April 29, 1969 Dear Professor Crick: I was dismayed to see your name listed as chairman of the Organizing Committee of the meetings on Molecular Biology to be held in fascist Greece. The Greek dictators are very concerned about obtaining an aura of respectability for themselves and promoting scientific meetings there is one of their attempts. Perhaps this meeting was planned long before the Junta took over Greece but it is a serious mistake for anyone who supports and has been nurtured in democratic institutions to take any part in this meeting. As you may know Professor Etienne Wolff of the College de France, as well as Lwoff, Monet, Jacob and many other distinguished French Scientists have refused to attend such respectable meetings in the disrespectable government of Greece. I am also writing to others who are accepting these invitations. Fascist Greece differs from that of Spain and Portugal in that it is newly established and has not taken roots. The Scandinavian countries as well as Holland and Italy have issued strong statements against the Junta. Greek dictators need your help, the help of tourists and the help of the American State Department in order to survive. Spain and Portugal established themselves at an earlier time and under different conditions and their survival does not directly depend on what you do. I am most interested in your comments and I would appreciate it if you would send me a copy of your letter of rejection, if you decide to send it to the Organizing Committee. With best personal regards, Sincerely yours, George D. Pappas