November 14, 1969 Dear Maclyn: At the time of the dedication of the Avery Memorial Gate in 1965, I think I acquired a copy of a letter from Doctor Avery to his brother in which he expressed some of his own ideas concerning the significance* of the work on the transforming principle. I am not sure whether this came from you or Colin or Doctor Avery's brother, but in any case I suspect that you yourself also have a copy of this letter. I am writing at this time to see if this assumption is correct and if so whether or not you would be good enough to send me a Xerox copy of the letter. Should you not have a copy of the letter could you direct me to someone whom you know to have a copy since I do not seem to be able to find the copy which I thought I acquired in 1965. With all good wishes and trusting that you will be able to make an early response, I am Sincerely yours, W. M. Stanley [HANDWRITTEN NOTE:] * Did you or Colin ever write up something about this work -- I mean in general terms, historically speaking? If so may I have a copy -- or borrow a copy for a week? Or the literature citation?