July 19th 1944 Dear Fess, Mary spent a good part of last evening on this jingle, and since then she has urged us constantly to send it to you so that you might know of some other FRS's. We do so with some reluctance--she is an insistent young lady. Colin. [END PAGE ONE] [BEGIN PAGE TWO] July 18 '44 To Uncle Fess, F.R.S. (Uncle Fress?) "I'll have no traffic with poems Sapphic until I'm twelve and jaded, I'd rather a tale of Hill and Dale, Of Science and how they made it. "How Robert Boyle burned midnight oil The gas laws for to study, While Newton fussed with calculus And thought on apples ruddy. "Sir Humphrey Davy, how he slaved, he Worked with things electric, And J.P. Joule laid down the rules Of measure calorimetric "I wish you would halt on the notable Dalton And discuss the atomic theory, Oh give me a book on Robert Hooke The goblins make me weary. [END PAGE TWO] [BEGIN PAGE THREE] "How Rutherford was never bored When dealing with a proton While Darwin, Charles, revelled in barrels Of flora (?) such as planktons "So here's to a caucus on pneumococcus And how you make it vary, And to Uncle Fess, my FRS, With move from little Mary."