Dear Dr. Wilkins: I am sorry about the delay in answering your letter, but it was not until today that I finally got some extra copies made of the material that was presented at a symposium in June that is pertinent to our DNA work. As you will see from the enclosed account, it is still at a very preliminary stage, and we have much more work to do to purify the enzyme and gain a better understanding of what is required in the form of a polymerized DNA for the reaction to proceed. I hope that within a few months we shall have adequate supplies of the substrate, a decent enzyme, and a DNA "primer" that will permit us to look with some confidence at the products. Dr. Arnold Rich is very eager to have some of the biosynthetic product and I shall do my best to send him and you both some material when it is available. Sincerely yours, Arthur Kornberg October 11, 1956