10th November, 1972 Dear Paul, Thank you very much for your letter. Your visit here was, as usual, like a breath of fresh air and it stirred us all up. The talks about the abortives were certainly useful, and I am very glad that Helene Smith has finally agreed to tackle a repeat experiment. Could we help to grow up the 3T3 clones which she isolates using our bulk culture methods? It might have the disadvantage of altered growth conditions but would it help? Last week I saw a centrifuge bottle with 43 grams of 3T3 cells prepared here as a single batch! Thank you also for the corrected Cot's on ST2. Surely this looks like another ST1? Very mysterious. Now for the jobs which Maureen and I had to do. 1. ST6 cells were sent as a seed sometime ago. 2. 5G batches of 7 colony isolates of ST1 were sent off by air to you this week 3. MA9 turns out on cloning to be a mixture of N & T. Even the earliest stored batches have some T cells. We have now isolated a number of sub clones (micro drop and carefully checked) from one of the N colonies. We shall propagate these to see if they segregate T. If they do not, we must just assume that the T cells are contaminants. 4. Tests for virus transplantation antigen of ST1 are now cooking. The hamsters have been immunized and will be challenged within the next few days. I think that is all. Renato and Maureen have settled into their new home and will probably tell you about it when you meet shortly. I still hope to see you in January. Please give my greetings to Marianne and thank her for the notes on the cells. Do not worry about the extra expense money. All the best, Yours sincerely, Michael