16th July, 1975. Dear Jim, Very glad to hear from you. I think it a good idea to publish something on the RNA TIE CLUB whether it is associated with my 60th birthday or not. Almost all my own early correspondence was unfortunately thrown away without my knowledge by an over-efficient Secretary but Sidney still has some letters from Gamow and other relevant papers. It's nice of you to suggest we come to visit you but I am still avoiding short visits over the longer distances. However, I am tentatively planning to have a sabbatical for the academic year 1976-77, spending the winter at the Salk Institute and the summer in Denmark. Odile and I might be able to drop in to see you on our way back from California, probably in May 1977. It would have to be a fairly short visit unless you 'employ' me, as our new tax laws make it necessary for me to be continuously employed abroad for a minimum of 365 days. Our best wishes to you both, F.H.C. Crick.