April 11, 1955 Dear Dr. Franklin: Since writing you last I have received the revised manuscript, the separate photograph of the X-ray results and the package containing B8. The new manuscript seems fine to me. The revisions, which you made in the material which I sent you, were well taken. The problem of the relationship between our B8 and Richs, is very puzzling. The fact that he only discovered the error birefringence after your telegram causes me to have some doubts as to the general accuracy of the work. I am afraid that we shall have to proceed to work out the problems solely on the basis of our own material. It is too bad that B8 refuses to form a well-oriented gel. I shall be doing some physical studies on B8 solutions very soon and will make some effort to determine whether better orientations can be achieved. If good gels can be obtained, I shall let you know at once. Would you be interested in looking at the X-ray patterns of some of our I8? We are starting to prepare large batches of this material now and ought to be able to provide you with sufficiently large samples in the near future. I shall also make an effort to prepare, if I can, a stable polymer of B6 and will send it to you if we are successful. Your comments concerning the possible relationship between the structures of B8 and TMV are very illuminating. We have been giving a good deal of thought to the problem here and in a little while I should like to write you a summary of our thoughts and ask for your suggestions concerning some of the experiments which we would like to conduct. I shall be interested in learning of the ultimate fate of the manuscript which you have sent to NATURE. When the time cones, would you please order 100 reprints of the paper for our use at my expense. Sincerely yours, Barry Commoner