Dear Peyton: Many friends and admirers of Dr. Avery have expressed their desire to participate in the creation of a lasting memorial to him. It is appropriate that this memorial be located at The Rockefeller Institute where he spent over thirty happy years, and where he made his outstanding contributions to science. Accordingly, it is proposed to erect the Oswald Theodore Avery Memorial Gateway at the northwest and principal entrance to the now beautifully landscaped campus of the Institute. It would recall our great friend to the hundreds who enter there each day. [HANDWRITTEN NOTE: sent $10.] Mr. Wallace K. Harrison, the architect of the new Institute buildings, has drawn preliminary plans which are reproduced above this letter. It is estimated that the cost of construction would be approximately ten thousand dollars. If you desire to honor the memory of Dr. Avery in this way, you may do so by sending a contribution to the Avery Memorial Gateway Fund, making your check payable to The Rockefeller Institute. Yours sincerely, Phillip Miller. For the Committee