The Chemistry Dept, Harvard, Cambridge, Mass 4th April 59 Dear Aaron, Thank you so much for your congratulations. For various reasons I was very surprised and have not really got used to it yet! Do write about your ideas about virus structure. I think its obvious why one has the icosahedron [sic] rather than the dodecohedron [sic] (ie because one can't easily pack pentagonal faces), but further than this I have not gone. I assume that there is a simpler, underlying layer, which is 532, and which acts as a "nucleus" for the outer layer to form on. What is happening about the plans [?] that you [END PAGE ONE] [BEGIN PAGE TWO] is a fairly central spot, but I should like to press Max to get you to Cambridge before then if we can find a little space. Would you let me know how things are at your end? [next part of page is front of air mail envelope with addresses, F.H.C. Crick Chemistry Dept., Harvard, Cambridge Mass. and Dr. Aaron Klug Birkbeck College Crystallography Laboratory 21 Torrington Square, London W.C.1. England] Odile and I have been to New Orleans and also to Gatlingburg [sic] in the Smokies as you can see