McCarty at NAS 5/15/73 Mac McCarty Avery's files (left in 48 (cleaned out his files lectures unpublished talks O.T. Avery: systematically discarded his own files. "curious fellow" Pres Bact Soc. address - worked for weeks. Balto. 1941. / No reference to transforming factor. not published. / nothing on record. "nothing till he was ready". "Dec '43" (or late Nov.) paper s[ . . . ] in 11/43. needed to be punished. [ . . . ]: Al Coburn; Heidelburger; Didn't hear until Spring '45 that Harriet would come (in fall). ? doubt Mirskey/Pollisky. Th[ . . . ] no recollection of any Columbia people. early '46 / Mirsky party / Rhoades / "You might not think you're doing genetics by you are" Hershey, Pa Fall '45 / Childs Fund / Jesse Owenstein instigated - asked Avery (DNAses) [sic] [END PAGE ONE] [BEGIN PAGE TWO] Would Mac go instead of Avery. (? '46) "almost pathological. " Dawson: R <-> S. work. in 40's. Fess said: immediately skeptical Dawson: all set to go. & repeated it [ . . . ] away. Avery was already senior person in group. Dawson - d[ . . . ] to Avery. (Dubos may have been too critical) Alloway[?]: Avery was deeply involved. found pH^2 [ . . . ]ability. Red Seal Records ? don't know Avery was "there" but not working untl [sic] circa 1934 operation was mid 30's hypothyroid circa 1933. '34. His papers: deada ended. monologues - "stylized" - polys[ . . . ] capsule transform story stereotyped statements. (recollections of oral statements") [END PAGE TWO] [BEGIN PAGE THREE] pathological about being [ . . . ] esp re hypotheses. "nothing should have any chance of being wrong, " Av. Re[ . . . ]: writes of "lack of anti[ . . . ]ty" (Meant only special case of [ . . . ] rabbit) bioch baby[?]. / as m[ . . . ].) conc. on nature of culture[?] lab discussions: "what was it": [Knight was trying to change T[ . . . ] was it protein or NA?] Mirsky or Starsky - scotched[?] Avery. C[ . . . ]n - "didn't get it" [Schultz and [ . . . ]] "fractionate a crude[?] extent" what it means today and then. Mac didn't know being[?] of pre-[ . . . ] on my own history. Would like to find time to menion [sic] it. May had had started but only lab notes are available