishes and regards, sel/na 8. E. Llurta