June 2nd, 1955 Deter Doctor McClung: In reply to your request of May 3lst, I am sending you herewith the manuscript of "The Commonwealth of Science," which was Dr. Avery's Presidential Address before the S.A.B. You and Dr. Clark may use it according to your judgement. The following details might be of interest for the history of this manuscript. As you will remember, Dr. Avery had refused to submit his Address for publication. While helping him to clear his desk when he retired from The Rockefeller Institute, I took the liberty to "steal" one of the carbon copies of the manuscript that he was about to destroy and decided to keep it in my work files until the time of his death. I have no reason to think that Dr. Avery had changed his views concerning the subject discussed in his Address and I believe, therefore, that it would be quite proper to have the material made public if you judge it advisable. Sincerely yours, Rene J. Dubos