September 11, 1979 Dear Dr. Crick: Thank you for your letter of September 5th. Although I never had the pleasure of meeting Rosalind, I know from a number of her colleagues and from the books written about her, that you were a good friend to her. You were especially kind during her illness and, had she lived a few years longer, she would most likely have received the recognition she deserved. However, your article reflects the fact that you have never accepted her as a first-class scientist. You mention her not in association with the Kings College data which you found so encouraging, but only as a person who obstructed progress. In particular, you stress that she was "too determined to be scientifically sound" although all researchers strive for scientific soundness. I would have had the same negative reaction to such singling out of any scientist, regardless of gender. I would be most interested in Dr. Klug's response to your letter. Sincerely yours, Charlotte Friend, Ph.D. Professor Director, Center for Experimental Cell Biology