October 9, 1953 Dear Francis, I enclose a copy of our manuscript. I have made a few minor corrections. I might mention the following. Summary -- the phrase . . . and the method of derivation . . . I believe it repetitive. page 3 -- I used the same sentence in the C.S.H. MS and it is really unecessary [sic] -- it is implied both on page 1 and on the top part of this page Acknowledgements -- I have rewritten the one to Maurice -- I think my initial attempt quite bad. If you dislike my effort please try another but in any case I should like to see what you have written. Concerning the BBC. I still think a talk on the 3rd would be in bad taste. There are still those who think we pirated data, and I'm of the belief that a few enemies are worse than a few admirers. Judging it on a monetary basis (100 dollars) seems unfortunate [END PAGE ONE] [BEGIN PAGE TWO] Basically however, you are the one to suffer most from your attempts at self publicity. My main concern is not to be dragged into it as I'm afraid I was in Cambridge. If you need the money that bad, go ahead. Needless to say I shall not think any higher of you and shall have good reason to avoid any further collaboration with you I am probably going to be forced into the Armed Forces -- Possibly with the Public Health Service. I should know in about 2 weeks. Until then, I shall work on bacterial genetics and to be a slight extent on RNA Please remember me to Odile Jim