Nov. 23, 1953 Dear Francis -- Start in with your calculations, if you haven't already -- I have no intention of doing it, but I shall be most interested in the results. My coordinates for the 4.3[subscript, 16] (I refuse to use "pi") a close to Barbara's: [diagram, table of numbers] axis at x equals 0, y equals 0 angle of rotation 83 degrees per residue [END PAGE ONE] [BEGIN PAGE TWO] I am still waiting for Max to send some calculation sheets I need before I can finish the [special characters, a formula of some sort, see Lister Hill?] curves. Have you heard Jim has solved the structure of RNA? Yours, JD. Please note my address. It is not C.I.T. or U.C.L.A., but U.S.C. How much less confusing it would be if there were only two universities. Give my regards to everyone, please.