THE GENETICS OF PATHOGENIC ORGANISMS Publication of the American Association for the Advancement of Science No. 12 PUBLICATION COMMITTEE E. C. STAKMAN, Chairman R. E. CoKER L. O. KUNKEL G. B. REED Matco_m H. Soule E. A. WATSON Edited by Forest Ray MouLTON ot —————— ~ Ze a yupibAL ity S SS ia, e\, (336226) % aizd 40 4% Saington, D.C: Published for the American Association for the Advancement of Science by Tue Science Press 1940 PROBLEMS IN THE VARIATION OF PATHOGENIC BACTERIA By G. B. REED QUEEN’S UNIVERSITY, KINGSTON, ONTARIO, CANADA From the early days of Pasteur and Koch down to the last decade and a half, patho- genic bacteriology was dominated by the dogma of monomorphism. With few ex- ceptions, the earlier studies were more con- cerned with establishing the fixity of species than with variation. But during the last 15 to 18 years the literature of the subject has been flooded with evidences of variability. It has become increasingly apparent that pathogenic species of bacteria may pass through thousands of generations under lab- oratory conditions or in the animal body without detectable change in their charac- teristics. At the same time, it is equally evident that most, and probably all, patho- genic species at times undergo variation. The fact that bacteria do vary has reper- cussions in almost every field of the study of infectious diseases. I should like to call attention to problems connected with varia- tions in antigenic composition and virulence and to suggest some hypothetical consider- ations concerning the causes of variations. VARIATIONS IN ANTIGENIC COMPOSITION From the early work, especially that of Arkwright (1920), it has been apparent that certain variations are generally correlated. The most frequently observed variation, the Smooth to Rough (S to R) colony form, is not merely a change in the structure of the colony; there is usually associated a change in virulence, in antigenic composi- tion and other characteristics, such as cell morphology, sensitivity to bacteriophage, and hydrophobe or hydrophile properties of the cell. The variation is generally dis- continuous and the variants are frequently highly stable. In many species the § to R change occurs readily, but reversion or R to S occurs only rarely. The significance of this type of variation is not apparent, but it seems safe to assume that it represents a relatively major change in the genetic makeup of the organism. The pathological importance of the change is primarily due to variation in the anti- genic composition which appears to be a fundamental consideration in virulence as well as in antibody stimulating and reacting mechanism. The S to R variation ordi- narily involves a loss in the heat-stable somatic antigen that characterizes the sur- face of the normal virulent type. This loss may further result in the uncovering of somatic antigens which then dominate the variant type. The somatic antigen, prob- ‘ably most frequently concerned in this loss | variation, we know, from the initial work of Heidelberger and Avery, is a polysac- charide. In chemically pure form the poly- saccharides are haptens or partial antigens —they react with antibodies but do not stimulate antibody formation. In the cell, however, they act as antigens. In the case of the Pneumococci, the polysaccharide is contained in the capsule. In the course of the S to R variation the capsule and the specific polysaccharide antigen are lost. There remains, however, in the R organisms an antigenic protein component common to all types of Pneumococci. It has been shown that a similar series of changes ac- 28 company S to R variation in several, pos- sibly all, pathogenic species. This loss of surface antigen means that the variant lacks antigenic specificity and lacks the ability to stimulate the formation of specific anti- bodies in animals. It has not been possible to put all antigenic differences between bac- terial species or variants into chemical terms or to interpret antigenic variation in this precise manner, but the fact that certain major changes can be so interpreted tends to clarify the situation. THE VARIATION OF PATHOGENIC BACTERIA ‘ 29 Knowledge gained from a study of vari- ation in the antigenicity of bacteria, during the last dozen years, has resulted in many modifications in methods of immunization and diagnosis by immunological means. We now know that in the preparation of vac- cines for immunization against typhoid, paratyphoid, and other infections of this group, consideration must be given to the complex antigenic composition of the organ- isms and the ease with which variation in these components occurs under laboratory conditions. Similar problems are met with to a greater or lesser degree in the prepa- ration of vaccines from all types of patho- genic bacteria. Similarly, in the prepara- tion of antisera, as against Pnewmococci and Meningococci, possible variation in antigenic composition is a fundamental problem. In such a simple procedure as the Widal and other agglutination reactions used in the identification of antibodies for diagnosis of infections, due regard must be given to the antigenic structure and possible variation of the organisms used as antigens. Such prob- lems appear in almost every phase of im- munology. It will be recalled that the French group —Calmette et al.—obtained from an old cul- ture of tubercle bacilli a strain, BCG, of exceedingly low virulence, a type capable of producing only localized lesions which are fairly rapidly absorbed. It was shown by Petroff (1927), Begbie (1930), Sasano and Medlar (1931), Seiffert (1932), and our- selves (1934) that this organism is probably an R variant of the normal tubercle bacillus. It has been found that the strain generally is highly stable like most R forms. In the hands of a few observers, sufficient variation has, however, occurred to permit recovery of the fully virulent or normal S form (Reed, Orr, and Rice, 1934). The French group and others have long claimed that the introduction of BCG cul- tures into infants results in a considerable degree of immunity against ordinary tuber- culous infection. This vitally important problem has been seriously questioned on statistical grounds. We have approached it differently by examining the antigenic structure of the BCG organisms in contrast to normal tubercle bacilli. In earlier papers (Rice 1931; Rice and Reed 1932) it was shown that, if rabbits are immunized with whole cultures of normal S forms and other rabbits with R variants of mammalian tubercle bacilli, a distinction can be made in the antibody content of the two lots of animal sera. The examination procedure was an indirect one involving complement fixation with antigens prepared from S and R types of organisms. The anti-S immune serum fixed, on the average, twice as much complement with the S anti- gen as was fixed with R antigen. The anti-R serum fixed, on the average, the same amount of complement with both § and R antigens. These observations were inter- preted to mean that the S organisms contain an S-specifie and a species antigen, and that the R organisms lack the S-specific antigen but contain the species antigen. Corre- spondingly, the anti-S serum contains the two antibodies; the anti-R serum, the species antibody, while it lacks the S-specific anti- body. The same examination procedure was fol- lowed with the ordinary BCG cultures and the S type recovered from them (Reed, Orr, and Rice 1934). Rabbits were immunized with the two types and the antisera tested against antigens prepared from S and R type mammalian tubercle bacilli. The re- sults are summarized in Table I. It is apparent from the column on the left that antisera prepared from several cultures of BCG contain antibodies which fix comple- ment in approximately equal amounts in the presence of S and R antigen. The antisera prepared from 8 variants of the BCG (which are virulent), as indicated on the right of Table I, fixed approximately twice as much complement in the presence of the S antigen as in the presence of the R antigen. The simplest explanation of the observations ‘is that the BCG organism, like other R tubercle bacilli, lacks an antigenic compo- nent which characterizes normal virulent tubercle bacilli. Lacking this antigen, the corresponding antibody is lacking in the serum of BCG immunized animals. 30 THE GENETICS OF PATHOGENIC ORGANISMS TABLE I A COMPARISON oF THE REACTIVITY OF TYPICAL 8 AND R MaMMALIAN TUBERCLE Bacitius ANTIGENS WITH THE SERUM OF RaBBirs IMMUNIZED WITH ORDINARY BCG-R ORGANISMS AND WITH DissoctaTep S ORGANISMS aS MEASURED IN CuBIC CENTIMETERS OF COMPLEMENT FIXED SPECIFICALLY AT Farry Pee Cent HEMOLYsIs Antiserum Antigen Specific . Antiserum Antigen | SPecifie BCG-R Montreal (1) ...} oss BOG-8 Trades on . toc BCG-R Montreal (2) .... s ord BOG-8 Alberta (1) -. | 8 pr BCG-R Montreal (3) .. . a BCG-S Alberta (2) ~. ; ree BCG-R Montreal (4) .... 8 atid BCG-8 Alberta (3) .... 8 aes BCG-R Montreal (5) 7 sors BOG-S Ottawa (1) -.. 8 NA BOG-E Paris .......... an 8 ose BCG-S8 Alberta (4) ~.. ‘ oon? BCG-8 & B Alberta (5) 8 0100 It seems probable that the BCG organism has arisen as a variant from ‘‘normal’’ tubercle bacilli and that one feature of the variation was a loss of a specific antigenic substance. This adds support to the doubt raised from the statistical analysis based upon the use of the material as an immuniz- ing agent in man and cattle. It is in line, too, with general findings with other species of pathogenic bacteria, such as the Pneu- mococci, members of the typhoid coli group, that the 8 to R type of variation is accom- panied by a loss of a specific antigen which renders the variant ineffective as an immun- jzing agent. VARIATION IN VIRULENCE A long recognized type of variation is change in virulence or change in ability to produce toxins. This change occurs in many species under laboratory conditions, and we know that avirulent or atoxogenic variants may frequently be isolated from man (Wadsworth and Sickles 1927; Okell 1929; Gunn and Griffith 1928).. Variation in the animal body is probably related to the inter- action of antibodies with the surface anti- gens of the organisms. An attractive explanation of the rise and fall of epidemics has been based, with some degree of experimental support, upon these findings. The extent to which host immu- nity and bacterial variation contribute to the course of epidemics has never been determined, but there seems to be ample evidence from both the study of epidemic disease in man and experimental herd infec- tions in animals that variation in the causal bacteria is at least a factor of importance, even though it be not a simple and obvious relationship. In a long series of studies of herd epi- demics in mice, Webster and colleagues (1930, 1933) have shown that different strains of the same bacterium recovered at intervals during the course of one epidemic may possess an approximately equal viru- lence. This they regularly found to be the case. They, therefore, conclude that changes in virulence play no part in the fluctuations in mortality frequently observed in a long continued epidemic. They have, however, reported different degrees of virulence in the same bacterial species recovered in dif- ferent epidemics (1930). At the same time, they demonstrated that in one species of THE VARIATION OF PATHOGENIC BACTERIA 31 Pneumococeus (Webster and Clow 1933), a strain of high virulence, as judged by intraperitoneal and intranasal infection, might as a result of nose-to-nose passage, lose its intranasal virulence without affect- ing its intraperitoneal virulence. On the other hand, Topley, Greenwood, and associates (1928) have considered a second factor. They find that virulence, as measured by direct inoculation, and the power to induce severe epidemics by contact . infection are not always correlated. Recent experiments with a species of Pasteurella (Greenwood ef al. 1936) seem to afford proof that changes in infectivity may occur during the epidemic spread of a bacterial parasite. They, therefore, suggest that an ‘epidemic strain’’ is characterized by two attributes, high virulence and high infee- tivity. Loss of either through variation may result in loss of ability to cause an epidemic. It seems safe to conclude from these herd studies that variation in the invading bac- teria may constitute a major factor in the spread of human infections. There is also much supporting evidence to be found in a study of human infections. . THEORETICAL CONSIDERATIONS The similarity of the variation pattern in many species of bacteria and especially the variation of correlated characteristics, as just noted, have contributed largely to the theory of cyclic change in the life history of the bacteria. But variation by no means always occurs simultaneously in several characteristics. In a recently published study (Reed 1937) of the saprophytic spe- cies, Serratia marcescens Bizio, it was shown that variation may oecur independently in several characteristics. In this species, as is generally the case, colony structure, cell form, and specific somatic agglutinogen are always associated : S colonies are composed of short rods and coceoid cells containing specific somatic antigen, while the R colonies are composed of long rods and filaments without the specific somatic antigen. Where variation occurs from § to R or in the reverse direc- tion, the associated characteristics vary syn- chronously. This may arise from an insep- arable linkage of the inheritance factors or these three characteristics may result from the transmission of a single gene. What is measured as somatic antigen may, for in- stance, determine the cell form and cell form may determine the colony topography. Several other characteristics exhibited in- dependent variation. Capsulated cells with the resulting mucoid structure of colonies occur in both S and R forms. Variation may proceed in the direction of either gain or loss in capsulation, and this variation may occur irrespective of variation in S or R colony form. It is evident, therefore, that the factor for the inheritance of mucoidness or its absence is independent of the factor or factors for colony structure. Again, variation in pigmentation from red to orange-red or white, or from orange-red to white, occurs regardless of variation in colony structure or capsulation of the cells. Color factors must, therefore, be inherited independently of factors for colony struc- ture or for capsulation. Independent variation in three sets of characteristics does not appear to be con- sistent with any theory of cyclic change in the organisms. It seems more likely that, in these cases at least, the inheritance of individual characteristics has been subject to some irregularity. It is more in line with current genetical opinion to assume that this is the result of change in individual genes or ‘‘gene mutation.’’ A study of Siaphylo- cocct now in progress adds additional evi- dence in support of this hypothesis. There are, however, certain well known variations in pathogenic bacteria which pos- sibly permit a simplification of the gene hypothesis, a simplification which may be applicable to all inheritance and variation in the bacteria, and perhaps in a wider field. Since the work of Neufeld in 1909, we have been familiar with the existence of antigenically different types of Pneumococct. Three types and a heterogeneous group were first distinguished, and quite recently the unclassified group has been differentiated into some 27 additional types. There is ample evidence that the antigenic difference 32 THE GENETICS OF PATHOGENIC ORGANISMS © TABLE II CHARACTERISTICS OF THE TYPE-SPECIFIC POLYSACCHARIDES OF PuEvMOCcOCcCI (After Avery and Heidelberger) : ‘ . : Dilution tical Per cent Substances obtained so: Type Op . : . giving specific rotation nitrogen on hydrolysis precipitation To resecssee 300° 5 Galacturic acid and amino-sugar de- THVAEEV OR aeesecnnnncnenentnnensnnnestnsnnnntneensttn 1: 6,000,000 rr Ww. 74° 0 Glucose nsetssnnsstnsnnretereennenenennnttnt 1: 5,000,000 TI ....... — 33° 0 Glucose and. glucoronic acid .—-—-.. 1: 6,000,000 between at least the original three types depends upon chemical differences in the polysaccharide, which is the principal com- ponent of the capsule surrounding the organism, as indicated in Table II. As just noted in’ another connection, variation frequently occurs in the strain of this species in which the capsule and type- specific polysaccharide is lost. Such variants, therefore, do not belong to a specific type; they have lost their type char- acteristic. It was shown by Griffith (1928) and recently confirmed particularly by Daw- son and Sia (1931) that, if a non-capsulated, non-type-specific variant arising from type I is grown in a menstruum including type I polysaccharide, reversion to a capsulated type-specific form may occur. And, very significantly, the new form will be not type I from which the non-capsulated strain arose but type II, the type of the polysaccharide present in the menstruum in which the variation occurred. Once this new type IT has arisen, it continues to breed as a char- acteristic type II; that is, the newly gained ability to synthesize the type II polysac- charide is passed on from generation to generation. , The fact that the type-specific polysac- charide is taken up from the environment and continues to be formed in subsequent generations suggests that it may be a self- propagating substance like Stanley’s virus protein. If so, the type-specific inheritance may be regarded simply as a cutting off, in the fission division, of a portion of the sub- stance sufficient to permit the propagation of more similar substance in the developing daughter cell. A loss variation is then simply a cell division in which the poly- saccharide fails to divide. If this is true of specific polysaccharide, possibly there are in the cell other self-propagating substances. 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