Na at Vacca Olimar et Nth a By PHILIP GILLON. ROFDSSOR Christian Boehmer Anfin- | sen, a biochemist in the National In- , stitutes of Health, Bethesda, was made i of the Weizmann :' . Institute this week, “in. recognition,” as: .an Honorary Fellow his Scroll put it, “of ‘his , contributions te molecular biology, parti- hs cularly in the field’ of protein structure | and function.” He. arrived at: the ing with Professor Michael Sela. te Institute «: | three. weeks ago, together with his wife; ~: ~ he is to spend several months here work- ‘ Molecular biology wadé very much in fashion a year or two ago, I say, when . . we expected it to provide us with solu- tions to many: Problems, © including the : “secret of. life. Tall and soft-spoken, with his height and looks indicating his Norwegian origin, although he was born in America, Pro- fessor Anfinsen looks dubious. ‘Molecular biology covers a lot of other disciplines: .£ call myself a biochemist trained in aspects of chemistry and biology. Some ~people seem to think that the most im- portant discoveries have “already © bees “made in molecular, biology, that the ' double. helix wrapped it up, but I think that it just opened uP an enormous field for us.” What is his. particular interest ? > “Pm concerned’ with protein stucture. /'Tha aim is to understand how macro- -molecules work :in terms of three-dimen- ‘sional structure. The genetic code deter- mines what the linear code will be; this ig translated into three dimensions, Since the development of X-Ray crystal- lography and computers, we have been able to etudy this three-dimensional atruc- ture. “A very exciting development was the discovery of ways to synthesise- macro- molecules. Now we are engaged in what you may call molecular engineering. We look at the structrre of an enzyme, for instance, and if we see a loop in the chain that doesn’t seem to be doing any- thing, we see what happens if we chop it off. We say, let’s synthesise this without . ae tT. apt et Crepe el ea : quality of the work at the Weizmann; : ‘numBer of friends | here. et Sela came to work with us in Bethesda in , 1856, and I enjoy working with him very . much. Perhaps one f of the main attrac- my Norwegian origin ties with Norway, although I was born and brought up in ¢ America. Like Is-— rael, Norway is a f small country, but: . ‘an energetic one; even the language . ’ sounds something : PROF. ANFINSEN like Hebrew.’ “Of course a major attraction is the it is one of the four, five or six places | tions Israel‘ has for - e mé is because of — I still have many | eqn WNT SRR ne, ee eae abt ine eine cee — ‘hree- dimens ion I stud) in the world. ne a thinks of spending a hed de It is really a phenomenon, as well equipped as most American institutions — everything I have ‘at N.LH. ig here, in some respects the Weizmann may even be better off than many American institutes. The computers are . phenomenal.” Sclence-based industries have become the vogue in Israel, and some people are alleging that the Weizmann people should come out of their ivory nee down into the marketplace. “Applied science has to tome basic science -- you have to have sclence to apply. The ideal is to both. And’ to keep them separate.” Science-based industries do not attract Israeli scientists in the same.way as basic research; there is a sort of aan bery. . from some have wee nee - AM) oa Eee eee BO em Tete en os ee aie? y of protein structure “I have heard that Israelis want to re- main in. academic’ life. In the U.S. people tend to move about more than they do here, they go from ‘the academic life to industry and back again. Of’ course, .there are more opportunities in America. iI think that applied science ig perhaps better for a man who is getting a little older,.who is losing the drive and push needed to tackle new problems. The going gets tougher’ end tougher as the years | /pass.” | But, fundamentally, ° you. do not think that the Weizmann’ Inetitute should ichange ' the course it has taken for the ilast 25 years, should become more prac- itical? “Why change ‘eomething that has brought so much prestige to Israel, that puts a small country among the world’s leaders in science?’ -