Dear Paul, My deepest apologies for the delay. Enclosed are my redrafting of the relevant sections including an edited appendix. It is handwritten and this is one of the reasons for my tardiness, all of our secretaries quit a week or so ago and we have been unable to replace them so poor Ann will have to be commandeered again. I hope you find them satisfactory. As you may know, largely through the efforts of Josh in his ultra-goody form, WHO are taking up the matter and I am going to Geneva in June to talk to them (the average age of their committee is about 170!). They could be useful for the dissemination of information and they have very good people in the area of infectious disease. The situation in the UK is now confused. There is a post Ashby vacuum and it is not clear who is going to occupy it. I have an MRC committee (packed with Asilomar people, Bodiner, Murray, Richmond) and we will try to take it over before the Ministry of Health get there. I am now working full time in this area but it is painful to resurrect everything from the cold rooms and finding lots of things [END PAGE ONE] [BEGIN PAGE TWO] that I made and forgot about. You will also be amused to hear that I am making enzymes (not very successfully as yet); my experience in this area dates back 25 years before there were columns. It is fun--like being a graduate student again. I also meant to write to thank you for your kind personal note. It was a fascinating experience but the real thing that will persist is that one has made very good friends of people like yourself. The scientific world is so horrible and paranoid and one really appreciates simple human failings like friendship and loyalty. I am spending October at Harvard and hope to come out to the West Coast when we can have breakfast together again. Love to all, Sydney