25th October, 1973 Dear Paul, My apologies for my last letter but we were beginning to fear, quite unjustifiably, that the pictures would never arrive. They have already cleared up a lot of our difficulties but naturally have raised a lot of other questions. For example, is the structure a hollow tube? The "beads" in the dissolving structure are also very challenging. I have today written to Jack Griffith asking him to visit us, if possible when Roger gives his colloquium here on 15th November, or, failing that, some time before Christmas. You will already have heard, via Arthur, the general lines on which we are thinking. Burgoyne, the Australian who, with his research student Dean Hewish, made the crucial observation on the digestion of chromatin, is visiting Mill Hill this year, so we have asked him to give us an account of his work on the same day as Roger's talk. Meanwhile, Markus Noll, who has just joined us, is trying to repeat the digestion work. I do hope you can arrange for Jack Griffith to publish at least part of his work as we now feel we shall have to do some e/m work ourselves and don't want to lose any credit for his observations. Best wishes, Yours ever, Francis