Sept. 1972 Dear Boris This note would perhaps interest you even if I did not add the remark that it was Harriet who brought Avery's paper to my attention (in Jan. 1945, shortly after I returned to Columbia from short service at a naval hospital). In June I started working with Francis Ryan, and I am sure I had much encouragement from her throughout that time. [mark to note, In retrospect, I marvel that she -- and others -- could have tolerated such a callow 20-year old! J.] When might we meet again? Will you be in Paris at end-June next year? Or in California before then? as ever, with fondest regards Joshua. P.S. She wrote me, in 1966, that she had drafted a history of transformation. Do you have her notes? If so might I see a copy especially of the interval before 1947, where my own records and recollections are the feeblest. Is there anywhere any biographical memoir in print of her?