27th November, 1974 Dear Leslie Thank you for your letter of 18th November. I saw the two papers in J.M.B. by Lim. As far as I remember, David told me that Lim is associated with Ptitsyn. We were very glad to learn your travel plans. Apart from a short trip to Germany near the beginning of May, Odile and I plan to be in Cambridge for most of the summer, though she may possibly go to Provence in September. I am not planning to travel to the U.S.A. in the foreseeable future, though it is of course possible that later on Odile and I might come for a longer visit. I was interested in your remarks about Glen Seaborg's collected papers. It so happens that I could do with a few thousand dollars at the moment. Unfortunately, I do not even have a complete set of my papers myself. However, since I have copies of quite a number of the more obscure papers it might be sensible if I started to put together a complete set with a view to selling them. Before I do that, I would very much appreciate some advice from you about what people expect. For example, how complete is complete? I have written a number of popular scientific articles, such as one many years ago in the English scientific magazine "Discovery". This was about the structure of DNA. Then I think I recall writing something about humanism for the Cambridge Evening News. Does that sort of thing have to be included? How important is it that the paper should be of good quality? I take it it is no use providing xerox copies (which is all I appear to have at the moment of one or two of my papers) but is it important that they should be in a completely mint condition? Does it matter that I have written my name on them, or made various comments in the margin, or is this in some way an advantage? Is it sensible to accumulate only one set or should one aim for several? If you could give me any advice on these points, either by letter or when you come here in the summer, I would be most grateful. Incidentally I have decided not to go to the Summer School on Spetsai this year. F. H. C. Crick