28th, February 1955 Dear Dr. Commoner, Thank you very much for your letter and for the B8, which has arrived safely. It should be enough to give me several specimens provided I don't in any way mess it up while concentrating it. I shall have to evaporate it to a very small volume to obtain a gel sufficiently concentrated to work with. I shall let you know, of course, as soon as I see how it goes. By the same post I had a typescript from Alex Rich (who previously worked with Watson, and is now in Washington) about some X-ray work on Neumark's RNA-free TMV protein. They get photographs which resemble normal TMV but are not good enough for detailed measurements. However, they do find evidence that the RNA is at the centre. If we can get improved photographs, comparable with those of TMV it will be worth making detailed measurements in the hope of finding out something about the structure of the RNA. My Nature article has just appeared, but, as I imagine it may be several weeks before it reaches you, I enclose a proof copy of the diagram you ask for. Yours sincerely, Rosalind Franklin