Place and Date of Birth: Degrees: Awards: Positions held: Organizations: OSWALD THEODORE AVERY Halifax, Nova Scotia, October 21, 1877 A.B., Colgate University, 1900 M.D., Columbia University, 1904 Honorary: Sc. D., Colgate, 1921 L.L.D,., McGill University, 1955 Sc.D., New York University 1947 Paul Ehrlich Gold Medal Joseph Mather Smith Prize, Columbia University John Philips Memorial Award, American College of Physicians Kober Medal, Association of American Physicians Medal of the New York Academy of Medicine Lasker Award, American Public Health Association 1947 Copley Medal 1945 of The Royal Society of London The Charles Mickle Fellowship Univ. of Toronto 1946 Hoagland Laboratory, Brooklyn, Associate Director, 1907~1913 Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research: Assistant, Department of Hospital, Oct., 1915 Assoolate, " " 7 July 1, 1915 Associate Member July 1, 1919 Member July 1, 1923 Emeritus Member July 1, 1943 Det. Norski Videnskags Akademi Oslo, 10932 Correspondant etranger Academie Royal de Medicine de Belgique, 1933 Foreign Member National Academy of Sciences, 1955 Foreign Member, Royal Society of London, 1944 New York Academy of Sciences, Honorary Member, 1944 Association of American Physicians American Association of Pathologists and Immunologists (President, 1934) American Association of Immunologists (Pres., 1929) American Public Health Association Harvey Society Society for Hxperimental Pathology American Association for the Advancement of Science Society of American Bacteriologists, Honorary Member 1944 Consultant to Secretary of War-Member of Board for the Study and Control of Epidemic Diseases, office of the Surgeon General, U.S.Army, 1942 Member Subcommittee on Infectious Diseases, National Research Council, 1943 American Academy of Arts and Sciences N. ¥. Academy of Medicine Honorary Member Pathological Society of Gr.Br.& Ire Honorary Member Soo. of General Microbiology (Eng.) American Academy Arts and Sciences