Nov. 8, 68. Dr. F.H.C. Crick M.R.C. Lab Cambridge Dear Francis: Reading the review of your recent lecture in Nature has again stimulated me to writing this -- I have been meaning to write for quite sometime [sic]. In fact, I just missed your lecture in New York (20th of Oct). I wonder if you would like to visit Madison during the coming year. (Of course, I hope to see you, even if briefly, in Lajolla [sic] and would like to know the dates of your visit there) The synthetic work (chemical and enzymatic) is progressing well and there is a distinct possibility that ala-tRNA gene will be done by Feb. 69 or at the latest by April 69. We are also about 1/3rd of the way with tyr-suppressor tRNA gene. My work with polymerase, initiation etc may develop or may show interesting direction during the coming year. So if you would still be interested in hearing in detail and a visit with the group, we would all of course enjoy a visit. I could arrange expenses etc and 500 dollars if you wanted to consider coming for spending some days. If Leslie could also come, then we would look forward to repeating the happy experiences of Dec. 65. Thanks for the message together with Max, Sydney and Fred. Certainly the memory of my visit to Lajolla [sic] in Feb 65 with (UC)n result and the inspiration and direction I got from you in the succeeding two years will always shine brighter than anything else. All the best of regards and good wishes in the meantime Fondly, Gobind (Inst. for Enzyme Research Univ. Ave. Madison)