oo nis at A Ran A i a ea AL tee ae td mk REMARKS OP DR. MACLYN NCCARTY AT AVERY GATE ImMonTAL Ci OY OF SLMELITER 29> ToGsS It if not cur purpose this afternoon to attempt a systematic analysis of Avery's scientific contributions and their impact on modern biological thought. Nor is it feasible to draw a comprehensive pottrait of Fess and his extraordinary, “multi-faceted personality. Rather, in this series of presenta- tions, it ia our hope that, in an informal and less structured manner, wa can convey the essential spirit of the man, his work, and its scientific consequences. There is much more of a central, unifying theme in Avery's carcer as an investigator than the Bimple fact that he was preoccupied for the greater part of it with a Gingle group of microorganisms, the pneumococede His intuitive ability to select significant problonus for attack, the philosophy of his approach to their solution, and the stringent demands he made On scientific evidence before accepting his experimental findings as final are among the traits that give his work a Special stamp. The quostione he posed in dealing with the complex biological svstems with which he worked were character- istically directed toward a fundamental understanding of the substances responsible for apecilicity. When faced with the necessity a year or 80 ayo of prenaring a paper with the rather forbidding title "Molecular Bioloyy and Medicine", it occurred to ma that, as much ao he might have dislixed the designation, Fess was a molecular bioloyist long before the term came into use. This asscrtion is adequately sunported by the direction va and development off each of his major lines of investiyation, involving ao they did the isolation and characterization of biologically active molecules and efforts to establish the chemical basis for their specificity. It ia important to recognize that his explorations of the underlying biochemical basis involved in the phenomena he studied were motivated by a deep interest in proad biological problens, 4ncluding, as Colin MacLeod will emphasize, clinical problems related to disease. One of the lees well-known of the Professor's major interests was his concern with the host response to disease processea. This interest finds tts most | notable expression in his work on the human serus protein now known ag C-reactive protein. This substance, which is not present in the blood of normal individuals but makes its appearance in response to a variety of inflammatory stimuli, was discovered in his laboratory by Tillett and Francis as a by-product of the pneumococcal work. The term "Cereactive” refers to the fact that the protein fortuitously reacts to form a precipitate with the somatic C polysaccharide of the pneumo- coccus. His studies of this substance with Abernathy and MacLeod led to its identification as a protein and characteri-~ mation of many of its propertics, and incidentally one cf the first isolations of a humanprotein in a highly purified, homogeneous form. Thus, even his exploration of the hest response to disease developed along the lines of moleculr biology. A long succession of students and collaborators had the intellectual stimulus of learning these approaches to scientific ww San investigation from him by precept. At the same time, there was the associated enriching experience derived from daily contact with a most exceptional personality. These latter experiences are perhaps the most difficult to recapture because of their subjective nature and personal flavor. Certainly, personal remingcences are notoriously treacherous, particularly with sespect to the accurate recollection of details and the temporal interreaationships of events as the years recede. It ie my impression that all of Fess's former associates have a cimilar picture of the major facets of his personality, It is not surprising, however, that there are differcnces of opinion and of interpretation with respect to many of his less familiar characteristics. These co-workers and friencs concur in the broad outlines, but each has his own private view growing out of his owm personal relationship with Avery. If these frcmices are correct, then it is clearly impossible for any one individual to advance a comprehensive analysis of his character that will fully satisfy all of his other former colleagues. In any event, I have no intention of attempting such an analysis. I would like, however, to touch upon one episode which both describes one of Avery's traits and illustrates my point concerning the inherent inaccuracy of personal recollections. The success story recorded in the subsequent careers of a long series of Fese's boys establishes beyond doubt his precminent talent for contributing to the molding and directing cf promisegng young scientists. Tha techniques by which he achieved this -- and indeed whether anything qualifying as a technique was actually aod we involved -- has long been a subject of debate. Some of the things that happened to all aspiring investigators on arrival in Avery's laboratory are indisputable, however. The nevphyte was never under any circumstances given a Fe po nl problem by the Professor and put to work shortly after arrival on some aspect of pneumococeal bacteriology which fitted into the overall interests of the laboratory. The process waa a nuch slower and more painful one «-- moat especially for those who by training and instinct felt dependent upon direction from aboveee and was based on the firmly-hneld philosophy that every worker should select his own problem. This end was achieved through @ combination of subtly directed reading and a series of discussions that frequently took the form of monclogucs. Aa one gained a better integrated impression of the trend of investivation in his department over the years by reading -« chiefly from the collection of Gepartmental reprints <- ones gcasp of the pattern and interrelations of the research on {he pneumnococcus was greatly enhanced by his oral dissertations that have becn referred to as Feas's Red Seal Records. They were virtuoso performances in which, with great logic and clarity, he would develop his theme, including historical Lacke gxcund and the rationale of approaches used. The oryanizcation and phraseoloyy of these vignettes had been composed in his mina at his lcisure with great care and were used repeatedly in rresenting tha subject to various aucitors. The young hopeful, dmpatient to get to work at the laboratory bench, would et the same tine be completely fascinated a5e by these discourses. Soon he would raise questions about certain aspects of the pneumococcus and ultimately would be gently maneuvered into suggesting his own problem by outlining his ideas for answering one of the questions he had himself raised. In this way, the beginner selected his own problem, and at the same time could be diverted through the medium of preliminary discussions from blind alleys and paths that had already been unsuccessfully followed. In my own case, it was my recollection that this period of mixed frustration and intellectual stimulation went on for about two months. This proves to be a beautiful example of tricks that can be played by a faulty memory, and in this case the correction is supplied by a “diary" in the form of labe-atory notes. I arrived at the Rockefeller Institute on September 1, 1941 and was greeted by Frank Horsfall who Lac just that summer returned to the Institute staff after his sojourn in the Rockefeller Foundation laboratories. Fess did not return from Maine until after the second week of Saptember and so my indcetrination (which had been initiated with some reading material in the spring) was not begun in earnest until the micdle of the month. This was the start of the period that I remember as having lasted many weeks, and yet the incontrovertible evicence of the laboratory notebook reveals that I had carricd out my first tentative experiments in pneumococcal transcormation bafore the end of Septenber. By mid-Octoker I was engaged in the growth of masa cultures of type III pneumococeds for extraction ef the crude transforming substance, (ENE He Li rm aGa My distorted memory of this period probably has its basie in the rather special situation that obtained at this time. Colin MacLeod had left the Rockefeller Institute that summer to assume hia duties as Professor of Microbiology at New York University, so that fess was auddenly deprived of his closo _. Gollaborator of the previous 7 years. Although 2 had at the outset a latent interest in pneumococcal transformation, and this Anterest had been. sharply increased by reading and by the Red Beat. Regorda on the subject, I was much too diffident to propose to Fesa that I join him on the problem. On his part, he was restrained from enlisting my aid as a collaborator not only by his policy of insisting that the newcomer select his own problem but also, I am sure, by the unknown nature of my abilities as a laboratory worker. How could he be sure that I would not be nore of a hindrance than a help? it was this impasse that must have been respon-ivle for the aberration of memory which causes mo to recall as severnl weeks what could not have bean nore than several days. I have no clear recollection of pracisoly how the impasse was broken, and here the laboratory notes are of no halp. There are many other respects in which these old laboratory notebooks prove their inadequacy, and although they scom culte thorough and acequately ceseriptive of experimental procedure ‘hey are not very useful in dolineating the evolution of ideas wor the origin of certain approaches. In particular, I had looped to plece together fron them a clear record of the crigin and growth of the igea that the pneumococcal trandorming principle oo Jom ia composeé of DNA. There is some information on the point, to be sure, but not enoujsh to reconstruct from this source alone an eccurate picture of all stages in the development of the idea. Nor is there any reflection of the negative factors that werolntroduced on discussion with others, such as the prevailing biochemical dogma of the time that nucleic acids from various sources were monotonously alike in composition and thus unlikely candidates as carriers of specific information. There are rewards of a different nature to be derived from a return to the old notebooks, however, and thumbing through their pages again after twenty-odd years tends to conjure up memories of episodes and the daily laboratory routine of the period. One of the gratifying minor aspects of the work with the pneumococcal transforming system was that /each morning on “arrival in the laboratory the results of the experiment of the day before were waiting in the incubator to be read. Thus, when things were going well, each day began with a new bit of 4nformation that provided the stimulus and direction for further experiments. Yeas and I had an unspoken agrecment that prevented either of us from obtaining a sneak proview of the i results before the other had arrived. (The old protocols serve to) recall the image of Fess as we converged on the 4ncubator each morning, and in particular I see his expression, which was a curious mixture of eager anticipation and of arpre- henoion for fear something had gone wrong with our complex \ biological test system ~- which, alas, was all too frequently L the case. | A multitude offsuch pictures remain in my memory as I am oBe sure they do in the memory of others. Despite the fact that they may be distorted and blurred by the passage of time, they remain as testimony of the lasting impact of his ' personality on his associates. This legacy is inextricably enmeshed in our minds with the more durable and objective legacy of his scientific accomplishments. In closing, I would like to express the personal pleasure that I have derived from the intensified reminiscences of Dr. Avery stimulated by this occasion and from the oppor- tunity to talk again with many of his old friends and with his brother and sister-in-law, Dr. and Mrs. Roy Avery. I must say, however, that the endless variety of these reminiscences haga renewed my conviction that it is virtually impossible in a brief discourse to recapture more than a small portion of his attributes as a ocicntist and aa a friend. MMcCarty September 29, 1965