20th May, 1974 Dear Tom, Thank you for your kind words about my article and especially for your reminiscences. It is really rather surprising how Chargaff, while frequently being witty, has almost always been wrong. Pirie, though rather different in character, has always been obstinately sceptical. I had no idea that he said that about the genetic code in 1963 and would be glad to have the reference. As you probably know, I first realised that nucleic acid would have a lot of evolutionary information in 1958. I have always been mildly supprised that I subsequently have done nothing about it but thanks to your efforts and those of several others the matter seems to be in good hands. I have given up travelling for the time being so that I can lead a quiet life, so we are unlikely to meet in the near future unless you come to England. Best wishes, F.H.C. Crick