January 13, 1984 Dear Professor Anfinsen: We were all delighted to learn that you will be representing the Board of Governors at the Mexico Conference in March. I'll be in touch with you in about a week by telephone, but prior to that there are a few things I'd like you to think about: First of all, we will make your air travel arrangements here, but would like to know when you and your wife will want to go and return from Mexico City. We will reserve a small suite for you, again, as soon as we know how many days you plan to be in Mexico City. In a conversation today with Leon Schidlow, Chairman of the Mexican Committee, he indicated to me that the speeches of all of the participants of the March 1st dinner have to be submitted to the President's Office for review prior to the Conference, probably at the end of January. Would it be possible for you to therefore prepare some remarks as soon as possible so that I can send them to Leon? He suggested that your remarks could include: bringing greetings on behalf of Marcus Sieff and the Board of Governors - and the world community of scientists and laymen it represents; something about the important role science plays in improving the quality of life in today's world and in helping all countries to progress; some recognition that the President of Mexico will be accepting a scroll establishing a Chair in Photosynthesis, and the important agricultural thrust of this area of research. (Please note the name of the Chair has yet to be chosen, but I'll keep you informed.) As I mentioned, I'll be in touch with you in about a week. In the meantime, should you have any questions, please don't hesitate to call me. I look forward to seeing you in Mexico. Cordially, Martha Schlesinger National Director of Field Operations